All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained Baby Mother Aiel & 3 Women

All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained: Baby, Mother, Aiel & 3 Women


Wheel of Time episode 7 dropped several major reveals and hints about Rand and his future in the show. Here’s what they all are and what they mean.

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All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained Baby Mother Aiel & 3 Women

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Wheel of Time episode 7.

The Wheel of Time episode 7 dropped several major reveals about Rand al’Thor (Josha Stradowksi), his backstory, and his future in the show. In Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time novels, Rand was the main protagonist and the primary point-of-view character for the first book, The Eye of the World. Amazon’s adaptation, on the other hand, has been putting significantly less focus on Rand’s role – until now.

For those unfamiliar with Jordan’s books, Rand’s place in the story hasn’t been very clear. Most of Rand’s issues were related to his efforts to protect Mat (Barney Harris) and his romantic relationship with Egwene (Madeleine Madden). Meanwhile, the show has been building meaningful, individual arcs for Perrin (Marcus Rutherford), Nynaeve (Zoë Robins), Moiraine (Rosamund Pike), and Mat, who all have their own problems. Things took a huge turn in Wheel of Time episode 7 when it dove deep into Rand’s character and demonstrated just how important he really is to the story.

In The Eye of the World, the Dragon Reborn reveal was saved for the end of the book, but Wheel of Time season 1 escalated the search a bit faster by having the mystery come to a head before the finale. Before their journey into the Eye of the World, Rand experienced a moment of self-discovery that led to a plethora of reveals about his character. What he learned is likely to change not only his entire life but also set the course for all the main characters featured in the series. Here’s everything that Wheel of Time episode 7 revealed about Rand.

Rand Is The Dragon Reborn

All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained Baby Mother Aiel & 3 Women

While thinking about everything that’s happened, Rand came to a shocking realization. Rand recalled breaking down the iron door in episode 3, a startling admission from his father about his birth, and recognizing Dragonmount in episode 5. For Rand, it all added up to him being the Dragon Reborn. According to the ancient prophecy, the reincarnation of the Dragon is supposed to be born on the slopes of Dragonmount, a mountain created thousands of years ago by the last Dragon’s death. For that reason, the person Moiraine was looking for had to be someone who wasn’t actually from the Two Rivers. Talking to Min Farshaw (Kae Alexander) confirmed Rand’s fears. Just as it was in the books, Rand is Wheel of Time’s Dragon Reborn and the world’s best hope of beating the Dark One.

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Rand Channeled In Wheel of Time Episode 3

All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained Baby Mother Aiel & 3 Women

When Rand knocked down a door made of solid iron in Wheel of Time episode 3, some may have perceived it to be an impressive feat of strength, when in fact it was the show’s first hint that Rand is the Dragon Reborn. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Rand unconsciously channeled the male half of the One Power and used Air to blow the door off its hinges. A memory in episode 7 confirmed this to be the case. It appears that Rand may have used the One Power when then they were in the Ways as well, meaning Nynaeve wasn’t the only one channeling. The biggest concern with Rand using the One Power is that all male channelers eventually go insane, which is a problem that he’ll have to face sooner or later.

Rand’s Mother & Aiel Connection Explained

All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained Baby Mother Aiel & 3 Women

The opening sequence in Wheel of Time episode 7 highlighted the Battle of the Shining Walls, which took place during the Aiel War twenty years before Moiraine’s arrival in the Two Rivers. As explained in previous episodes, the Aiel are a race of red-haired people who live in the desert. Broken up into several clans, the Aiel are known for their strict codes of honor, aggressive behavior, and war-like culture. In the battle, the Aiel were up against an alliance of several kingdoms, one of which being Cairhien. The soldiers of Cairhien were the warriors in yellow seen in episode 7. The woman in the battle – later revealed to be Rand’s mother by Min’s vision – was Tigraine Mantear.

In the books, she’s not an Aiel by birth. She was actually an Andorian noblewoman who married into House Damodred, the royal family that controls the throne of Cairhien. After leaving Cairhien behind, she joined the Aiel and married Janduin, an Aiel clan chief and the man who would become Rand’s father. Rand’s link to the Aiel was teased in episode 5 when Loial (Hammed Animashaun) noticed his red hair and referred to him as an Aielman.

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Tam Brought Rand To Two Rivers

All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained Baby Mother Aiel & 3 Women

As seen in Min’s viewing, Tam al’Thor (Michael McElhatton) was the soldier who encountered Rand’s mother when she was in labor. In the books, he was a soldier in the service of a nation called Illian. After finding Rand as a baby on the slopes of Dragonmount during the Battle of the Shining Walls, he returned to the Two Rivers village and raised the boy as his own. What caused Min to connect Rand with her viewing about Tam was Rand’s heron-marked sword. Tam acquired the sword during his military career and wielded it in the battle at Dragonmount.

Min’s Baby Vision

All WOT Episode 7 Rand Reveals Explained Baby Mother Aiel & 3 Women

Arguably the most perplexing reveal in Wheel of Time episode 7 was Min’s first viewing about Rand during her conversation with Moiraine. She saw Rand holding a baby but didn’t know whose child it was. There isn’t an obvious connection between that and the books, so it’s possible that Wheel of Time is setting up something new for Rand. Characters that he becomes romantically involved with in the books do eventually get pregnant by him, so it could be that this is what the show is hinting at. But, that doesn’t happen until near the end of Jordan’s Wheel of Time series.

Wheel of Time Teases Rand’s Romance Story

After telling Rand about her Dragonmount vision, Min mentioned a connection between Rand and “three beautiful women”. This is consistent with Rand’s first meeting with Min in The Eye of the World, where she made a similar remark. What the show is teasing here is Rand’s romance story. Based on what happens in the books, Rand is destined to fall in love with three of the books’ female characters (not Egwene). Min didn’t say this in the show, but it’s worth pointing out that she’s one of them. The book version of Min was secretly aware of her future with Rand, so it makes sense that her TV counterpart knows it too. As for the identity of the other two love interests, they are Elayne Trakand (a princess of Andor) and Aviendha, a member of the Aiel. There’s no confirmation on when Aviendha will enter the picture, but Elayne has already been cast and is set to appear in The Wheel of Time season 2.

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