Alan Wake’s Biggest Problem is Alan Wake

Alan Wake’s Biggest Problem is Alan Wake


Alan Wake is a classic action horror title, but some players believe its most irritating feature is its protagonist, Alan Wake himself.

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Alan Wake’s Biggest Problem is Alan Wake

Remedy Entertainment’s Alan Wake was first released in 2010 to a positive critical reception. Named in the number one spot in Time’s game of the year list, critics praised the action-adventure horror title’s visuals, narrative, and atmosphere.

A remastered version of Alan Wake was released in 2021, bringing the title to a new console generation, as well as to PlayStation owners for the first time. Although many aspects of the game have aged well, and the remaster has been well-received, some reviewers have highlighted a key issue with the title: The titular protagonist himself.

Why Alan Wake is Not a Likeable Protagonist

Alan Wake’s Biggest Problem is Alan Wake

The game casts its player as bestselling dark fiction writer Alan Wake, who is suffering from a two-year-long spell of writer’s block. He travels with his wife Alice to a remote and idyllic town called Bright Falls, whose fir trees and fog-shrouded mountain peaks strongly evoke David Lynch’s classic surrealist TV series, Twin Peaks.

This is undoubtedly intentional, with the game’s televisual connections evident throughout. The narrative is presented episodically, leading players through an intriguing and linear story that appears to disturbingly mirror Wake’s as-yet-unwritten forthcoming work. The game even spawned a six-part live action TV series, Bright Falls, which acted as a prequel.

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The game’s cinematic style also results in a large amount of dialogue, and this is where its title character begins to show off some of his flaws. Alan Wake is short-tempered, whiny, and rude. In one sequence, his wife surprises him with a typewriter, which she has bought as a gift to try to help encourage him out of his creative slump. Instead of reacting with gratitude, Wake storms out of their lakeside cabin, which ultimately ends up placing her in danger.

Although Wake does redeem himself by bravely plunging into the lake’s icy waters in an attempt to save his spouse, his behavior throughout the game continued to irritate some fans and critics. The writer clearly takes himself very seriously; whenever he refers to “his work,” it sounds as though he is a life-saving surgeon or philanthropist, not a fiction novelist.

Other Problems with Alan Wake

During the game, Wake narrates the unfolding action as though reading the audiobook version of a novel. The device, while interesting, comes across as highly self-indulgent, making Wake seem smug and egotistical, a man deeply convinced that his writing is of a top-tier standard. Some reviewers also pointed out that the narration dilutes the dread created by the game’s enemies and environments, making Alan Wake seem more like an action adventure than a survival horror experience.

The quality of the in-game writing also opened the title to criticism. For a game to feature writing that some critics described as “uneven,” and to close with what some considered a weak ending, would not usually be catastrophic issues. However, such problems are far more noticeable in a title whose main character is supposedly a celebrated writer, and whose narrative features countless references to Wake’s work.

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Ultimately, Wake’s portrayal as a narcissistic writer with a fragile ego can be viewed as both good and bad. It makes the character distinct and memorable, enough for him to reappear in the DLC for Remedy’s recent title Control. However, it also led to some criticism for the game, as not all players enjoyed roleplaying as such an obnoxious and conceited protagonist. Furthermore, while his constant narration was relevant to the title’s intriguing plot, it eroded the game’s tension and atmosphere — a grave sin indeed for a man who is supposedly a bestselling dark fiction author.

Alan Wake Remastered is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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