15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City


Sex and the City fans who miss the stories of female camaraderie and navigating adulthood will love these 15 movies that have many similar qualities.

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15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Sex and the City premiered on HBO in 1998 and was an instant success due to its risqué storylines and empowering female characters. This series gave viewers an honest look at love, dating, intimacy, and relationships and how four women navigate their personal lives in a big, bustling city.

The show was the first of its kind in its rawness and ability to portray relatable characters with realistic issues. Fans and critics alike applauded the show through all of its six seasons and flocked to theaters for the movies, which were released years after the series had its finale episode. Of course, fans can revisit Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte in the film spin-offs, but here are more films to watch if you’re missing your favorite foursome.

Updated on December 12th, 2020 by Mark Birrell: Fans of Sex and the City haven’t stopped missing the show since its conclusion and are always on the lookout for other stories that can scratch the same itch. With these ever-hungry people in mind, we’ve added an extra 5 examples to our list of similar movies to Sex and the City to help ease a little more of that pain felt from the show’s absence.

15 Sex And The City: The Movie

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

This film premiered in 2008, four years after the end of the series. In the movie, Carrie is back with Big and they’re apartment hunting. Carrie finds her dream apartment but is nervous to give up her place because she and Big aren’t married. Big suggests they make things official by getting married.

What starts off as a simple ceremony, quickly spirals out of control until Big eventually leaves Carrie at the altar and it’s up to her friends to help her through her newfound heartache.

14 Failure To Launch

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Sarah Jessica Parker quickly became a staple in the romantic-comedy film genre after her success as Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City. For fans who not only love Parker’s quirky instincts and comedic timing but also her leading lady sex appeal, the movie Failure to Launch, also starring Matthew McConaughey, would be a great thing to add to your Netflix queue.

Parker plays a love doctor of sorts who helps men in need when it comes to relationships and moving out of their parents’ house.

13 Crazy Rich Asians

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

This smash-hit movie was adapted from Kevin Kwan’s novel of the same name and scored as equally high at the box office as it did with critics.

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As the title implies, decadent lifestyles and eye-grabbing fashion feature prominently in the globetrotting story but it’s also packed with energetic comedy, and Sex and the City fans should feel right at home within the movie’s luxuriously exclusive world of the megarich.

12 Crossroads

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

One of the best elements of a show like Sex and the City is the way it depicts healthy, supportive female friendships. Films and television shows frequently fall short when it comes to female characters, especially when the storyline is so focused on intimate, personal relationships.

Female characters are often pitted against one another, feuding over a man or a relationship, but that’s not the case for this series or for the film Crossroads, which viewers can also appreciate for their strong female leads, and even showcases Kim Cattrall in a supporting role.

11 Confessions Of A Shopaholic

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

This romantic comedy starring Isla Fisher has a lot of similarities to Sex and the City. Both productions take place in New York, both are based on books, and both center around characters who love shopping and fashion.

Carrie Bradshaw’s character influenced so many fashion choices for fans of the show and made designers like Manolo Blank and Chanel household names. Women everywhere wanted to dress like Carrie and looked to the show for fashion tips and trends, much like Fisher’s character in this film.

10 The Devil Wears Prada

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Carrie Bradshaw was a freelance writer who had a love and dating column in the New York Times, but had she existed in the world of the hit romantic comedy, The Devil Wears Prada, she definitely would have been working for Miranda, played by Meryl Streep in the movie.

Like Sex and the City, this film focuses on female relationships, especially in the workplace, their personal lives, journalism, and a love of designer fashion.

9 Sleeping With Other People

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Fans of Sex and the City loved following Carrie and Mr. Big’s relationship throughout the six seasons to find out if these two lovebirds were actually meant to be.

It seemed like Carrie and Big had all the elements for a perfect relationship, but could never settle down, which is a similar story to that of Lainey and Jake in the romantic comedy Sleeping with Other People. This film also takes place in New York and the city, in a lot of ways, is a character itself in both productions.

8 13 Going On 30

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

In this movie, Jennifer Garner plays Jenna, who makes a wish on her 13th birthday and wakes up the next day as a 30-year-old woman living and working in New York City.

It’s easy for fans of both this film and Sex and the City to imagine that in an alternate universe, Jenna could have been the fifth member of Carrie’s best friend group. Jenna, like Carrie and her friends, loves fashion and dating, and although she may seem a little immature at first, she’s a quick learner and can adapt to any situation she finds herself in.

7 Bridesmaids

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Another hilarious comedy, but a little less family-friendly than 13 Going on 30, the Oscar-nominated Bridesmaids is all about women having fun together and bonding, though it’s by no means all smooth sailing.

Melissa McCarthy’s performance was a particular breakout moment and earned the movie one of its Oscar-nominations but it’s the movie’s offbeat look at friendship and love in middle age that should really appeal to Sex and the City fans.

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6 Little Women

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Most fans would agree that Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte were more like sisters than just friends. These women went through a lot together and were always there for one another.

This may remind viewers of the sisterhood between Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy in the classic story Little Women. Like Sex and the City, this movie highlights strong female characters and how they relate to one another.

5 When Harry Met Sally…

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Finding love had never been so funny when this beloved hit arrived on screens for the first time. From Hollywood icons Rob Reiner and Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally… introduced many to franker discussions about love, sex, and relationships onscreen whilst still keeping things relatively light and sweet.

The central idea of debating whether or not men and women can truly be just friends is very Sex and the City, as is its very apparent love for New York City.

4 Friends With Benefits

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Sex and the City is set in New York City and the location really becomes a character of its own over the course of the six seasons, and also in the movies. New York is a hub for the entertainment industry and is frequently used as a backdrop in many film and television productions, but it’s rare that it plays a role of its own.

This happens again in the movie Friends with Benefits, starring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake, where NYC is not just a backdrop but a character that ends up bringing two people together in the end.

3 No Strings Attached

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

Released only six months before Freinds with Benefits, No Strings Attached revolves around a near-identical premise and also sports its own huge stars at the forefront.

The movie stars Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman in the lead roles as two old friends who attempt to keep things casual and not catch feelings while maintaining a purely physical relationship to fit into their busy modern lifestyles. Of course, the plan is easier said than done, and the directing pedigree afforded by original Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman being at the helm has helped elevate it above many other modern romantic comedies.

2 Pretty Woman

15 Movies To Watch If You Love Sex And The City

An immovable classic, Pretty Woman may still be the most iconic movie of both Julia Roberts’ and Richard Gere’s careers.

Directed by rom-com king Garry Marshall, the movie is hugely influential in many ways and Gere’s wealthy businessman character is quite clearly a major stepping stone in the path towards creating characters like Mr. Big in Sex and the City.

1 Enchanted

Fans watched Sex and the City week after week in anticipation of the four main characters’ inevitable happy endings. Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charolette spent so much time looking for love, their fans just wanted them all to meet their Prince Charming and live happily ever after, which they all did, eventually.

Another story with a beautiful happy ending is Disney’s first live-action princess story, Enchanted, starring Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/movies-if-you-love-sex-and-city/

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