Batman V Superman Photos Man of Steel Dark Knight & Wonder Woman Costumes

Batman V Superman Photos: Man of Steel, Dark Knight & Wonder Woman Costumes


Colored photos have been released of the Dark Knight, Man of Steel, and Wonder Woman’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ costumes.

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Batman V Superman Photos Man of Steel Dark Knight & Wonder Woman Costumes

Long before Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was announced, the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel had been facing off (and more often teaming up) in comics books for decades. At first glance a matchup between a super-powered alien and a man dressed as a bat might seem absurd but longtime fans of the heroes know that a tech-savvy strategist Bruce Wayne is capable of holding his own against Kal-El. Given that Batman V Superman will feature a new cinematic take on the Dark Knight, as an aged crime-fighter, fans are understandably eager to see the Justice Leaguers face-off and then team-up on screen.

We’ve already seen the first Batman V Superman trailer – today, we have the first up close and personal colored photos of the costumes worn by Superman (Henry Cavill), Batman (Ben Affleck), and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) in director Zack Snyder’s upcoming film!

Previous reveals of the Batman V Superman heroes have been released with filters that muted Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman’s costumes. While the Man of Steel’s costume image was slightly more colorful than his super-friends, who were “revealed” in black and white (as well as yellow hues, respectively), even Superman’s updated costume appeared darker than it will in the final film.

Luckily, Bleacher Report has posted their own behind-the-scenes video showing all three suits in full color. Have a look:

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Batman V Superman Photos Man of Steel Dark Knight & Wonder Woman CostumesBatman V Superman Photos Man of Steel Dark Knight & Wonder Woman CostumesBatman V Superman Photos Man of Steel Dark Knight & Wonder Woman CostumesBatman V Superman Photos Man of Steel Dark Knight & Wonder Woman CostumesBatman V Superman Photos Man of Steel Dark Knight & Wonder Woman Costumes

Unsurprisingly, the actual costumes look similar to fan mock-ups – given that Batman V Superman’s producers, actors, and costume designer all discussed select elements of the outfits. Armed with source material inspirations, fans were able to refresh the uncolored images with some truly slick photoshop work – that came pretty close to the final product.

As Kevin Smith had hinted, Batman’s cape and cowl are similar to the outfit in Frank Miller’s black/grey/yellow color scheme. Additionally, absent from the initial photo of Ben Affleck in costume next to the Batmobile, the new images reveal that the Dark Knight will also include utility-like pockets – and a (large) codpiece that is bound to set-off a whole new round of Baffleck costume memes.

Like Superman’s suit, the Wonder Woman photo received only subtle tweaks – meaning that fans had a pretty good idea of how the costume would appear unfiltered. Her armor isn’t as vibrant or ‘patriotic’ as classic iterations, but it does include noticeable red and blue coloring – trading comic book inking for earthier tones.

As mentioned, the Superman costume includes the least surprises – as fans had already seen the core visual design in Man of Steel. Snyder has tweaked the costume for Batman V Superman, introducing some lighter tones (and an even beefier Henry Cavill).

Of course, with a year before the film hits theaters, there’s plenty more for Snyder to reveal – especially if other Justice League heroes are set to cameo. We’ve seen a brief glimpse of Jason Momoa’s Aquaman but with several other Justice League members set for team-up appearances and solo movies in the coming years, we’ve still got a lot to look forward to as DC develops their shared movie universe.

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NEXT: Batman V Superman Trailer Analysis

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will be in theaters on March 25th, 2016; Suicide Squad on August 5th, 2016; Wonder Woman – June 23rd, 2017; Justice League – November 17th, 2017; The Flash – March 23rd, 2018; Aquaman – July 27th, 2018; Shazam – April 5th, 2019; Justice League 2 – June 14th, 2019; Cyborg – April 3rd, 2020; Green Lantern – June 19th, 2020.

Source: Bleacher Report

Ben Kendrick is the publisher of Screen Rant, the site’s head film critic, as well as host of the Screen Rant Underground and Total Geekall podcast. He is a member of the Denver Film Critics Society as well as the Online Film Critics Society – with work referenced, cited, or syndicated on CNN, Wikipedia, Huffington Post, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, Yahoo, and Business Insider, among others. A graduate of the New School’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, Ben has been passionate about movies ever since standing in line for a midnight showing of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when he was eight years-old. Thanks to a background in fiction writing, Ben is drawn to films that make story and character a priority; however, that doesn’t stop him from enjoying a range of Hollywood offerings – from blockbuster action flicks to campy so-bad-they’re-good B-movies. Visit Ben Kendrick’s website for info on his fiction work, follow him on Twitter @benkendrick, subscribe to his (humorous) five guys watch The Bachelor podcast, or contact him directly: ben(at)screenrant(dot)com.

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