9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars


It’s never a bad time to binge through Veronica Mars, but there are certain details about the show that don’t hold up as well on a rewatch.

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9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

Kristen Bell has become a major name in both the television and movie industries, but for many fans, the accomplished actor will always be the titular character from the ahead-of-its-time TV show Veronica Mars. Veronica Mars was a groundbreaking breath of fresh air when it first hit UPN in 2004, but the critical darling consistently struggled to survive.

More than 70 episodes of Veronica Mars were produced across its three original seasons and its modern Hulu revival miniseries, which collectively tell some of the best-serialized mysteries on television. There’s still a lot of love for Veronica Mars, both as an ambitious product of its time, but also for the mark that it’s left on the genre. It’s never a bad time to binge through Veronica Mars, but there are certain details about the show that don’t hold up as well on a rewatch.

9 The Early Episodes Skew Too Hard Into The Teen Demographic

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

Television networks like the WB and UPN catered to the teen and young adult demographics. Veronica Mars lovingly fits into this niche, but it doesn’t condescend to its audience and it attempts to elevate teen storytelling to dark, disturbing places that are more akin to Twin Peaks.

Veronica Mars is tied down by network mandates and so there are plenty of early episodes that don’t feel the most representative of what the mystery series is all about. The titular Veronica Mars has experienced horrible tragedies, so these lighter romps only feel more detached from the series.

8 The Forced Guest Stars During The Early Seasons

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

It’s a relief whenever a smart series immediately finds an audience and doesn’t need to jump through hoops to draw in a bigger crowd or appeal to a broader audience. Veronica Mars was able to quietly get by for three seasons before its first cancellation.

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Veronica Mars’ freshman year contains some egregious celebrity cameos in desperate bids to bring in viewers. These roles are innocuous, but it pulls the audience out of the experience when Paris Hilton or contestants from America’s Next Top Model are shoehorned into Veronica Mars. These guest spots are even more awkward and dated on a rewatch.

7 The Abundance Of Filler Throughout The Seasons

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

The television model has changed over the past two decades. Network TV series used to routinely turn out 22- to 25-episode seasons, while now a collection of eight-to-ten entries is more the norm. It’s not easy to turn out so many stories and there are growing pains during the first two seasons of Veronica Mars as the series figures out how to pace itself.

Veronica Mars’ long seasons result in a lot of unnecessary episodic installments, which are well-written, but can distract from the ongoing mystery that drives the season forward. Some people even fall off of Veronica Mars because of how much “filler” there is to initially wade through.

6 Some Character Arcs Feel Wasted In Retrospect

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

A challenge for many ongoing television series is to figure out how to continue the story of the entire cast of characters even though the story and events that surround them may be changed or even resolved. Veronica Mars has an important cast in its first season where nobody is wasted, but several of these individuals become marginalized as the show continues.

Duncan abruptly leaves in the second season of Veronica Mars, which hurts his character arc on a rewatch. Other important characters like Wallace, Weevil, and Mac struggle to justify their significance and they become weaker as a result.

5 The Awkward Romantic Relationships That Fill Up The Third Season

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

It’s never good for a series to remain in stasis and hold back the development of its characters. Season 3 of Veronica Mars focuses on the characters’ transition from high school to college, which isn’t as seamless as it could be. This shift in setting also results in many new characters.

Piz becomes Veronica’s love interest and Logan is temporarily occupied with Parker. Piz and Parker aren’t necessarily bad characters, but they’re so obviously forced obstacles to keep Logan and Veronica apart. The eventual dissolution of these relationships is inevitable, not shocking.

4 The Abrupt Ending That’s Forced At The End Of Season 3

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

Season 3 of Veronica Mars was forced to roll with a lot of punches to try to prolong its survival. The end result is surprisingly solid considering the changes that had to be incorporated. The unexpected cancellation of the series also resulted in a season that was two episodes shorter than past seasons.

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This results in a finale that feels quite rushed and condensed, plus it has to fulfill the difficult task of functioning as a satisfying series finale even though it wasn’t written to be the end of Veronica Mars.

3 The Fate Of Veronica & Logan’s Relationship

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

Successful will-they-won’t-they relationships can be the lifeblood of engaging television. Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls aren’t on each other’s radars when Veronica Mars begins, and yet they grow into the beating heart of the series.

It’s incredibly sweet when Veronica and Logan are allowed some peace, but these are both highly flawed and vulnerable characters. It may be realistic, but it’s painful to watch Veronica and Logan relive their relationship when it doesn’t culminate in a happy ending. In Season 4 of Veronica Mars, Logan has greatly matured and it’s Veronica who’s rooted in regression.

2 The Altered Structure Of Season 3

9 Harsh Realities Of Rewatching Veronica Mars

One of the most striking aspects of the first two seasons of Veronica Mars is that they tell one season-long mystery across their 22 episodes. In a bid to be more accessible to newcomers, a revised structure was turned to for Season 3 that would feature a few shorter mysteries as opposed to one huge one.

The altered structure is actually a good strategy that’s not the worst idea for Veronica Mars, but the show struggles with these changes in addition to all of the other differences that are present in Season 3. This also ends the season with a series of five episodes that aren’t tied together with a major mystery and feel more disposable as a result.

1 The Nihilistic Note That The Final Season Ends On

The eight-episode revival of Veronica Mars that aired on Hulu is actually one of the better legacy sequels and reboots to come along on television. The new season benefits from a tighter structure and it brilliantly pulls from the show’s wide roster of characters to create a challenging mystery that’s both emotional and prescient.

The biggest point of contention for this revival season is that it tears away a happy ending from Veronica and Logan in an unexpected and devastating manner. The series concludes with a jaded monologue from Veronica where she talks about how darkness has won. It’s not easy to deliver such a controversial conclusion, and it’s accordingly ruined the show for some of the hardcore Logan and Veronica fans.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/harsh-realities-of-rewatching-veronica-mars/

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