9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice: Phantoms, According To Reddit


Young Justice: Phantoms is four episodes in, and fans on Reddit already have several questions and concerns about where the plot is going.

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9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

After two years of waiting, Young Justice: Phantoms debuted its first two episodes after DC FanDome, to the surprise and delight of many fans. The show revealed its new format – mini-arcs for each main character that will air consecutively, giving each of them their time to shine.

Phantoms first four episodes centered on the Martian conflict, set up by Miss Martian and Superboy’s upcoming wedding. Fans on Reddit are ecstatic about having the show again, but they have several doubts and some concerns about where the show is heading, especially after episode four’s explosive and tragic ending.

Is Conner Really Dead?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

Episode four of Young Justice: Phantoms shockingly ended with Superboy seemingly dead after sacrificing himself to stop a virus from spreading. The credits even feature a heartbroken Miss Martian lying on the floor and crying, making the whole thing even more devastating.

Superboy is one of Young Justice’s best characters, so Reddit exploded with the news, naturally. Conner is one of the Team’s original members and a crucial part of the show’s success. His romance with Miss Martian has been front and center from season one, and his contributions to the Team are undeniable. Fans are in disbelief about his fate in episode four, and while some believe Superboy is dead, others are not convinced yet. Redditor BorynStone asked the real questions and gave some excellent arguments for and against Conner being dead, making things more confusing.

Did The Legion Save Conner?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

Young Justice ended season three on a quasi cliffhanger by revealing a waitress with a Legion ring. Comic book fans know about the Legion of Super-Heroes, a team that debuted during the Golden Age of comic books as frequent companions for Superman’s teenaged self, Superboy. The Legion added some intriguing and welcomed cosmic elements to the character, resulting in some of the weirdest Superman storylines in the comics.

Since Phantoms premiered, fans have been wondering what the Legion’s role in the season is. So far, they’ve been following M’Gann and Conner, hiding from them while occasionally helping. With Conner’s supposed demise at the end of episode four, many fans wonder if the Legion stepped in and rescued him. “Guessing Superboy got saved by the Legion?” asks Redditor FutureSage, echoing the sentiments of millions of fans.

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Will M’Gann Go After M’Comm?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

Just like Marvel has some intriguing and compelling sibling rivalries, DC does too, and Young Justice isn’t afraid to explore them. From Artemis and Jade to the Markovian siblings, the show excels at portraying troubled family dynamics. The Mars storyline takes M’Gann’s conflict with her brother, M’Coom, to a whole other level by having him place the bomb that seemingly killed Conner.

Several Redditors are in agreement that M’Gann will seek revenge for her fiancé’s death. “Bruh, M’Comm, your sister is totally gonna kill you,” said user toekneechin777. Another Redditor, Maximal_Arachknight, doubts Conner is dead but believes M’Gann “will go after M’Comm and she will leave his mind in the same shape she left Kaldur’s mind in season 2.”

What’s The Deal With The Bomb?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

The bomb subplot has Reddit on fire. The question of who the bomb was for has everyone questioning its purpose. Some Redditors, like the previously mentioned Maximal_Arachknight, wonder if “Conner was always meant to stop the bomb and, despite his injuries, survive.” Things got complicated when someone added Kryptonite to the bomb, thus messing with the timeline.

However, others believe Superboy stopping the bomb is part of the new, altered timeline. Redditor plitox believes the boom tube’s destruction in previous episodes means the Justice League was responsible for stopping the bomb in the original timeline. The user takes his questioning further by theorizing that the bomb wasn’t even a part of the original timeline and was instead an attempt “to wipe out Mars in the past to eliminate the Legion in the future.” Things are never easy with time travel.

What Is The Legionnaires Mission?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

Phantoms has been notoriously coy about the season’s central conflict. Fans know the Legion’s presence has to do with averting a crisis that will have severe repercussions in the future, but the nature of the event remains unknown. Some users are questioning why the Legion is on Mars specifically, like qjz399. “If the bomb didn’t go off, then why were they there at all? What was the crisis to avert?”

Other users remain level-headed. Manifest-LionKiNg, for example, suggests that there’s not enough information yet to determine what the Legion’s mission is, and he’s probably right. Previous seasons made it clear that the YJ writers are playing the long game. Things are yet to come out that will clarify the Legion’s involvement.

Will Conner Join The Legion?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

If the Legion indeed saved Conner, will he join them? That’s the question many Redditors are asking in the forums. As previously stated, Superboy has a long history with the Legion in the comics, going off to the future on adventures with them, producing some of the best Superman comics of the 70s and 80s.

Redditor qjz399 outright asked another user, JoshDM, if they thought Superboy would join the Legion, echoing the question in everyone’s mind. JoshDM then replied with an intriguing theory, proposing Superboy will take Mon-El’s storyline from the comics, becoming a Legion member in the future unable to return to the past because of unforeseen circumstances, in this case, being infected with the Mars virus.

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Is This The End Of The Mars Arc?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

Phantom’s approach to mini-arcs has fans wondering if episode four was the last of the Mars arc. Redditor DARKACES_VFA outright asks, “Is this the end of the arc? There were no scenes in the trailer from Mars.” The user is right, and all the Mars elements in the DC FanDome trailer were part of the first four episodes.

The users replying to him suggest that there needs to be some fallout from Superboy’s death. However, the recent release of an Artemis-centric poster similar to Superboy/M’Gann one released after DC FanDome, suggests that her arc is on the way. The poster features characters that seem pretty detached from any cosmic/Legion stuff, so episode four might indeed be the end of the Mars storyline.

Where Are Dick And Kaldur?

9 Questions Fans Already Have About Young Justice Phantoms According To Reddit

The DC FanDome trailer featured scenes from Miss Martian, Conner, Tigress, and Zatanna. However, a crucial member of the Team was missing, leading every fan to ask the same question: Where is Dick? The character could convincingly pass for the show’s de-facto lead, so his absence is notorious. Other users pointed out that Kaldur was also absent from the trailer, despite being prominently featured in the poster. Redditor dreamingrealitytv has no doubt Dick will get plenty of screentime. However, he can’t help but ask, “Will Kaldur, tho?”

The mini-arc route for the season means that every character will get their chance in the spotlight, but some might come later than others. With the season split into two parts, Dick and Kaldur will likely get their stories when the show returns in 2022 to air its last 13 episodes.

Is Wally Coming Back?

Who doesn’t love Wally West? The character debuted during the Silver Age’s early years as a sidekick to Flash. One of the founding members of the Teen Titans, Wally eventually became the third Flash. He was one of Young Justice’s main characters during the first season before taking on a supporting role in the show’s second outing. He died during the season two finale, saving the world from the Reach invasion.

Ever since his death, fans have constantly wondered if Wally will ever return to the show. Nightwing_of_Asgard posted a pretty intriguing theory about Kid Flash’s potential comeback, proposing he didn’t die but instead traveled to the future and joined the Legionnaires. And even though many users denied the user’s theory by replying that Wally is dead, user Rashaunrocks88 asked the most important question of all: “Will he stay dead?”

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/questions-fans-have-young-justice-phantoms-according-reddit/

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