Batman Beyond Voice Director Encourages Fan Campaign For Show Revival

Batman Beyond Voice Director Encourages Fan Campaign For Show Revival

The best way for fans to get more Batman Beyond, according to the show’s voice director, is to tell Warner Bros. what they want to see.

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Batman Beyond Voice Director Encourages Fan Campaign For Show Revival

Voice and casting director Andrea Romano encourages fans to campaign for a Batman Beyond revival. The original Batman Beyond animated series ran from 1999 to 2001 and told the story of an older Bruce Wayne who has retreated from society. When a teen named Terry McGinnis stumbles upon the Batcave, he persuades Bruce to mentor him and let him be the new Batman. The series is beloved by fans and has developed a cult following over the years, and many have long hoped for some kind of follow-up.

Last year, the news that Michael Keaton will once again play Batman for the DCEU’s Flash movie once again reignited interest in Batman Beyond. Keaton is fans’ top pick to play the older Bruce in a potential Batman Beyond film, and his apparent return gave some hope that a movie would now be possible. So far, however, there hasn’t been any development beyond fan dreams. Others have suggested Batman Beyond could become a live-action television show, or that it could be revived somehow. Again, there haven’t been any developments yet.

However, as Batman Beyond’s casting director Romano believes, fans can change that. While appearing on the Batman Beyond panel at IGN Fan Fest this past weekend, Romano suggested fans actively campaign for a new project based on the property, whether it be another season or a movie. In short, the fans should really tell Warner Bros. what they would like to see. Romano said:

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“It will depend on the fans asking, and asking, and asking for it until [show owner] Warner Bros. would be foolish not to. So they have to begin a campaign of sorts and just let Warner Bros. know that that’s what they want. Because we would like to make it, it would be great fun – we’re all still around, we’re all still available, everybody’s still doing beautiful work. So yes please, and thank you.”

There have been numerous fan campaigns over the years for various projects, and only some have been successful. Perhaps the biggest example of a campaign emerging victorious is that for the Justice League Snyder Cut, which raged for three years and went to great lengths to tell Warner Bros. they wanted to see the film. Now, the Snyder Cut is just over two weeks away. Presumably, Romano had something like that in mind when encouraging Batman Beyond fans to go after what they want; it’s fair to assume something of that magnitude would give results.

It remains to be seen if a proper fan campaign will emerge in support of Batman Beyond, but there is a definite interest in seeing the series get revived somehow. Batman Beyond tells a compelling story, and it deserves to get new life either in the form of more episodes or, yes, a live-action movie with Keaton. If the fan enthusiasm is there, Warner Bros. might listen and greenlight something. Until then, though, people can continue to hope and dream of what could be.

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