5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways They’re Totally Different)


While Dean and Sam have a Lucifer on their show, he’s not the giddy and good-natured Lucifer from Lucifer, the show.

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5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

Supernatural is a tale of two brothers battling supernatural obstacles and trying to save the world. Dean and Sam have evolved throughout the series, becoming more beloved in the process. While they have a Lucifer on their show, he’s not the giddy and good-natured Lucifer on Lucifer.

Still, these two shows have a lot in common, and they also have a lot of key differences. Read on to see the top 5 similarities and the top 5 differences.

10 Similar: Loyal Fanbase

Both shows have an extremely loyal fanbase. It could be that this loyal fanbase has caused Supernatural to have its long run, now entering its 15th and final season. The series even pays homage to its fans by having episodes that focus on the fan-universe, hinting at themes in fanfiction (i.e. Destiel). What is especially touching is the love that the cast has for their fans. Mischa Collins, who plays Castiel, has even given out free pizza to fans at Comic-Con as fans waited for hours to meet their favorite actors.

Lucifer may be a younger show, but it already has an incredibly loyal fanbase. In truth, it was support from the fans that allowed the show to continue. Abruptly canceled in 2018, fans were outraged. Fan started a worldwide Twitter campaign #Save Lucifer. Luckily, it paid off, leading the Lucifer cast to release a number of videos showing their gratitude, showcased on Metro and other news outlets.

9 Different: Super Powers

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

While Sam and Dean are more than average humans in their strength and survival skills, they are still human. Their skills are many, but they aren’t angels, and they don’t have any of the abilities that come from being an angel.

Lucifer, on the other hand, is an angel. He can ask people for their desires, and the people tell him. He can survive bullets and other means of destruction, and his eyes glow red. He’s also super-strong. Sam and Dean may deal with the supernatural, but their own powers are limited.

8 Similar: Sense of Humor

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

Both shows have a good sense of humor, even when the issues are complicated and serious. In Supernatural, there are episodes that really dive into the humor. One example is Season 4’s, “Yellow Fever,” where Dean gets infected by a ghost sickness. The normally brave Dean becomes afraid of cats and small dogs, at times screaming at the top of his lungs or running away.

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Lucifer has a touch of humor in almost every episode. It helps that the title character seems to delight in life and find humor in the darkest of circumstances. Then, there is Maze, the demon who accompanied Lucifer to Earth. She develops friends, and she does cherish them. However, she doesn’t quite understand this world and its nuances. When Linda, her friend, is pregnant, her gift to the baby is a set of knives.

7 Different: Perception of Mom

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

Dean and Sam idolize their mom, Mary, in Supernatural. Considered a missing piece in their lives, Amara (the Darkness) brings Mary back to life for Dean, as a way of thanking him. While Mary has a hard time finding her place in this new world, her boys are extremely loyal to her. Dean even considers Mary his hero, feeling that he learned a lot from her about how to be a good human being.

Lucifer resents his mom. She also is brought back from a type of death (she was in hell), but he thinks that she’s manipulating him. In addition, he blames her for his position in hell, saying that she didn’t stand up to, “dear dad.” Their relationship is one of mistrust and conflict. In the end, their relationship is somewhat mended, but still, although his mom may not be his enemy, she is not his hero either.

6 Similar: Focus on Brothers

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

Supernatural’s most important relationship is the siblingship of Sam and Dean. The two brothers depend on each other throughout the series. They never give up on each other, no matter what. Dean bears a lot of responsibility as the big brother, the one who was more connected to their dad and forced to grow up faster. Sam rebels, grows up considering himself a freak, and he wants nothing to do with this family business (at first).

While Lucifer’s relationship with his older brother, Amenadiel isn’t the core relationship of the series, it is still important. Amendadiel is the older brother, and he is more closely connected to their father. Lucifer rebels, considers himself a freak, and he wants nothing to do with this family business. Sound familiar?

5 Different: Romance As a Main Focus

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

While the Winchester brothers do have their fair share of romances on Supernatural, especially in the earlier seasons, it’s never been a main focus. Sadly, their romances also barely last more than an episode or two. Part of the reason could be that a big romance would divert from the biggest relationship on the show: the brothers.

In Lucifer, romance is a main focus of the story. Chloe is the only one that Lucifer allows himself to feel vulnerable around, and Chloe is willing to know Lucifer past the devil-face. On top of their history and friendship, Chloe was made for Lucifer, literally. This causes problems for both, but there’s always a deep love and understanding between them.

4 Similar: Daddy Issues

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

Sam and Dean love their father. Still, they have some serious issues with their dad. Initially, it’s only Sam who points out the issues. He has problems with the way that they were raised–to be afraid of the dark, to fight supernatural monsters, and to never have a stable home. Then Sam learns of what Dean went through, which was even worse. Dean was denied a childhood. He was punished for every perceived mistake whether that be as small as leaving Sam in a motel room alone, briefly, for some air.

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Lucifer has serious Daddy issues with God. He doesn’t trust his father. Lucifer feels like he was given a raw deal by his father, who basically made him become the King of Hell, a job that Lucifer resents. Many episodes feature Lucifer in Linda’s therapist office, talking to her about his problems with his dad.

3 Different: Truth-telling

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

Lucifer can’t tell a lie. He may not choose to share every little detail, but when asked, he has to tell the truth. Matter-of-fact, Lucifer prides himself in telling the truth.

In contrast, the Winchester brothers may be honorable, but they lie frequently. They lie when they take a case, masquerading as law enforcement. They lie to people they love when they are trying to protect those people. They lie to demons they torture, saying that they will end the torture once they received the information. They even lie to each other.

2 Similar: Feel Manipulated by God

5 Ways Supernatural & Lucifer (The Show) Are Similar (& 5 Ways Theyre Totally Different)

Sam and Dean are manipulated by Chuck/God. Sam and Dean realize that he has been writing their story and intentionally putting the two through intense tragedy. In Season 14, Chuck/God almost convinces Dean to kill his adopted son, Jack. Sam notices that Chuck/God is watching the confrontation between Dean and Jack with glee, wanting the tragedy to happen. Afterward, Dean and Sam wonder about their identities and purpose. What are them and what was manufactured by Chuck/God?

Lucifer feels like his life was a complete manipulation by Dad/God. Even the love of his life, Chloe, was created for him by God. He distrusts Dad/God. Is he with Chloe because he wants to be or because Dad/God wanted it?

1 Different: Lucifer

The character, Lucifer, is on both television shows, but he’s represented very differently. In both, he’s gleeful–true. In both, he’s also self-centered–true. But the Lucifer on Lucifer is a good guy. He has friends and true love. On top of that, he’s willing to even sacrifice for them. Lucifer returns to govern hell not because he likes it, but because he wants to protect his loved ones from demons that would target them.

In contrast, the Lucifer in Supernatural only cares about himself. He even backstabs his son, Jack, stealing Jack’s powers. He has no real allies or friends, just people or beings that he can use. While Lucifer is an interesting character to watch, he is by no means a hero.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/ways-supernatural-lucifer-are-similar-totally-different/

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