5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Don’t Work)


Horror comedies can be super hit-or-miss, and, while some have left us laughing out loud, others land with an eardrum-shattering thud.

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5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

There have been various examples of films that blend two or more genres which serve to inject depth and ingenuity. This has particularly been practiced by some modern filmmakers who seek to push boundaries and stand out amidst a scene where seemingly everything’s been done before.

While horror and comedy would seem to be an unlikely pairing, there have been many examples of these types of movies being produced, to mixed results. Many efforts manage to provide some spooky, disturbing premises while balancing the scales with laughs and lightheartedness. Still, it can be tough to make these genres meld, and this has led to some examples which, for one reason or another, largely fall flat. A film that tries too hard to be both scary and funny may have a tendency to be neither…

10 Doesn’t Work: Casper (1995)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

This film adaptation of the classic cartoon, Casper, might be sufficient as a cute, feel-good flick for kids. Yet, given that—at least, loosely speaking—this romp can be described as a comedic horror, but it doesn’t achieve much on either front.

Outside of some decent CGI of the friendly ghost himself and a cheeky cameo from the late-great Rodney Dangerfield, there isn’t much of note here. Casper’s trio of ghost uncles is usually more irritating than funny, and there’s a clear favoritism of corny sentimentality over laughs and genuine spooks.

9 Hilarious: Zombieland (2009)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

There have been ample cases of zombie-laden laughers well before Ruben Fleischer’s Zombieland, to be sure. This made it tough to believe that another similar effort could be both genuinely funny and creative. Yet, that is the case for this zany zom-com.

Both in a general and a comedic sense, the chemistry of the film’s leads, played by Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and Emma Stone, stands as a large part of its charm. But, this thriller also thrives on its distinct brand of wacky, dry humor, stylistic cinematography, and an endearing adventure plot.

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8 Doesn’t Work: The Dead Don’t Die (2019)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

This zombie spoof shares similarities with the previous entry with its blend of violence and laughs coupled with a zany, sarcastic sense of humor. Yet, where Zombieland succeeds in its cleverness and likable characters, this one falls flat for many. It’s hard to imagine a cast featuring Adam Driver and Bill Murray lacking entertainment value and intrigue. Yet, some awkward, half-hearted performances and seemingly improvised moments make this the case more often than not.

Director Jim Jarmusch’s interesting, edgy style can be sensed with this dark comedy, but something gets lost in the translation. Some arguably shallow sociopolitical commentary and slow pacing certainly don’t do it any favors.

7 Hilarious: Krampus (2015)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

It’s tough to imagine a hodgepodge of Christmas themes, comedy, and horror being both coherent and entertaining. Yet, director Michael Dougherty proves that such a premise can not only work, but actually excel.

This 2015 thriller draws from the dark side of Central European folklore for its fun narrative and dazzles viewers with some stellar special effects. Krampus, in part, feels like a twisted, sadistic version of Home Alone, if the bumbling Harry and Marv were instead an ominous, evil counterpart to Santa Claus. Thanks to a colorful cast and a refreshing blend of spooks and silliness, this is a fun watch and a good choice for Halloween and Christmas movie nights.

6 Doesn’t Work: Seed Of Chucky (2004)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

Ever since Child’s Play’s debut in 1988, Don Mancini’s thriller franchise has steadily shifted to a more zany style, stressing over-the-top gore and wacky one-liners over subtler scares. This more lighthearted tone makes somewhat makes sense, given the rather silly premise of a killer doll.

But, while this hybrid of styles works for many, the 04 rendition of Chucky tended to be just a bit too goofy, even for hardcore fans. Between the borderline-slapstick humor, excess of gore, and some frankly irritating characters, this far-removed sequel was more cringy than entertaining.

5 Hilarious: This Is The End (2013)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

This apocalyptic comedy from Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg is unapologetically over-the-top and goofy, and it’s all the more amusing because of it. Though there’s the typical zaniness and stoner comedy Judd Apatow fans might recognize, the film’s grandiosity and crazy narrative, along with some great chemistry, make This is the End uniquely enjoyable. Seeing this cast of actor-comedians, all of whom play themselves, try to weather a demonic doomsday makes for a fun and funny thrill ride.

Not only is the raunchy sense of humor hilarious, but the film actually excites with some action-packed moments and flashy special effects.

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4 Doesn’t Work: A Haunted House (2013)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

For many, the Wayans Brothers nailed it with their breakout hit, Scary Movie, which cleverly and hilariously spoofed horror flicks of that era. Yet, this 13 parody fell flat for various fans, particularly when it came to film critics, who point to its lazy, derivative, and juvenile qualities.

It probably doesn’t help that A Haunted House satirizes the “found footage” thriller, which tends to be slower in pacing and minimalistic in style. Regardless, there are few genuine moments of either terror or humor that make this one stand out.

3 Hilarious: Young Frankenstein (1974)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

Renowned director/actor Mel Brooks has made quite a name for himself in film and comedy over the decades. 1974s Blazing Saddles and 77’s High Anxiety are largely viewed as classics to this day, while 87’s Spaceballs remains the definitive Star Wars spoof. But, for many, this spoof of the iconic Universal monster Frankenstein is Brooks at his best.

The film maintains an authentic style that proves a great homage while retaining its own zany, creative edge. This is further enhanced by a sense of humor that’s both witty and goofy throughout. Of course, you’ve got the memorably funny performances by Gene Wilder as Frankenstein, Peter Boyle as The Monster, and a slew of others.

2 Doesn’t Work: Hubie Halloween (2020)

5 Horror Comedies That Are Hilarious (& 5 That Dont Work)

It’s fair to say those who like Happy Madison’s goofy, juvenile brand of comedies will likely get a kick out of this. But, for just about everyone else? It’s tough to find redeeming qualities from this “horror-comedy,” save for a somewhat endearing ending which almost manages to tie together the random nonsense preceding it.

Despite the unfamiliar territory of a Halloween-themed Sandler flick, the typical Happy Madison tropes are abundant, as is much of his usual supporting cast. In fairness, we’ve seen worse from Sandler, but those seeking spooks or well-crafted jokes won’t likely find many of either here.

1 Hilarious: Shaun Of The Dead (2004)

This Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg “slice of fried gold” hits its mark when it comes to laugh-out-loud moments and some dark, creepy bouts. The film cleverly draws comparisons between the undead and oblivious nature of our humble lead who’s living a rather mundane life on autopilot as the outbreak hits England.

Shaun of the Dead really has it all; a fun narrative, intense action, amusing zingers, and a horde of zombies that manage to be both spooky and silly. It’s no wonder that the film managed to garner universal critical acclaim while grossing an impressive $30 million worldwide.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-worst-horror-comedy-movies/

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