10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi Spider-Man Movies (According To Reddit)


Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies helped launch the superhero genre, but over on Reddit, fans don’t always see eye-to-eye on the ground-breaking trilogy.

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10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

While the superhero genre is the biggest thing in movies these days, it’s hard to imagine it growing to the level it has without Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies. With the origin story starring Tobey Maguire kicking the trilogy off in 2002, these movies showed audiences how thrilling it can be to see iconic comic book characters brought to the big screen.

As popular as these movies have remained, not everyone sees eye-to-eye about the trilogy as a whole. Some feel the accolades are unwarranted, others have issues with certain performances, and some champion the less popular aspects of Raimi’s Spider-Man movies.

10 They’re Better Than The Comics

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

In the long history of the company, Spider-Man may be Marvel Comics’ most popular character. Indeed, these classic stories and characters from the comics really helped to inspire Raimi’s movies and many fans feel like the movies captured a lot of the magic inside those pages.

But there are some who would go even further in praising the movies. One fan suggests that Raimi’s first Spider-Man movie is better at exploring the hero “during his early days”. For comic book fans, any suggestion that a movie outdoes the source material is going to receive a lot of backlash.

9 The Get The Peter Parker / Spider-Man Character All Wrong

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

Peter Parker makes for a unique secret identity as a superhero as he is just a young kid who is an outcast out of the costume and the city’s most beloved hero when the mask is on. This was the highlight of these movies for many and something Raimi was praised for handling.

However, one critic suggests these movies missed the whole point of the Peter Parker/Spider-Man dynamic. They maintain that being Spider-Man allows Peter to realize his confidence and express himself for the first time with anonymity. They feel Maguire just remained “a dweeb who had no charisma”.

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8 Organic Webs Are Better Than Web-Shooters

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

In telling the origin story of Spider-Man, the first movie changes some aspects of the character to make it more plausible for a live-action movie. One of the most controversial aspects was getting rid of the mechanical web-shooters that Peter Parker develops himself and giving his organic web-shooters as part of his powers.

Most fans were happy to see the classic mechanical web-shooters make a return in the subsequent Spider-Man reboots. However, at least one fan was willing to admit that the organic web-shooters made a lot more sense even while admitting the mechanical ones are “a cool idea”.

7 The Whole Trilogy Is Overrated

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

Even if not every entry in the trilogy was as well-received by fans, it is still looked back on very fondly overall. The majority of fans see Raimi’s take as the best of the movies, including the popular MCU version of the character.

Of course, there are some who will inevitably push back against something being considered the best. One particular Reddit user admits to enjoying the first two movies but thinks they are also “really cheesy” and plagued by bad writing. They go on to say the suggestion that none of the other versions come close to Raimi’s is ridiculous.

6 Spider-Man 2 Is Overrated

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

While Raimi’s first Spider-Man movie was a huge hit and beloved by many, Spider-Man 2 is regularly regarded as the highlight of the trilogy. Not only is it widely considered the best Spider-Man movie, but it is also seen as perhaps the best superhero movie of all time.

Needless to say, something that is given that much love by that many people will undoubtedly be deemed overrated by someone. In this case, a Reddit user doubled down on the claim that the trilogy in general was not as good as people say by singling out Spider-Man 2 as being “especially overrated.”

5 Maguire And Dunst Didn’t Work Together

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

Along with all the comic book action, Raimi’s movies told a love story between Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. This is an iconic pair from the comics and their relationship was such an important part of the Spider-Man story.

Fans enjoyed seeing this famous romance play out on the big screen, but some were not convinced by it. One fan felt Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst didn’t have any chemistry together, and in the end, they “didn’t care if they ended up together or not.”

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4 Tobey Maguire Is The Worst Spider-Man

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

For many Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man set the standard for how the character should be played. Though other talented actors have stepped into the role in the years that followed, Maguire is still seen as the best of them all by many fans.

However, there are some who would not rank Maguire at the top of the list and one fan even thinks of him as “the worst actor to portray Spider-Man”. Another fan went even further with their disapproval by saying the franchise lost them “the moment the cast [Maguire].”

3 Their Popularity Comes From Nostalgia

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

The impact of Raimi’s movies on the superhero genre may be clear, but it is also easy to see how much the genre has evolved since then. Raimi’s movies would feel quite different if they had come out today and one imagines if they would be received as warmly.

In fact, one Reddit user suggests that nostalgia plays a big role in how fondly those movies are remembered. They feel the movies have not aged well since they were released and that they are now “an incredibly awkward watch.”

2 The Amazing Spider-Man Movies Are Better Than Sam Raimi’s Trilogy

10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sam Raimi SpiderMan Movies (According To Reddit)

Following the negative reception of Spider-Man 3, plans for the future of Raimi’s Spider-Man series were scrapped in favor of a reboot starring Andrew Garfield. The Amazing Spider-Man movies failed to catch on with audiences and Spider-Man was rebooted again after only two movies.

These movies are generally seen as the forgotten Spider-Man movies with neither movie getting much love, but one fan breaks from the pack to suggest The Amazing Spider-Man movies are better than Raimi’s trilogy and calls them the first Spider-Man movies they “actually followed for the story”.

1 Spider-Man 3 Isn’t Bad

While there is plenty of love for Raimi’s first two movies, there seems to be little disagreement about which entry in the trilogy is the worst. Spider-Man 3 went from a highly anticipated sequel to a punchline thanks to things like wasted villains and a surprising amount of dance sequences.

But not everyone is ready to dismiss the third movie so quickly. One fan says the movie has enough good aspects, like the Sandman transformation, to make it not “as bad as people say.” Another goes even further to suggest Spider-Man 3 is “way better” than the MCU’s Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/unpopular-opinions-sam-raimi-spider-man-movies-reddit/

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