How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

How I Met Your Mother: 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale


Ted Mosby was at the center of How I Met Your Mother. How much did the hopeless romantic change from season 1 to the finale of the series?

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How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Across nine fantastic seasons – not without its low points and bumps in the road, of course – the central five members of the How I Met Your Mother gang changed and had their lives change a lot from the first season to last. As the main character of the story, Ted Mosby was no exception.

Ted is not as fondly looked back upon in the same way as Barney Stinson has, for example, and has become the Ross of the show in recent times. Nevertheless, a lot about Ted and his life changed across the shows nine seasons. Let’s take a look at the ten biggest ways the character changed from season 1 to the end of the show.

10 A Lot Of Failed Relationships

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Ted has a lot of failed relationships. His three most important relationships will come up later, but both including and outside of them, Ted does not have any luck in love, a lot of that being his fault too, of course.

Ted’s constant look for the one at every turn, going into toxic relationships, treating some women fairly awfully, all of it changed Ted in one way or another and led him to where he needed to be.

9 Moves Out Of The Apartment

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

The iconic central apartment of How I Met Your Mother was lived in by Ted for nearly seven whole seasons, even without Marshall and Lily.

In season seven, though, Ted finally moves out of the apartment into his second apartment formerly owned by Quinn, with Marshall and Lily moving back in. It is a significant change in Ted’s life as it was his apartment for so long, moving away from it was a big step.

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8 Buys A House

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

In season five, Ted impulsively buys a house in Westchester following the wedding of his mother and Clint, trying to move his life forward. After moving out of his second apartment with his plan to move to Chicago, Ted lives in that house when he stays in New York.

He had it fixed up and completely renovated, and it not only showed Ted that he could not rush fate, but it also gave him a place to live when he decided not to move to Chicago.

7 Meeting & Getting Together With Robin

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Ted meets Robin in season one, and the two have an instant connection, but of course, after their first date, the two decide to be friends, that friendship changed both their lives in distinct ways, but so too did their future relationship.

Their relationship ended on mutual terms, and it briefly let them know they are not meant to be and are not the ones for each other. Ted’s life improved with Robin in it, but arguably his obsessive nature got worse after a little on and off with her.

6 Letting Barney Have Robin

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Robin did not belong to Ted or Barney, but Ted had to let go of Robin so that Barney could propose to her, and so the two could get married. Ted let Barney get Robin, and propose to her.

Ted finally letting go of Robin on the twos wedding day was a blessing for his life, leading him to meet the mother, and even without the mother, it would have prompted Ted to move to Chicago to start a whole new life.

5 Left At The Altar

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Ted’s engagement with Stella Zinman seemed to be too quick to be real but was going well until the wedding day, of course, when Ted brings Stella’s ex to the event, and Stella leaves Ted at the altar for said ex.

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Ted’s life seemed to go on a real negative run with and following the breakup. He lost his job at Goliath National Bank, could not get anywhere romantically, and eventually started his own firm, Mosbius Designs.

4 Becomes A Professor

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Mosbius Designs ultimately does not work out, and all of the events that had happened beforehand led to Ted finding a career he was happy in, teaching.

Tony, the man who Stella left Ted for, got Ted the job as a professor of architecture as a peace offering. Ted found happiness in this career for a long time.

3 Meets Tracy

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

It took nine seasons, but finally, Ted managed to meet the mother, the one, Tracy McConnell. At Farhampton train station following the wedding of Barney and Robin, under the yellow umbrella.

Had it not ben for that meeting, Ted would have moved to Chicago, took a new job, lived a new life away from his friends who are really family, and never would have had the life he went on to had with Tracy. It made Ted wholeheartedly believe in fate again.

2 Marries Tracy & Has Kids

How I Met Your Mother 10 Biggest Ways Ted Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Following that meeting, Ted manages to propose to and marry Tracy, with the two going on to have two children and living in Ted’s house in Westchester.

The two getting married and having kids pretty much fulfill Ted’s goals throughout the entire series. He is always looking for love, to settle down, have kids, have a house, have a family life, he has it for a while.

1 Loses Tracy, Goes Back To Robin

Fans were shocked, upset, and betrayed when in the series finale, Tracy dies, and Ted finishes his story. These feelings were amplified when the show finishes with Ted and Robin getting back together.

We do not see all the changes caused by Tracy’s death; however, it meant Ted was raising two kids by himself, and likely relied on the help of Marshall and Lily, and even Barney a lot. In terms of going back to Robin, it gave Ted the woman he always wanted, improving his life, and changing that of his children.

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