Batman Lost Control of His Coolest Team To [SPOILER]

Batman Lost Control of His Coolest Team To [SPOILER]

DC Comics has brought back one of Batman’s coolest superteams – however, his former squad is now under the control of a supervillain.

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Batman Lost Control of His Coolest Team To [SPOILER]

Warning! Spoilers for Batman #118 by DC Comics below

In the newest chapter of Batman’s ongoing series, the Dark Knight’s coolest superteam just made a surprise return. However, it’s not exactly a welcome reunion for the DC Comics hero. In Batman #118, Batman’s past and present are colliding more than ever, as it’s revealed the former members of Batman Inc. are now under the control of one of the biggest supervillains in the entire universe, Lex Luthor.

In the original Batman Incorporated arc by Grant Morrison, Cameron Stewart, and Frazer Irving, Batman funded a global team of heroes who operated as part of the Batman Inc. organization. Originally known as the Club of Heroes, the characters first appeared in the 1955 Detective Comics story “The Batmen of All Nations.” Morrison reintroduced a handful of the characters as international heroes under the Batman Incorporated umbrella, including the Batman-inspired Mr. Unknown in Japan, El Gaucho of Argentina, Chief Man-of-Bats of the Sioux Nation, and The Dark Ranger of Australia. The international heroes fought alongside Batman until he stopped funding the team. Now, DC is revealing Batman did not protect his trainees and investments.

In Batman #118 by Joshua Williamson, Jorge Molina, Mikel Janin, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles, Batman tells the Oracle he’s going dark for 48 hours after former members of his Batman Inc. make international headlines for being arrested in a murder plot. Batman heads to the island of Badhnisia, where he runs into Detective Cayha investigating the murder of a villain named Abyss after former members of Batman Inc. turn themselves in. Batman (in his classic Batman Inc. suit) scans the crime scene and immediately knows his former allies were responsible for killing the villain. He wonders what turned his former friends into murderers.

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Batman Lost Control of His Coolest Team To [SPOILER]

That’s when Detective Cayha informs Batman the group has a rich benefactor – and it’s not Bruce Wayne. Instead, Lex Luthor is now in control of the former Batman Inc. members. Luthor arrives on the scene and tells the Caped Crusader that “someone had to pick up the slack” after the group disbanded. He tells Batman he wants the Batman Inc. heroes to “make the world a better place” and that he’s willing to protect his investments.

It’s incredibly rare for Batman to stop tracking and funding his teams and initiatives, but considering his recent money problems and the lack of contact with his former Batman Inc. heroes, he clearly let his control of them slip through the cracks. Now, Luthor is seemingly using them to do his bidding. Did he call the hit for Abyss? Or is there something more at play with the Batman Inc.-related murders? Readers will learn more soon. Batman #118 is in comic book stores now.

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