Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Avatar: The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)


Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Aang isn’t the easiest character to place into a Hogwarts house but some quotes make him a great fit for Ravenclaw.

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Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Despite only having three seasons, Avatar: The Last Airbender made a cultural impact like none other spawning a spin-off show, comics, novels, video games, and more. But what really made the series stand out in the first place were the characters.

Katara and Aang, Sokka and Toph, Zuko, and Iroh, and so many others made this story special. Arguably, the main protagonist, Aang, is at the center of it all with a well-written personality that’s hard to crack. Perhaps that’s why it’s so difficult to place him in a single Hogwarts house.

10 Not Ravenclaw: “Will You Go Penguin Sledding With Me?”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Aang is one of the most optimistic characters in the show. Moreover, he loves to have fun and isn’t afraid to act childish (after all, he is only twelve).

That’s why the first thing he asks Katara is whether she will go penguin sledding with him. That’s exactly what a happy-go-lucky Hufflepuff would do.

9 Ravenclaw: “If I Try, I Fail. If I Don’t Try, I’m Never Going To Get It.”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Aang knows that to become the Avatar, he needs to train a lot and master all the four elements as best as he can. But it’s not always easy to do so with fire being the most difficult element for Aang to learn to bend.

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He still realizes that he needs to try and try and try again until he succeeds. This clever realization is definitely a sign that he is a Ravenclaw.

8 Not Ravenclaw: “It’s Easy To Do Nothing, It’s Hard To Forgive.”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Aang has always promoted a more accepting and forgiving approach to people. He believes that peace is possible and fighting should be avoided at all times.

But even he realizes just how difficult it is to forgive people. He nevertheless urges Katara to forgive the man who killed her mother. This is clearly something a Hufflepuff would do.

7 Ravenclaw: “The Past Can Be A Great Teacher.”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Thanks to the monks who taught him, Aang is actually a very wise person despite his age. He often says something deep and intelligent (which even made Katara angry at one point).

Aang knows that the past can be a great teacher and can help prevent the same mistakes from happening. Such wise words could only come out of a Ravenclaw’s mouth.

6 Not Ravenclaw: “I Was In The Avatar State… But I Was Outside My Body Watching Myself. It Was Scary. I Was Scary…”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

The Avatar State is the only thing that Aang can’t really control about himself – and that’s what scares him. He knows that he has done a lot of damage while in the Avatar State which makes him fear his own powers.

And that’s why he confesses about it to his friends. He acknowledges how bad it can be which could show that he is an example of a Slytherin gone good.

5 Ravenclaw: “Anyone’s Capable Of Great Good And Great Evil. Everyone, Even The Fire Lord And The Fire Nation, Have To Be Treated Like They’re Worth Giving A Chance.”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Treating everyone equally may be something a Hufflepuff would do, but Aang’s words about it actually show just how much wisdom he has and how much of a Ravenclaw he is.

He realizes that even the Fire Nation is worth giving a chance. People can change – they just need a chance at redemption and forgiveness.

4 Not Ravenclaw: “Katara: Aang, Stop! We’re Not Allowed To Go Near It. The Ship Could Be Booby-Trapped. / Aang: If You Want To Be A Bender, You Have To Let Go Of Fear.”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Aang loves having fun, but his immaturity and carelessness often get Aang in trouble. That’s exactly why they get discovered when Aang and Katara go to the forgotten Fire Nation ship.

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When Katara warns him about it, Aang responds by pointing out that she needs to be brave if she wants to be a bender. That actually sounds more like something a Gryffindor would say.

3 Ravenclaw: “[To Bumi] I Solved The Question The Same Way I Solved The Challenges. As You Said A Long Time Ago, I Had To Open My Brain To The Possibilities.”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Aang is not only wise because of the way the monks taught him. He is also quite clever and is able to figure out how to get out of a complicated situation.

One such example is the time when his old friend Bumi kept Katara and Sokka in growing rocks while Aang had to solve Bumi’s riddles while being unaware of who Bumi was. As he solved the last riddle, he showed that he is a true Ravenclaw.

2 Not Ravenclaw: “Aang: This Is Exactly Why I Didn’t Want You To Come. It’s Too Dangerous! / Katara: And That’s Exactly Why We’re Here.”

Avatar The Last Airbender – 5 Quotes That Prove Aang Is A Ravenclaw (& 5 That Disprove This)

Maybe it’s because he’s naive, maybe it’s because he is immature, but Aang always manages to look right into the eyes of danger and laugh.

He is, in fact, quite fearless and brave, but he is also ready to do anything to protect his friends. Such qualities could only signify that he is a Gryffindor.

1 Ravenclaw: “I Don’t Know. The Monks Used To Say That Hope Is Just A Distraction. So Maybe We Do Need To Abandon It.”

“Ying: Look At This Writing. How Awful. / Toph: What Does It Say? / Katara: It Says “Abandon Hope.” / Ying: How Can We Abandon Hope? That’s All We Have. / Aang: I Don’t Know. The Monks Used To Say That Hope Is Just A Distraction. So Maybe We Do Need To Abandon It. / Katara: What Are You Talking About? / Aang: Hope Isn’t Going To Get Us Into Ba Sing Se, And It’s Not Going To Find Appa. We Need To Focus On What We’re Doing Right Now, And That’s Getting Across This Pass.”

Though Aang often recalls the wise teachings of the monks, his intellect truly shines when it’s compared to others around him. He is able to see the deeper meanings that others don’t notice.

On one of their many adventures, Team Avatar has to enter a cave that probably won’t be safe for them as the writings suggest. But Aang interprets the text differently showing that he is indeed an insightful Ravenclaw.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-last-airbender-quotes-prove-aang-ravenclaw/

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