10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing: Big In Japan


With new territory comes new challenges for Kurrupt FM, but the seriousness evaporates with Chabuddy G’s amusing quotes through the movie.

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10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

Kurrupt FM and their hilarious manager Chabuddy G from People Just Do Nothing returned to screens in the movie People Just Do Nothing: Big In Japan for a stint in Japan, where their track “Heart Monitor Riddem” had hit it off with audiences in a famous game show.

With new territory comes new challenges for the gang, and especially Chabud Gul who has managed Kurrupt FM so far but has to compete with a stricter new manager Taka all while trying to keep the integrity of the group alive. However, the seriousness of it all quickly evaporates with Chabuddy’s amusing quotes.

The Complete Tech Heads Van

“One Doesn’t Choose To Live In A Van. Life Deals You A Set Of Cards And They’re All Jokers.”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

The beginning of the mockumentary-style movie (just like the original series to which the movie has many callbacks) sees Chabuddy living a hard life out of his van and getting by after the last broadcast of the pirate radio station.

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However, he hasn’t lost his sense of humor, as he jokes that he wouldn’t live in a van if he had a choice, but all his cards were jokers, a bit like himself and he was making the best of it.

Chabuddy’s Finances

“Have I Made A Lot Of Money Managing Kurrupt FM? Yes And No. Actually Just No.”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

One would expect that a music band’s manager would make some cash to keep themselves going, but that, unfortunately, wasn’t the case with Chabuddy, but at least he took his homelessness and lack of funds without bitterness.

It’s also baffling why Chabuddy G would want to continue managing Kurrupt FM if it did nothing for him financially, but some people have their own motivations.

The Van Has Everything

“Hello Mate, I’m A Businessman.”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

Chabuddy G was one of the best characters on People Just Do Nothing, and he brought his signature comedic timing, his big heart, and his delusional thoughts into the movie as well.

The quote in itself isn’t funny, but his attempts at showing the camera crew that the van had everything he needs, including a tie if he ever had to “be a businessman” were amusing as usual.

Tony’s Numbered Days As A Postman

“You’ll Be Delivering Your Own Bloody Royalty Checks To Yourself Soon!”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

Anthony was living a very different life since being on radio — he was a postman now, and on his rounds as Chabuddy reached him to give him the good news about the Japanese record deal.

Chabuddy got him so hyped up he almost quit his job immediately, but the manager’s parting line to him about royalties was a moment where audiences were definitely wondering whether he thinks things through before he speaks, or just carries on like a road roller.

Chabuddy G The Hustler

“Yeah, Record Labels Don’t Usually Fly Managers Out. So I Had To Sell The Van. To Four Different People.”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

Kurrupt FM’s deal with the Japanese company was unclear to them, mainly because Chabuddy had got the email from them. They were clearly not intending to fly him over, but he got himself to Japan anyway, with a bit of hustle.

He used his best con act and sold his “Mercedes” van to four different customers (the movie showed the two overlapping logos in a shot clearly inspired by the camera work and storylines of The Office), and gave it away to the first person that got there to claim it. The others just had tough luck.

An Immigrant’s Life

“Look At Me, I Came To This Country With Nothing But Five Pounds And My Brother’s Passport. My Passport… My Passport.”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

Being of Indian origin, even his immigrant struggle story is a common one, and may actually be relatable to anybody who made it across borders in a not strictly legal way.

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Years ago, Chabud used his brother’s passport to get to the UK, and continues to do so in the present when he needs to fly. This is also why he has a changed hairstyle to match the passport at security at the airport before they leave.

Taka Vs. Chabuddy G

“I’ve Developed A Plan For You Guys As Well. First We’ll Do Some Promo Work, Then A Big Concert To Introduce You Guys To Your Japanese Fans!”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

The movie is set in Japan, and the Japanese recording label has a new manager for the boys who tries to come up with a skeleton of a plan to help them break into the country, but Chabuddy was having none of it.

In a truly comical moment, Taka tells Kurrupt FM that he has a plan developed for them which includes promos and a large concert, which Chabuddy then interrupts, and repeats word for word as his own plan, in a bid to keep some authority.

Conversion Problems

“Enough Of The Foreplay, Let’s Get Down To Business. We Want 10,000 Japanese Yen. Each.”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

Easily one of the best moments in the movie, Chabuddy’s actual attempt at being a businessman falls flat when he demands 10,000 yen from the recording company, without actually taking conversion rates into account.

Poor Chabud thinks that currency is the same everywhere, or that the yen was stronger than the pound, which definitely isn’t the case as it only amounts to seventy pounds each.

A Manager’s Life

“There Are Lots Of Jobs To Do… For Example? So Many Things. I Need To Walk Around, Talk To People, Make Sure They’re Alright… Everything Is Alright. Why Should I Give You My Secrets Of Being A Manager? Then You Will Become A Manager!”

10 Funniest Chabuddy G Quotes From People Just Do Nothing Big In Japan

In one of the mockumentary interviews with the camera crew, they ask him what the exact job of a band manager is, and to go into specifics so that there is some insight into the position.

When actually faced with what he does for Kurrupt FM, Chabuddy gets visibly flustered and then gets insecure about people robbing his job, which is understandable because of Taka’s entrance into their lives, but he makes this sound pretty funny too.

Kurrupt FM And Chabuddy G, Forever

“Do Kurrupt FM Need Chabuddy G? Of Course. Think About It. Does James Bond Need The Joker?”

In an amusing mix-up of pop culture references, this quote sums up Kurrupt FM and Chabuddy G’s relationship pretty well.

There’s no real reason for Chabuddy to stay on with Kurrupt, just like there is no connection between James Bond and the Joker, but he truly loves managing and spending time with them.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/chabuddyg-quotes-from-people-just-do-nothing-big-in-japan/

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