Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

Batman 1960s: The Best and Worst Episodes, According to IMDb


The 1960s version of Batman was completely different from modern movies. Campy and fun, let’s take a look at the best and worst episodes of the show.

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Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

Holy episode count Batman! The 60s Batman television series last 120 episodes over 3 seasons ending in 1968. The show followed Batman and Robin as they battled various criminals in Gotham city with little focus on their alter egos. Batman was a camp series with situations being played for laughs and vastly different from what modern audiences see Batman as. Most of Batman’s rogue’s gallery appears in the show and the series also introduced Barbara Gordon as Batgirl.

After the first season ended, a movie based on the series was released with the original cast returning apart from Julie Newmar as Catwoman and was replaced by Lee Meriwether. Newmar would return however for the second season before being replaced by Eartha Kitt in season three. The majority of the top-rated episodes include the character of Catwoman when she was portrayed Julie Newmar. These are the five best and five worst episodes according to the user ratings on IMDb.

10 Worst: Zelda the Great (7.1)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

This was the first of a two-part episode, and like all two-parters in the series ending in a cliffhanger. Its April fool’s day in Gotham and the GC National Bank has been robbed $100,000 for the third year running. Batman and Robin are called in to investigate when the Police struggle to find any leads.

It’s revealed that a failing magician, Zelda the Great has been robbing the GC National Bank so she can buy a new trick off Eivol Ekdol. When Batman sets up a ruse to trap Zelda, she catches on and decides to kidnap Aunt Harriet instead.

9 Best: Batman Displays his knowledge (8.4)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

The 50th episode of the series and part two of a storyline started in the previous episode. Catwoman finds out that the opals she has stolen are fakes, planted by Batman, so she decides to get revenge on the Caped Crusader.

Catwoman sets up a meeting at a model house where she uses poison perfume in an attempt to kill Batman. Always a step ahead, Batman reveals he was wearing batplugs in his nostrils and her toxin has no effect. Enraged, Catwoman orders her goons to take out Batman, when Robin appears and together they save the day.

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8 Worst: Louie’s Lethal Lilac Time (7.0)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

When Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson are kidnapped, Batgirl is the only one who can save them. Alfred uses the Batcomputer in the Batcave to pinpoint the dynamic duo’s location and informs Barbara Gordon. Alfred also sends the Batmobile to their location, hoping it will provide some assistance.

As soon as Batgirl arrives in the factory where Bruce and Dick are being held, she is also captured. Whilst in the basement of the complex, Bruce reveals he has created instant unfolding Batcostumes including utility belts. The dynamic duo escapes the factory and save Batgirl before pretending to save Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson.

7 Best: The Bats Kow Tow (8.4)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

The episode begins with Batman breaking the glass of the chamber he and Robin are trapped in, by singing at the right pitch. Meanwhile, Catwoman steals the voices of English musicians Chad and Jeremy, holding them for ransom. She then proceeds to steal the voices of Commissioner Gordon and talk show host Allen Stephens.

Batman confronts Catwoman at a salon owned by Mr. Oceanbring (Jay Sebring) where she confesses her love for the caped crusader. She asks Batman to go on a date with her once she is released from prison with Robin exclaiming “Holy mush” in regard to the affection between the two.

6 Worst: Walk the Straight and Narrow (7.0)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

In this second partner, following “Shoot a Crooked Arrow” Batman and Robin activate Batsprings in their boots to escape impalement in a trap set by the Archer and his gang. Meanwhile, the gang hijacks an armored car carrying $10 million.

The vehicle is found with the money left untouched but it is later revealed to be counterfeit bills. The Archer and his gang plan to escape to Switzerland via international waters but Batman and Robin give chase in the Batboat. They manage to defeat the Archer and the rest of the group, with Batman and Robin returning home to practice archery with Alfred.

5 Best: A Piece of the Action (8.4)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

This episode features a cross over with The Green Hornet television series that ran from 1966 – 1967, ending after a single season. The Green Hornet and Kato (played by Bruce Lee) arrive in Gotham to stop a counterfeit stamp ring but authorities believe them to be involved somehow.

Batman and Robin are out attempting to solve the same case, unaware that the Green Hornet is also a crime fighter. The two duo’s take out the bad guys together whilst Batman and Robin attempt to take them out as well. The episode features a hilarious exchange between Bruce Wayne and Britt Reid as they both try to explain why their city’s hero is better than the other.

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4 Worst: Shoot a Crooked Arrow (7.0)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

The first part of the previously mentioned Archer episode launches the second season following the release of the movie. When the Archer and his gang escape from Police Headquarters, they go straight to Wayne Manor, gassing everyone and making off with cash.

In an attempt to be like Robin Hood, the gang returns to Police HQ to hand out the stolen cash but is apprehended by Batman and Robin. Due to the citizens of Gotham becoming captivated by Archer and his gang, they avoid jail. The Dynamic Duo track down Archer’s gang where Batman challenges Archer to a duel, however the Archer sets up Batman and Robin to be impaled by lancers.

3 Best: Scat! Darn Catwoman (8.7)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

Batman agrees to join Catwoman’s gang to save Robin from committing murder (whilst under Catwoman’s control). Catwoman gives Batman some cataphrenic but not before Batman is able to take a Batpill to inhibit her control and in turn pretends to be under her spell.

Batman gases Catwoman, taking her to the Batcave and leaving a note for Alfred to deliver the antidote to Robin. Once restored to his usual self, Robin works with Batman to take down the Catmen. Catwoman escapes to the foot and when confronted by Batman, she proposes. Catwoman ends up slipping off the roof and into the water below, her fate left ambiguous.

2 Worst: Nora Clavicle and the Ladies Crime Club (6.2)

Batman 1960s The Best and Worst Episodes According to IMDb

A women’s rights activist leads a secret life as a criminal mastermind with one goal, destroy Gotham City. Nora Clavicle uses her influence over the mayor’s wife to have Commissioner Gordon, Chief O’Hara, Batman and Robin fired and replaced with women.

Nora Clavicle’s master plan involves letting mechanical mice containing explosives loose on Gotham, destroying the city and allowing her to collect on the insurance policy. Unfortunately for Nora, the dynamic duo lead the mice into Gotham Harbour with Nora and gang going to jail.

1 Best: That Darn Catwoman (8.7)

Following a commencement speech at Aaron Burr High School, Robin is approached by Catwoman’s protégé Pussycat and scratched with cataphrenic, leading him to engage in criminal behavior. After an assault, Commissioner Gordon informs Batman of the boy wonders misdeeds. Batman begins to investigate which leads to a showdown between him and the mind-controlled Robin. Batman takes a beating, unable to hurt his protégé before the gang escapes to their headquarters.

Batman makes his way to Catwoman’s lair where a trap is laid out for him, resulting in Batman being electrocuted. He wakes up soon after, tied to a giant mousetrap and given a proposition, partner with Catwoman or face death at the hands of Robin.

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