America’s Next Top Model Lisa DAmato Slams Tyra Banks In Intense Video

America’s Next Top Model: Lisa D’Amato Slams Tyra Banks In Intense Video

ANTM continues to stir up controversy, with All Stars winner Lisa D’Amato putting Tyra Banks on blast for using childhood trauma against her.

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It’s been several years since America’s Next Top Model (or ANTM to fans) ended, but the backlash host Tyra Banks faces for the show’s many controversies is as persistent as ever. In addition to criticism over culturally insensitive challenges, Tyra faces allegations of abuse and mistreatment from former contestants. With 26 seasons worth of contestants, it’s a sizable wave of complaints. One contestant spoke out recently in an incendiary video targeted directly at Tyra, asking the former host how she could sleep at night knowing what she and the show did to the girls in the competition.

Since its debut in 2003, ANTM made a splash as a modeling competition best known for its outlandish photoshoots and egotistical host Tyra Banks. Throughout the seasons, she made contestants jump through increasingly ridiculous hoops to remain in the competition, including photoshoots where models had to “swap races,” making inexperienced models walk in dangerously high heels, and even outright yelling at them. While most of the backlash against the show was swept under the rug for the majority of its run, more people involved with ANTM have been speaking out. Jay Manuel, creative director on the show for 18 years, has gone on record saying working on the show made him uncomfortable. Most recently, Lisa D’Amato, contestant on cycle 5 and winner of the All Stars cycle, took to Instagram with a lengthy video where she claims Tyra and production used her history of child abuse against her.

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In the video, Lisa addresses the show, saying, “you guys would poke me and use my childhood trauma against me day in and day out—it was just so f***** up and it broke my heart.” Lisa explains that she spoke out against the show previously in what could be considered breach of contract, but says it was her duty to warn other aspiring models auditioning for the show. “I don’t know how you sleep at night because you guys know—you, Tyra—you knew very well the horrible trauma that my mom inflicted on me,” she claims. Lisa says she originally placed most of the blame on producer Ken Mok, but that over the years she realized Tyra was also culpable. The ANTM host-turned Dancing With the Stars host has received the brunt of the backlash against the show in recent years.

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Lisa brings up other contestants who have spoken out since their time on ANTM, sharing some of their video clips as well, including fellow All Stars cycle contestant Angelea Preston. Angelea was the original winner of the All Stars cycle, but was disqualified because she had previously worked as an escort (though Angelea claims production knew about that well before the finale). Angelea alleges that contestants were regularly made to work up to 18-hour days with no food, because it would help provoke drama. Lisa was eventually named the winner of the season in what she described as “the most bloody win ever.”

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Tyra hasn’t commented on Lisa’s video, but one of the former judges did weigh in. Nigel Barker served as a judge and occasional photographer on ANTM for several years, but it appears he sides with former contestants. He commented on Lisa’s video with a simple prayer hands emoji, signaling support without elaborating.

Lisa ends the video by essentially throwing the ball into Tyra’s court, asking, “what the f*** are you gonna do about this? What are you gonna do?” She also signs off taunting Tyra with ANTM’s most meme-able moment, saying, “I just want to let you know we were all rooting for you.” While Tyra may not be getting much love from fans, they’re now definitely rooting for Lisa.

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