Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Batman: 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s


From Knightfall to No Man’s Land, what are the best Batman DC comics from the 1990s?

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Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

The 1990s were a major decade for Batman, coming off character-defining works in The Dark Knight Returns and the pop culture phenomenon of the 1989 Batman movie. While this era wouldn’t produce such artistic highs as the ’80s did, there are still many great Batman comic book issues for fans to explore.

Some outstanding Batman stories emerge in this era, like The Long Halloween, a major modern storyline that could possibly have some influence on the upcoming The Batman movie with its use of multiple villains. Other stories stand out as well, including the first comic book appearance of Harley Quinn, one of the best DC Comics characters ever.

10 Dark Victory #1

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Dark Victory #1 from 1999 is the first installment in the direct sequel to The Long Halloween. Written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Tim Sale, the issue picks up the threads of that acclaimed story, drawing a broad canvas in Batman’s early career that investigates his past and future. Many great villains return, including the Mad Hatter and Two-Face. Batman discovers a clue at the end of the issue from a villain named Hangman, in a manner reminiscent of the clues he finds in the trailer for The Batman, possibly hinting at some connection.

9 Legends of the Dark Knight #6

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Legends of the Dark Knight #6 is the first part of the “Gothic” storyline from 1990, one of the best story arcs from this anthology series. Written by Grant Morrison, responsible for some of the best Superman issues from the 2000s, and drawn by Klaus Janson, who inked The Dark Knight Returns and Frank Miller’s Daredevil, this is a creative goldmine. The issue is appropriately dark for the era and pits Batman against a mysterious villain named Mr. Whisper, a serial killer who hunts down and kills mobsters in Gotham.

8 Batman #452

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Batman #452 is an example of how a seemingly routine issue can become fantastic thanks to the creative team involved. “Dark Knight, Dark City” starts off with a classic cover by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, which places Batman in a truly gothic Gotham. The story features a lot of Gotham lore that goes back a few centuries and a lot of challenging puzzles from The Riddler. The story contains one of the worst things the Riddler has ever done, drugging a person to deliver a riddle and then hurl themselves to their own death.

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7 Legends of the Dark Knight #28

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Legends of the Dark Knight #28 is a 1992 comic and the first part of “Faces,” a fantastic story about Two-Face by writer and artist Matt Wagner, who created the comic book Grendel. The story explores the issue of identity and good and evil through Two-Face, one of Batman’s most tragic villains. That tragedy is illuminated here in ways that really hadn’t been to that point. Also, the story gets out of Gotham and out of the box in its storytelling by going to the Caribbean and sending Two-Face after some plastic surgeons.

6 Batman Vs. Predator #4

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Batman was involved in a lot of crossovers in the ’90s. One of the best was Batman Versus Predator, which pitted the Dark Knight against the alien hunters. The early issues of the four-part mini-series set the stage, and issue #4 gives fans what they want – the knockdown, drag-out battle between Batman and the Predator.

Injured, Batman has to wear a specialized exoskeleton just to move and the two warriors trash a lot of Gothan in the battle. It ends with the Predator destroying itself after Batman defeats him in combat. While not widely as known as some of his other issues, Batman Versus Predator #4 typifies the era’s penchant for over-the-top action combined with highly stylized visuals. The issue is also notable for being a rare writing effort by the English artist Dave Gibbons, who is most famous for penciling the seminal Alan Moore-penned DC Comics classic Watchmen.

5 Batman: Harley Quinn

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

One of the best – and biggest – Batman story arcs from the 1990s. Batman: Harley Quinn is a major one-shot in the context of the series, and also in DC Comics history as it’s the issue that introduces Harley to mainline DC continuity. Harley Quinn emerges in the chaos of an earthquake that has devastated Gotham and left the city without any authority. While there might be some unpopular opinions about Harley Quinn in the comics, this issue is a must-read for fans of the character and students of comic book history.

4 Batman #497

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Batman #497 features one of the most iconic moments of the ’90s – Bane breaking Batman’s back. This event was depicted in live-action in The Dark Knight Rises and is emblematic of the era. Despite the overall Knightfall storyline not aging as well as some others, this issue remains a key moment in the history of Batman. It cemented Bane’s status as a major threat since confirmed in later comics and other media. It also led to the rise of Jean-Paul Valley, who was one of the craziest alternate versions of Batman.

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3 Mad Love #1

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

The Batman Adventures: Mad Love is an all-time classic, written by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini and drawn by Timm, the co-creators of Batman: The Animated Series and Harley Quinn. This issue not only features great art but is in many ways the first step in Harley’s evolution as a character.

Harley Quinn’s journey from a victim of the Joker to an empowered woman who rejects him and his behavior begins in large measure here, as Timm and Dini explore the origin of Harley Quinn and her twisted affair with the Joker. This comic is pivotal in establishing Harley as a key modern Batman villain, one who would pester the Dark Knight well into the 2010s. She’s recently transformed into an antihero, breaking away from her former villainous paramour and occasionally helping Batman save Gotham City in events such as Heroes in Crisis.

2 Kingdom Come #1

Batman 10 Best Comic Issues of the 1990s

Kingdom Come #1 is the beginning of an epic four-part mini-series that features one of DC Comics’ most dystopian futures. It also features one of its best versions of Batman. Though old and suffering from a lifetime of injuries, Batman remains an engaged figure and in some ways, a more terrifying one. Encased in an exoskeleton that helps him walk (and gives him the appearance of Darth Vader at times), Batman plots and schemes with supervillains in a story that ultimately pits him against his friends and allies Superman, and Wonder Woman.

This issue, and the entire comic series, was the pinnacle of DC’s Elseworlds imprint, which re-imagined DC characters in dramatically different ways. This imprint also spawned such classic alternate reality stories as Gotham by Gaslight, which portrayed a Victorian-era Batman fighting Jack the Ripper, and JLA: The Nail, which imagined a world without Superman ever existing.

1 The Long Halloween #1

The Long Halloween #1 begins one of the best Batman stories ever, written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Tim Sale. This mini-series explores the mystery of the Holiday Killer, which ultimately involves most of Batman’s considerable Rogues’ Gallery. It also dives deep into Batman’s early history and his tragic relationship with Harvey Dent. The storyline has been adapted as an animated movie and may have some influence on The Batman, in the way it deals with organized crime and multiple villains early in the career of the Dark Knight.

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