All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

All Characters Rumored For The Smash-Like Warner Bros. Fighting Game


New rumors indicate that a Super Smash Bros-inspired Warner Bros. fighting game is on the way, and Shaggy and Gandalf could be involved.

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All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

Warner Bros.’ rumored Super Smash Bros.-inspired fighting game will feature characters like Johnny Bravo and Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, according to a recent leak posted on Reddit. The game will supposedly bring together many of Warner Bros.’ different properties into one title along the lines of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, which was heavily inspired by Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. series and featured characters like SpongeBob SquarePants and Michelangelo fighting it out in different stages inspired by the company’s various properties. A WB crossover title would have even more characters to play with than Nickelodeon, however, with the studio having access to all of DC Comics, Looney Tunes, and an expansive catalog of classic films.

The initial leak posted on Reddit also claimed that the developer behind Mortal Kombat and Injustice, NetherRealm, was behind the project, but this has since been refuted by industry insider Jeff Grubb, with a different studio believed to be working on it instead. Despite NetherRealm seemingly not working on the WB fighter, the fact that Grubb has corroborated its existence could mean that other aspects of the Reddit leak are potentially true. The original post names several characters specifically as appearing in the game, with Warner Bros. apparently keen to do more crossovers in the wake of Space Jam 2, which saw the Looney Tunes team up with LeBron James and featured multiple cameos from a wide array of different WB properties, including the Iron Giant, and numerous characters from Hanna-Barbera.

As previously mentioned, Warner Bros. has an almost endless list of characters to pull from in a potential crossover video game, which could lead to all sorts of weird match-ups between figures fans would’ve likely never expected to cross paths. The 10 characters listed in the Reddit leak are a testament to that, with WB having ostensibly been inspired to make the game following the ‘Ultra Instinct’ Shaggy memes making waves in the Mortal Kombat and Injustice communities. This version of Shaggy even made it into the title card for the recently released Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms animated film, and it would appear that he’s destined for the gaming medium next.

Warner Bros. Fighting Game Character – Shaggy Rogers

All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

The first character mentioned in the Reddit leak is Shaggy Rogers of Scooby-Doo fame. It appears as though players will have the Mortal Kombat community to thank for the upcoming WB crossover title, as it was apparently their devotion to the ‘Ultra Instinct’ Shaggy memes that alerted WB to the prospect of a crossover fighting game in the first place. The original post doesn’t mention whether or not the character will appear in his ‘Ultra Instinct’ form – a meme which has seen Shaggy fight Mortal Kombat’s characters and the Avengers – or even if he’ll be joined by his trusty companion Scoob, but if the project does come to fruition, here’s hoping that Matthew Lillard will be given the chance to reprise the role yet again, in what could end up being the character’s wildest excursion yet.

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Warner Bros. Fighting Game Character – Gandalf

All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

Another character who will supposedly feature in WB’s crossover fighter is Gandalf of The Lord of the Rings fame. The post doesn’t specify whether it’ll be Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White, but one would imagine that both options could be included via unlockable skins. Warner Bros. has access to all of The Lord of the Rings’ characters due to New Line Cinema being one of its subsidiary companies, so it’s possible that other characters like Gollum could also end up appearing.

Tom & Jerry Are Rumored For The Warner Bros. Smash Game

All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

Two of many Hanna-Barbera characters at WB’s disposal, it would make sense for Tom & Jerry to appear in a platform fighter, given the character’s entire essence is slapstick comedy. The post doesn’t clarify whether they’d appear as individual characters or whether they’d be teaming up, but the former would make infinitely more sense than the latter. Although the two have worked together previously, such as in the 1992 Tom and Jerry movie, it’s far more likely that they’d be lining up against each other in a video game than teaming up.

Regardless of their potential motives or allegiances, Tom & Jerry’s eponymous cartoon characters could end up being some of the most creative fighters in the rumored project, and it would be pretty funny to see them exact cartoon violence against the game’s potentially more human-looking designs.

Batman Is A Rumored Fighter In The Warner Bros. Smash Game

All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

Batman is one of the biggest comic book characters on the planet, and one who also belongs to Warner Bros. thanks to its ownership of DC Comics. The post doesn’t say if the game’s version of Batman will pull from any particular incarnation of the Caped Crusader, but whichever studio is developing the project will have plenty of options to choose from. The Dark Knight has had a long and storied history in animation, and if the game is going for a cartoony vibe, then it could potentially make sense to take inspiration from the incarnation seen in Batman: The Animated Series, or potentially even The Brave and the Bold.

That said, there could also be a lot of comedic potential in juxtaposing the actual cartoons present in the title with a slightly more gritty and realistic-looking Batman, along the lines of the one seen in the Batman: Arkham video games. Either way, Batman is an ideal candidate for a fighting game, boasting a vast move-set and plenty of gadgets to incorporate in combat.

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Rumored Fighters For Warner Bros. Smash Game – Fred Flinstone

All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

Another Hanna-Barbera character supposedly destined to join the rumored WB crossover game, Fred Flinstone hasn’t appeared in the gaming medium since 2000’s The Flinstones: Bedrock Bowling. The Reddit post doesn’t elaborate on what players should expect from the character, but one would imagine that Fred’s move-set would incorporate some of the Stone Age technology from the cartoon in one way or another.

Of course, wherever Fred goes, Barney, Wilma and the rest of the gang are sure to follow. Of all the character’s supporting cast though, Dino would potentially make the most sense in terms of gameplay. He may be a friendly big pup, but he’s also a dinosaur, and one that could help Fred out in combat during certain moves, similar to certain fatalities in Mortal Kombat, only less violent.

Warner Bros. Smash Game Character – Mad Max

All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

Batman could be a dark character to include in a humorous platform fighter, but he’s nothing compared to Mad Max. The character, originally portrayed by Mel Gibson before Tom Hardy assumed the role in 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road, lives in post-apocalyptic Australia and is never too far away from his trusty sawn-off shotgun. He also tends to drive a customized muscle car, which could potentially factor into gameplay if this WB crossover game ends up coming to fruition.

Harry Potter & Ron Weasely Are Both Rumored For Warner Bros. Fighting Game

All Characters Rumored For The SmashLike Warner Bros Fighting Game

Although the initial Reddit leak lists the characters of Harry Potter and Ron Weasely as being “confirmed”, it also says that “the rights are weird” and that the two characters “may have been said in jest”. It would certainly make sense for some kind of character from the series to feature, given it remains one of the most popular in WB’s library, as well as the fact magic-based abilities would be a natural fit to a Smash-style platform fighter. Hogwarts Legacy is also bringing Harry Potter back to the gaming medium, so an appearance elsewhere would be logical.

Warner Bros. Fighting Game Rumored Character – Johnny Bravo

The final character mentioned in the Reddit leak is Johnny Bravo, another Hanna-Barbera character who was a regular fixture of Cartoon Network in the late ’90s and early 2000s. Bravo is muscly, speaks with an Elvis-style accent, and would be a perfect fit for an irreverent fighting game along the lines of the rumored WB crossover, given much of the character’s own cartoon was spent inflicting slapstick injuries on him.

Regardless, while Warner Bros. is yet to announce anything official regarding the rumored Super Smash Bros.-style crossover game, should it be real, it’s likely to include more than just the 10 characters listed above. Space Jam 2 provided a glimpse of what a crossover video game that combined all the company’s IP could look like, and with Looney Tunes, DC Comics and all of Hanna-Barbera to draw from, it could make for one of the wildest rosters the fighting game genre has seen.

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