15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy


The best of the best lines, from possible the best gangster movies ever made: The Godfather Trilogy.

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15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

When it was first released, The Godfather became such a huge hit that it was the highest-grossing movie ever made at the time. And The Godfather Part II is the example everyone uses when talking about sequels that were better than the original.

The third movie in the trilogy might not be as classic or acclaimed as the first two – mainly because Francis Ford Coppola never wanted to make a third movie and wanted to leave The Godfather series as two parts – but it’s not that it’s bad; it just isn’t as good as the first two and it still has its own memorable quotes too.

Updated on January 15th, 2021 by Patrick Mocella: Almost fifty years after its release, The Godfather remains one of the biggest hallmarks in the history of cinema. Whether it be its tragic characters, complex interpersonal drama, or, in this case, its memorable quotes, everyone knows of the Godfather in some form or fashion. With so many iconic quotes said from the main protagonists, dastardly antagonists, or largely inconsequential supporting characters, this list of verbal gems was in need of some additions. It’s highly likely that you’ve heard some homage to these quotes in your favorite television shows and other movies so don’t be surprised if even casual fans remember some of these.

15 “He’s Still Alive. They Hit Him With 5 Shots And He’s Still Alive”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

With the hard life Vito Corleone lived, it would have to take a lot for his enemies to put him down for good. While he would later succumb to a fatal heart attack, he almost dies earlier in the first film when “The Turk” Sollozzo attempts to have him killed while he’s buying some fruit.

Amazingly though, Corleone survives and upon hearing this news, Virgil Sollozzo flips from being a calm figure to the kidnapped Tom Hagen to a hostile and angry man furious with his failure. The attempt on Vito’s life was repaid by Michael when he shot Sollozzo dead but this line is still a classic one.

14 “Just When I Think I’m Out, They Pull Me Back In”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

Despite how much he may have tried, Michael Corleone could never leave the crime business alone. By the time of The Godfather Part 3, Michael Corleone is hellbent on finally achieving his goal of legitimizing the Corleone family name.

However, when he discovers that his mafia partners are attempting to sabotage his Immobiliare move, Michael finds himself pulled back into the life he’s tried to leave behind. This quote shows how Michael was never truly able to escape the dark underworld of crime.

13 “Some Day, And That Day May Never Come, I Will Call Upon You To Do A Service For Me.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

Almost any line Vito Corleone said in his time on-screen can be considered for a memorable line, but this one from the opening scene in the movie is definitely up there.

As Bonasera pleaded with Don Corleone to make his daughters’ rapists suffer for what they did to her, Corleone eventually agreed that they would pay. However, Corleone never does anything for free and made a promise that one day, he may ask a favor of Bonasera. That day would come when Vito’s son Santino was gunned down and Vito needed the body cleaned up for an open casket funeral.

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12 “Don’t Ask Me About My Business Kay”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

While their relationship begins as sweet and simple, the romance between Kay Adams and Michael Corleone becomes fragmented as the series goes on and gets worse the more Michael sinks into his business. But don’t ask him about that though.

In the closing scene of the first movie, Michael says this iconic line to his wife when she asks if he was the one who murdered his brother in law Carlo. This is one of the first of many lies he tells Kay which widens the divide between these once star-crossed lovers.

11 “Take The Gun, Leave The Cannoli”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

Cannoli is a delicious and creamy Italian pastry, but its legacy in cinema is all about the brutal murder of Paulie at the hands of Rocco.

Suspecting Paulie to be the traitor of the Corleone family, a hit is put out on Paulie’s head and once the kill is executed Clemenza utters this classic line to his partner. In terms of plot, this is very much a throwaway line but the carefree delivery of it shows just how deep into the gangster lifestyle this Corleone family veteran is.

10 “I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

Fredo Corleone is so useless that it has become an insult to compare anyone to him. He caused so many problems for the Corleone family’s business – including betraying them when he was involved in ordering a hit against Michael – that his own brother had to have him killed.

Before doing so, though, Michael made sure to let him know that he knew he was the one inside the family who betrayed him: “I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!” It’s one of the most memorable and heartbreaking scenes in the whole Godfather trilogy.

9 “My father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

When Marlon Brando’s Vito Corleone said, “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse,” we’re left to wonder exactly what that offer was. Why couldn’t it be refused? What offer is so great that it physically cannot be refused?

