Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

Arrowverse: How Each Character Is Supposed To Look


Casting someone to play a role from a book or comic, you don’t always get an exact match. Here is what characters from the Arrowverse should look like.

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Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

The Arrowverse has created a large superhero world that rivals the MCU and has surpassed the DCEU. With many of our favorite heroes from the comics making up the Arrowverse, fans jump every time we see a cameo.

With literal millions of characters to choose from and only a handful of actors willing to take on superhero roles, the appearance on the small screen and their appearance in the comics don’t always match. With the CW casting focusing on diversity and the costume design rather than 100% comic representation, here is what our favorite DC characters should actually look like

10 The Flash/Barry Allen

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

We got our first look at Barry Allen in Arrow season 2, where we saw a pre-Flash Barry helping Oliver and company solve a robbery gone wrong. Grant Gustin captures the essence of Barry, being the awkward and lovable dork with a love for science and helping people. But he looks very different than his DC counterpart.

In the comics, Barry is blonde-haired and blue-eyed, often described being in his early to mid-30s. In the show, Barry gets his powers at the ripe age of 24 and has dark-colored eyes and brown hair. With the differences not affecting the character at all, we’re more focused on the suit that changes every season.

9 Green Arrow/Oliver Queen

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

The hero that started it all. Oliver Queen has been the mentor for most of the heroes due to his long tenure as the Green Arrow and the most experienced vigilante. Making his debut in 2012, Stephen Amell took the helm of the lesser-known Justice Leaguer and made the character his own, portraying a darker, grittier version then we’re used to seeing.

In the comics, Oliver is suave and comical with his approach, often being laid back and less intense than fellow heroes. His blonde locks and signature beard along with his Robin Hoodesque costume is nothing like his CW counterpart. Oliver in the show sports the 5 o clock shadow and usually buzzed haircut which completes the rugged look.

8 Iris West-Allen

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

When it was announced Candice Patton would take on the role of Iris West in The Flash, it was met with a lot of controversies. Unfortunately, none of the criticisms were about the actress or her merits but rather her skin color being different than her comic counterpart.

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Since then, Patton has played the role beautifully and has really captured the essence of Iris, being a fearless reporter and the lightning rod for The Flash.

7 Kid Flash/Wally West

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

Wally West has had a difficult and confusing tenure in comics. Introduced as the first Kid Flash and sidekick to Barry Allen, he took on the mantle after Barry died in Crisis On Infinite Earths and then he literally vanished from existence following Barry’s return and Flashpoint.

In The Flash tv show, Wally is Iris’ younger brother and Barry’s half-brother (weird we know) whereas in the comics he is Iris’s nephew. He sports his signature red hair and is mostly represented as caucasian. The new Wallace West or Kid Flash II has taken influence from Wally in the show and therefore looks a lot more like the live-action Wally.

6 Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

Black Canary or Dinah Laurel Lance is one of DC’s most prominent female characters and Oliver Queen’s love interest. She is known as one of DC’s best fighters and has trained many heroes, as well as playing a big role in the Justice League.

Aside from a less revealing costume, Laurel Lance in the tv show only spends a brief time as Oliver’s lover and spends more time attempting to prove herself until she gets killed. Since her departure, many other women have taken the mantle. including her younger sister and an alternate version of Laurel.

5 Arsenal/Roy Harper

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

Roy Harper, like Kid Flash, is one of the most well-known sidekicks and almost always tied to the Green Arrow. In the comics, Roy has had a lot of dark storylines and has been a character with a dark past. His suit often resembles that as he wears a sleeveless top with only a mask to cover his identity.

In Arrow, Roy also has a troubled past, growing up in poverty and resulting in petty crimes to get by. With actor Colton Haynes dealing with his own personal issues outside the set, the character hasn’t consistently been in the show or the writers have been forced to sideline him, so we have never really gotten in to deep to Roy.

Like Wally, Roy is one DC’s premiere gingers, with his hair almost as red as his suit, whereas his small-screen counterpart just has brown hair.

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4 Reverse-Flash/Eobard Thawne

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

As one of the worst DC villains, Eobard Thawne has terrorized Barry since birth, using his speed to discreetly torture him and even killing his mom in cold blood. Eobard is from the 25th century and before he became Reverse-Flash was one of The Flash’s biggest fans.

In the show, the backstory is almost identical to the comics, minus Eobard killing Harrison Wells and taking his appearance. Eobard in the comics was so obsessed with Barry Allen and The Flash, he literally had plastic surgery to closely resemble his idol and therefore had similarly styled blonde hair and light-colored eyes.

3 Elongated Man/Ralph Dibny

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

Elongated man has been one of the lesser-known heroes, often seen as comedic relief and a nuisance for his hero coworkers. Ralph Dibny was created as a supporting character for The Flash so it’s no surprise the showrunners included him but managed to change him up quite a bit.

The Ralph in the comics got his powers from an experiment gone wrong, and he also didn’t meet The Flash until after he got his powers. In the tv show, Ralph had been a colleague of Barry before his powers and he got his powers in a bus, via The Thinker.

Besides their appearances and personalities being similar, the two have distinctly different costumes and backgrounds.

2 Savitar

Arrowverse How Each Character Is Supposed To Look

Perhaps one of the biggest reimaginings of characters is Savitar. From completely different backgrounds, alter ego, and costume, it seems the only thing these two share is a name.

In the comics, Savitar was a pilot who got struck by lightning while he was flying. After learning about his powers, he became obsessed with getting faster and becoming a God he gained followers and caused destruction until he faced off against The Flash III (Wally West).

In the show, Savitar is a future version of Barry who became distraught after witnessing Iris’ death. His plans for becoming a God are similar but beyond that Savitar in the CW is almost a completely different character.

1 Ra’s Al Ghul

Ra’s Al Ghul has been a long time villain to Batman and is responsible for many of the Dark Knight’s headaches. Ra’s is just one of a few Batman villains that Arrow had to borrow due to the Green Arrow’s lack of rogues.

Although he hardly ever faces Oliver Queen in the comics, his role and personality is very similar to that of the show. His ancient robes, his wisdom, even his physical appearance is very similar to his comic counterpart.

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