Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

Avatar: The Last Airbender – 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes


During the run of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Katara had just as many inspirational quotes as she had humorous ones.

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Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

The eternal optimist, Katara never gives up hope on her friends or their mission, no matter how dire her circumstances seem. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, she isn’t just the voice of hope amongst her friends, but also the voice of reason. That means she’s got a lot of lines that inspire her friends as well as the audience.

While Katara is built on hope and logic, not all of her lines are of the serious variety. She’s got quite the mix of serious and humorous quotes, making some of her lines the most memorable in the show.

10 “You Can’t Knock Me Down.”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

In the first season of the series, Aang, Katara, and Sokka make their way to the Northern Water Tribe and find a Waterbending Master to teach Aang. Unfortunately for Katara, Master Pakku isn’t of the opinion that girls should learn Waterbending.

Katara takes him to task in front of everyone, challenging him with the skills she’s managed to teach herself. Though Master Pakku doesn’t go easy on her, Katara is determined to show him she’s just as capable of any boy he’s ever taught, and she’s definitely not wrong.

9 “… The Other Airbenders May Be Gone, But You Still Have A Family. Sokka And I, We’re Your Family Now.”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

In only the second episode of the series, Katara demonstrates just how compassionate she is, and just how connected she and Sokka already are to Aang.

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When Aang discovers that everyone at the Air Temple was killed in a Fire Nation attack, he doesn’t take it well. His anger and grief lead him right into the Avatar State, which he can’t yet control. Though Katara might be afraid of all that power, she doesn’t let it phase her, talking him down, and reminding him that he’s not alone.

8 “We’re Getting Out Of This Desert. And We’re Going To Do It Together. Aang, Get Up. Everybody, Hold Hands. We Can Do This!”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

Katara is an excellent Waterbender, but she’s also great at motivating her teammates. When morale is low in the desert after Appa has been taken, Katara is the one who holds her team together – sometimes quite literally.

Aang is too angry about Appa being missing to focus on the real problem at hand – that they could die stranded in the desert. As their water supply dwindles, Katara is the only one who keeps a clear head and keeps them going until they can find help.

7 “You’ve Been Hallucinating On Cactus Juice All Day, And Now You Lick Something You Find Stuck To The Wall Of A Cave?”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

Sokka might be a genius, but he isn’t exactly known for his common sense. Katara frequently has to call him out on some of his more outlandish decision – like licking the wall of a cave.

This is also one of the rare lines that allows us to hear Katara only mildly frustrated instead of crying out against injustice. Most of the time, she’s equal parts amused and annoyed by her brother.

6 “Stealing Is Wrong… Unless It’s From Pirates.”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

Katara has to be the moral center of the group on a lot of occasions. The season one episode in which she steals a Waterbending instructional scroll from a pirate ship is not one of those times.

It’s a tiny bit hypocritical of Katara to steal at all considering just how much she instructs her friends on the difference between right and wrong so much in the later parts of the series. Katara, however, knows that the pirates likely stole it to begin with.

5 “You Make On Step Backward, One Slip-Up, Give Me One Reason To Think You Might Hurt Aang, And You Won’t Have To Worry About Your Destiny Anymore.”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

Katara sure knows how to hold a grudge. While her friends are able to reluctantly welcome Zuko into their group, Katara remembers the last time he betrayed her all too well.

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Katara doesn’t mince words with Zuko, making sure he understands exactly where she stands when he begins staying with them, and the fans can’t blame her for the harsh reaction.

4 “I Don’t Know If It’s Because I’m Too Weak To Do It, Or If I’m Strong Enough Not To.”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

Zuko attempts to make amends with Katara by helping her track down the Fire Nation soldier responsible for her mother’s death. Katara intends to take her revenge, but can’t bring herself to do it, though it does give the audience an awesomely powerful moment from her as she literally controls the rain in the scene.

Katara’s explanation for why she couldn’t end the soldier’s life can foster plenty of debate amongst fans. After all, Katara is the first person to use her skills offensively, but she never wants to kill anyone.

3 “I’m Making My Own Water!”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

To be fair, this particular line holds more of a punch in context as Katara runs in place in a jail cell while saying it to Toph.

When the two are apprehended when trying to pull of a con, their cell is made of wood, leaving Toph without the chance to Metalbend them out of there. Katara takes matters into her own hands – literally – as she runs to work up a sweat, wiping her sweat away, and Waterbending with it. Disgusting, for sure, but one creative use of her talents.

2 “My Heart Is So Full Of Hope That It’s Making Me Tearbend.”

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Of Katara’s Best Quotes

Technically, Katara never said this. The residents of her world who see the Ember Island Players perform, however, believe she did.

When Aang, Katara, and their traveling companions take a break to watch the Players put on a show about the Avatar’s journey, they’re definitely in for a surprise. Everyone’s traits are greatly exaggerated, including Katara’s tendency to hold out hope. This line might never have happened to her personally, but it’s spot on for her character.

1 “I Will Never, Ever, Turn My Back On People Who Need Me.”

Sometimes, Katara and her friends get sidetracked from their larger goal of saving the world thanks to other smaller troubles presented to them. When Sokka thinks they just have to move on from a village that’s on the brink of starvation, Katara can’t.

Katara is the kind of person who has to help, who has to fix problems, even if the problems might not be huge in the grand scheme of the world. That’s why the audience loves her.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-last-airbender-kataras-best-quotes/

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