Well, later on, Michael Corleone came in to fill in the blanks. He told Kay, “My father made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.” Kay, like us, asked, “What was that?” And then Michael explained, “Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract. That’s a true story.”

8 “Soldiers are paid to fight; the rebels aren’t.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

In The Godfather Part II, Michael makes a very strong point about the crisis in Cuba (which was ongoing in the 1958 setting of Michael’s part of the film) that taps into his own military past. Michael tells Hyman Roth, “I saw a strange thing today. Some rebels were being arrested. One of them pulled the pin on a grenade. He took himself and the captain of the command with him. Now, soldiers are paid to fight; the rebels aren’t.”

Roth then asks Michael, “What does that tell you?” and Michael simply says, “They could win.” Michael served in the war – he knows what he’s talking about.

7 “I don’t fear you, Michael. I just dread you.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

One of the most compelling story threads throughout The Godfather trilogy is Michael and Kay’s relationship. By the third movie, it has broken down entirely. At one point in the threequel, Michael asks Kay, “Do you still fear me, Kay?” and Kay replies, “I don’t fear you, Michael. I just dread you.”

The Godfather Part III isn’t as great a movie as its two predecessors, but it’s not supposed to be a sweeping epic like them. It’s a postscript or an epilogue to the story they told, essentially just there so we can see where all the characters ended up, like T2 Trainspotting.

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6 “I trust these men with my life, Senator. To ask them to leave would be an insult.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

A lot of the rhetoric of both Vito and Michael Corleone helped to shape the public’s idea of how gangsters talk. We get the idea that it’s all about loyalty and respect and building close alliances with people – people who you would trust in a life-or-death situation.

When the corrupt politician Senator Pat Geary gets involved with the Corleone family, Michael establishes these close alliances: “I trust these men with my life, Senator. To ask them to leave would be an insult.” Geary is believed to have been inspired by the real-life Senator Pat McCarran, but this hasn’t been confirmed.

5 “I don’t like violence, Tom. I’m a businessman. Blood is a big expense.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

Francis Ford Coppola is an impeccable writer. He has a way of distilling an entire character down into one line of dialogue. In the case of Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo, it’s this line: “I don’t like violence, Tom. I’m a businessman. Blood is a big expense.”

The Corleone family pumps so much money and time and manpower into settling scores with business rivals and killing people who have disrespected them. The Turk does away with those expenses by keeping out of the realm of violence entirely. His money goes towards business only and, as a result, his hands are clean and he sees more profits.

4 “Revenge is a dish best served cold.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

At the beginning of Kill Bill, this quote is featured as an epigraph, but it’s accredited to the Klingons. It probably wasn’t first used in The Godfather, but that’s what popularized it. When Vito Corleone said, “Revenge is a dish best served cold,” it struck fear into the hearts of moviegoers across the world.

In a crime family, it’s all about honor and respect and settling scores. So, naturally, revenge is a huge part of that world. In The Godfather trilogy, there are a number of storylines involving revenge and characters driven by revenge, because a lot of revenge goes on in the mafia.

3 “Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

There’s a reason that The Godfather opens with the line: “I believe in America.” It’s because that’s what The Godfather is about. It’s a movie about America: American politics, American crime, the American dream. This line by Don Lucchesi says as much about American society as any line from The Sopranos or The Wire (both of which were the natural successors to the model of storytelling The Godfather trilogy established).

The financial world and the political world make up a huge part of what America is, and Don Lucchesi describes the distinction in one line of dialogue: “Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.”

2 “I believe in America.”

15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Godfather Trilogy

The opening scene of The Godfather brings us one of the most spectacularly performed monologues in film history: “I believe in America. America has made my fortune. And I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonor her family. She found a boyfriend, not an Italian. She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late. I didn’t protest. Two months ago, he took her for a drive, with another boyfriend. They made her drink whiskey and then they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted. She kept her honor. So, they beat her. Like an animal.”

The final line is the most powerful: “Then I said to my wife, ‘For justice, we must go to Don Corleone.’”

1 “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

The Godfather trilogy is all about power, and how it corrupts people. When Vito says, “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse,” and when Michael later repeats it, it tells us just how powerful the Corleone family is.

They have so much money and influence and power that they’re able to make offers that people can’t refuse. They have so much wealth and assets that they can make an offer so incredible that nobody can turn it down. This is how to build an empire. This is empire-building 101. Of course, the offer isn’t always a lot of money; sometimes it’s just a gun to the head.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-quotes-godfather-trilogy/

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