What Cam Says About Social Media & Internet Fame

What Cam Says About Social Media & Internet Fame


The 2018 film Cam features social commentary from every angle pertaining to social media and internet fame – here is what the film has to say.

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What Cam Says About Social Media & Internet Fame

Director Daniel Goldhaber’s 2018 psychological horror film Cam, serves as a cautionary tale about social media and internet fame through its main character. Lola, played by Madeline Brewer of Hemlock Grove, is willing to go as far as possible to get to the number one spot on her host site, where she works as a cam-girl. As the viewer tokens continue to add up, she begins to rise as she utilizes a form of sexual gratification for her audience through staged suicide attempts and body horror. Under the name “Lola_Lola,” she rises in the ranks.

As quickly as she rises, Lola’s ranks begin to fall. On her final broadcast as herself, she blacks out and wakes up to discover that someone is streaming on the cam-girl website under her name. Assuming it is a hacker doing this, Lola turns on the stream to see herself, in her room, putting on the web show. After trying any means of figuring out who this mystery person is, Lola discovers that it is a digital replica of her created by an unknown entity.

Lola is not the only victim, but she is the only one who stopped the replica in its tracks. Pushing the threshold between pain and pleasure, she does a joint broadcast with the fake Lola. She challenges her to a contest where the two must imitate one another. The end culminates to the real Lola, whose real name is Alice, getting the login information and deleting the account entirely along with the replica.

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Why Cam Is A Social Horror Movie

The film captures major themes of social media and the ways that it can dictate our lives and livelihood, the perception of ourselves, and the perception of others. While Cam may be read as a cautionary tale against participating in internet pornography, it actually introduces what is so dangerous about the people who abuse their power through the digital world. In recent years, the concept of deep fakes has risen among pornography websites. Deep fakes are digital replicas of a person’s face. In this sense, Lola’s replica could possibly be a deep fake.

The purposes behind this dark web phenomenon is used to frame a specific image of a celebrity, individual, or even a political figure. If Cam is pointing out the dark web’s use of deep fakes, then it does a stand-up job. Regardless, the film also emphasizes a common theme in films featuring young women: internet fame. Lola craves fame, she wants to be the number one girl on the site but her continual push towards the top ultimately leads to her downfall. As a result, she becomes deeply depressed, loses all of her money, and her family.

In this instance, Cam’s social commentary is deeply related to how internet personas mask a person’s true self. The film contains a plethora of social commentary relating to sex work, the dark web, and social media. As such, Cam is more than deserving of the awards it has received and the attention it has been given on major websites.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/cam-movie-themes-social-media-internet-fame/

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