Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

Avatar: The Last Airbender – Toph’s 10 Most Badass Scenes, Ranked


Now that Avatar: The Last Airbender is on Netflix, there’s no time like the present to revisit some of Toph Beifong’s best and most badass scenes!

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Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

The Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender was recently released on Netflix, sparking waves of nostalgia, emotional binge-watching, and re-ignited crushes on Prince Zuko. Watching the many skilled benders of the series is something that really never gets old for long time fans. One of the greatest benders in the entire series is without a doubt Aang’s Earthbending teacher, Toph Beifong.

Not only is she the best Earthbender of all-time, but she is also the inventor of Metalbending, teacher to the Avatar, and champion of Earth Rumble Six. Toph is definitely a badass in her own right. Here are some of her best scenes, ranked.

10 Lie Detection

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

One of Toph’s skills that is often overlooked is her ability to sense whether or not someone is lying from their breathing and heartbeat. She first displays this in the episode “Lake Laogai”, when Team Avatar has a second run-in with Jet and are unsure if they can trust him.

While Jet makes his case, Toph presses her hand against the wall he is standing against and assures the gang that he is telling the truth. While this scene lacks fighting and flying rocks, it shows how powerful Earthbending has made Toph’s senses.

9 The Library

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

When Team Avatar finds a giant underground library, Toph opts to stay above ground with Appa. As the library begins to sink, Toph uses her Earthbending to grab onto the top part of the library and prevent it from sinking. This is a highly underrated scene considering the skill and strength it must have taken. Not only is the library enormous, but Toph only has a small part of the building to grab onto.

In addition to this, Toph is in an environment surrounded by sand, which means that she can barely see and has less stable footing than normal earth. Although Toph is not able to prevent Appa’s capture, she is the only reason that Aang, Sokka, and Katara make it out of the library alive.

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8 Learns Earthbending From Badgermoles

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

In “The Firebending Masters” Zuko and Aang seek to learn Firebending from the original source. They decide to do this after Toph explains that she learned Earthbending from Badgermoles, who were the first Earthbenders. In a flashback, a very young Toph finds these large, blind creatures while hiding in a cave.

She is then able to learn Earthbending from the Badgermoles, “not just as a martial art, but as an extension of [her] senses”. This scene shows that Toph not only learned Earthbending at an incredibly young age but that her Earthbending is as authentic as it gets.

7 The Boulder Vs The Blind Bandit

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

The first time Toph is seen in the series does not disappoint. Aang, Sokka, and Katara go to an underground Earthbending tournament in the hopes of finding Aang a teacher. While Sokka is initially ecstatic over The Boulder’s fighting skills, the gang watches Toph take him out in only two moves, and defend her title as champion.

They also realize that Toph is blind, and Aang remembers Bumi’s advice to find an Earthbending teacher who “listens and waits”. Although this scene is an epic introduction to Toph, it is lower on the list because she ends the fight so quickly.

6 Lake Laogai

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

Something about a fight scene with multiple Earthbenders is just so satisfying to watch. When Team Avatar infiltrates the underground Dai Li headquarters in an attempt to find Appa they are faced with a battalion of Dai Li agents.

The fact that Toph can stand head to head with the Dai Li, who are highly trained benders living in the Earth Kingdom capital, really attests to her skill. Not to mention the fact that she is only 12 years old and fighting grown men.

5 Breaking Into The Earth King’s Palace

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

This is an overall badass fight scene for all of Team Avatar, but Toph is especially in her element. This is another instance of Toph proving herself a superior Earthbender. Her teamwork with Aang is also really impressive.

They work together to create a shield for Appa and Earthbend the rest of the team up the walls of the palace. However, the most badass part has to be when she changes the enormous stairs of the palace into a giant slide while rocks from the Earth King’s guards whistle past her.

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4 Metal Armor

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

During Sozin’s Comet, Sokka, Suki, and Toph are charged with the task of taking down a fleet of Fire Nation airships. After entering one of the ships, Toph Metalbends a suit of armor around her body.

She then single-handedly busts into the bridge of the ship and easily takes out the crew of Firebenders inside. Metalbending in combat is not seen enough in Avatar, so it’s especially striking when Toph pulls out the big guns.

3 Teaching The Avatar

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

In “Bitter Work” Aang begins his Earthbending training with Toph. The training scene shows just how tough Toph really is, both as a teacher and as a person. Although she may seem rude and crass at times, there is a method to her madness.

Toph teaches Aang that Earthbenders must face things head-on and stand their ground. She also charges at Aang in a suit of rock, which is pretty terrifying.

2 Toph Vs Earth Rumble Six Fighters

Avatar The Last Airbender Tophs 10 Most Badass Scenes Ranked

When Aang is being held captive by Xin Fu and the other underground Earthbenders, Toph comes to the rescue. This scene especially shows how unique Toph’s style of Earthbending is and how she uses it to her advantage.

She creates a cloud of dust to fight her opponents in so that she is the only one who is fully aware of her surroundings. Then she listens and waits for the right moment to strike. This is the scene that made Master Yu say, “She’s the greatest Earthbender I’ve ever seen”.

1 Invents Metalbending

It can’t come as a surprise to anyone that this scene tops the list. Xin Fu and Master Yu are foolish enough to think that they have Toph contained within a metal cage. However she is able to sense the small amounts of earth within metal to not only bust out of her cage, but invent a completely new subset of Earthbending. S

he then throws Xin Fu and Master Yu back into the cage she was trapped in and bends a huge wave of earth to help her travel back to Team Avatar. Toph, you rule.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-toph-most-badass-best-scenes-ranked/

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