American Horror Story Season 10 Who Macaulay Culkin Could Play

American Horror Story Season 10: Who Macaulay Culkin Could Play


American Horror Story season 10 is adding Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin to the series’ rotating cast, in a role that could rejuvenate his career.

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American Horror Story Season 10 Who Macaulay Culkin Could Play

American Horror Story season 10 is adding Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin to the series’ rotating cast, in a role that could rejuvenate his career. To multiple generations of kids, Culkin is one of the most iconic child stars in history, thanks to the immortal role of Kevin McAllister in Home Alone and its first sequel. Home Alone is a Christmas tradition for many, and a movie that doesn’t seem to lose any of its entertainment value with age, outside of the fact that if cell phones would’ve been around the plot probably couldn’t have happened.

Like many child stars though, Culkin’s life wasn’t exactly sunshine and roses as he got older, thanks to family strife, and issues with substance abuse. Thankfully, Culkin’s cleaned up his act since, and while he’s still not too prolific, he continues to pick up roles in both movies and TV shows from time to time. He may not look quite like the precocious kid who used to torment the Wet Bandits anymore, but it’s always nice to see him.

Now, Culkin heads into one of his biggest adult roles ever, on American Horror Story season 10. FX’s popular anthology program is one of the most-watched shows on cable, and appearing on it stands to be quite the signal boost for the actor.

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American Horror Story Season 10: Who Macaulay Culkin Could Play

It’s a little too early to make a solid guess as to the exact character Macaulay Culkin will play in American Horror Story season 10, since the season’s theme is still a mystery. There are several theories floating around, such as possibly an aquatic horror story being on the menu. For now, details are scarce, but for maximum value to his career, and maximum marketing potential to Culkin’s fans, the actor should play a large, if not leading, role in season 10.

Culkin doesn’t do big mainstream hits like this one very often, and success could well lead to a career boost. A glorified cameo wouldn’t do much to accomplish that. Perhaps the more intriguing question is whether Culkin would be more suited to being a hero or villain. He probably wouldn’t be squeaky clean even if a hero, as American Horror Story tends to have few characters without some type of emotional baggage. Culkin would certainly be easy for most to root for, but it’s that natural likeability that might make him better served being evil, as it’s likely most wouldn’t see it coming. Also, playing a truly despicable character would offer Culkin the chance to actively play against his child star image. Either way, fans can’t wait to see where he fits into the American Horror Story universe.

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