Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Animal Kingdom: The Main Characters Ranked By Likability


Whether you love them or love to hate them, these are the Animal Kingdom characters that fans just can’t get enough of.

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Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

TNT’s Animal Kingdom has certainly gained popularity for its dynamic characters and family drama sprinkled among the crime and heists that make it riveting and entertaining. From Janine Cody to Baz, there are some characters that definitely have fans hating every fiber of their being; however, there are also some that viewers have fallen in love with.

The whole point of this series certainly isn’t to have likable and awesome characters. Of course, they’re interesting and flawed, and it just makes the best of them stand out even more. It’s time to stack them against each other and find out who is actually the most – and least – likable.

10 Least: Baz

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

If there’s anything that fans of this show can agree on, it’s that they were shocked – but not exactly totally upset – when Baz met his demise on the show. It’s hard to forget about him, though, so he still deserves a shout out.

Of course, it’s only because he was actually really unlikable. He was selfish, arrogant, manipulative, and in way over his head. He had it coming, despite how tragic his death seemed at the time.

9 Janine

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Like mother, like adopted son. Janine is also super selfish, vindictive, and has an ego bigger than all of the other characters combined. There were moments that fans pitied her, and young Janine was certainly more likable.

However, Smurf (as fans know) her was rude and cruel. She thought she was better than everyone else, and like her son, she reached the end of the road when it finally came back to bite her.

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8 Angela

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Angela is a fairly new character on the series, so it might not be totally fair to place her so low on the list. However, fans do know that she’s a bit sneaky and manipulative, and hasn’t made the best choices.

So far, viewers know she has the ability to be kind, but they’re still waiting for her to show her true personality so they can get to know and like her better. For now, she’s just been in the mix.

7 Renn

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Fans were definitely blown away by Renn’s pregnancy, and her mothering with Craig’s help is one pairing that’s intrigued viewers of the show. Renn is fiery and smart, and she’s certainly grown over time.

At first, it was easy to hate her, but she’s slowly growing on fans as she matures and becomes more comfortable with who she really is. She has a lot to offer that fans haven’t seen.

6 Joshua

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

At first, viewers were definitely rooting for J, but that might not be as true anymore. It’s hard to establish whether fans want him to come out on top or not. They do know, however, that he can be just as cruel as Smurf.

Joshua is as intelligent as they come, and he seems to have more of a heart and loyalty than his grandmother. Still, he’s shown he can do some pretty nasty things – and fans won’t forget the boating murder. Sometimes, J can be so arrogant and determined that he’s super unlikable.

5 Lucy

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Lucy’s death was one that fans are probably still not over. She was the only one to call Janine out on her loyalties, and she was smart enough to know that she was the one to actually kill Baz.

Lucy was intelligent, caring, and actually pretty lovable. She could have accomplished a lot (and maybe even have taken down Smurf), if she didn’t bark up the wrong tree so quickly.

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4 Pope

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

There’s probably no one that fans have a love/hate relationship with like they do with Pope. He has incredibly redeeming qualities: he’s smart, caring, vulnerable, sweet, and loyal.

Of course, he’s also capable of doing some pretty disturbing things and not really feeling any remorse for killing or hurting. However, it’s really hard to hate Pope, and fans are always rooting for him.

3 Frankie

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Frankie joined the series as a regular a bit later on, but she’s done nothing but make viewers laugh and had them on the edge of their seat in anticipation of her next big move. She doesn’t partake in violence, but she’s just as smart when it comes to organizing heists.

Plus, she’s totally funny and fierce, and she’s one character that no fan can really say they hate. She’s a bit flaky, but she’s fun and intriguing.

2 Craig

Animal Kingdom The Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Craig has had his ups and downs throughout the series. Fans can definitely say they hated him when he left Renn to die on her bathroom floor, but they can also say that he’s grown the most out of all the characters.

Now, Craig has his feet on the ground, and he’s intelligent, caring, and strong-willed. He has a lot of potential, and at the end of the day, fans love laughing with him and cheering him on.

1 Most: Deran

Out of all the Cody family members, Deran is without a doubt the sweetest and most likable. He does the heists and holds his own, but killing takes a strong emotional toll on him. Plus, his relationship with Adrian was totally humanizing.

Deran is a sarcasm legend, and while he can be a bit moody and flaky, he has a heart of gold and an extremely interesting dynamic. Deran is impossible to hate, and every fan wants the best for this likable character.

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