Avengers Age of Ultron Teased Big Hero 6s MCU Debut Six Years Ago

Avengers: Age of Ultron Teased Big Hero 6’s MCU Debut – Six Years Ago

With rumors circulating that Big Hero 6 will join the MCU, it’s important to note the superhero team was already teased in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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Avengers Age of Ultron Teased Big Hero 6s MCU Debut Six Years Ago

Although there are reports to the contrary, rumors have started circulating that characters from the world of Big Hero 6 will soon join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And while the information has yet to be corroborated by anyone at Marvel Studios, it’s still fun to speculate about where and how fan-favorite characters Hiro and Baymax will appear in the world’s largest franchise.

The Big Hero 6 team originated in the comics in 1998, although the characters and their world were largely re-imagined for the 2014 animated film. So, with another possible reimagining on the horizon that would see the character share the screen with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, it’s important to remember the MCU has already teased the Big Hero 6 team in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Avengers Age of Ultron Teased Big Hero 6s MCU Debut Six Years Ago

In Age of Ultron, the villainous robot Ultron stole large amounts of Vibranium and used it to attack Sokovia. Before heading into battle, the Avengers regrouped and geared up at Avengers Tower. This included the Maximoff twins and Vision officially joining the team, Hawkeye donning a new suit and Tony Stark finding himself in need of a new A.I. program for his armor after J.A.R.V.I.S. had been used to give birth to the Vision. With little time, Tony started going through a stack of chips, ultimately choosing to upload FRIDAY into his suit.

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However, while he settled on which A.I. to choose, the names of two other potential programs were present in the background: Jocasta and Tadashi. The first, Jocasta, is a reference to another character from the pages of Marvel Comics, a “female” robot created by Ultron to be his companion, while the inclusion of “Tadashi” is a reference to Disney’s Big Hero 6. In the 2014 film, Tadashi Hamada, the older brother of Hiro Hamada, originally created Baymax to be a robotic healthcare provider. Unfortunately, Tadashi would accidentally be killed by the movie’s villain, Robert Callaghan, and Baymax would fall in the care of Hiro.

At the time, the Easter Egg, which appeared less than a year after the release of Big Hero 6, seemed to be nothing more than a nod to another Disney property. But in hindsight, it could potentially hint at the existence of Baymax in the MCU. Of course, fans will have to wait for an official confirmation from Marvel to see if the cast of Big Hero 6 will join the MCU, but if the rumor proves to be accurate, Baymax could be revealed as some sort of extension of Tony’s work.

The MCU’s Phase 4 is setting up to have a strong focus on the multiverse, with everything from WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness to What If…? and the untitled Spider-Man 3. With that being the case, it isn’t a far stretch to say the world of Big Hero 6 could find its way into the MCU.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/avengers-age-ultron-big-hero-6-easter-egg/

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