Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

Batwoman: 10 Details You Missed In Season One


Season one of Batwoman was so rich in subtle details and references that it was incredibly easy to miss some of them.

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Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

In the Arrowverse, the different shows are often full of connective details, hidden Easter eggs, and even comic book references. The first season of Batwoman is no exception. In fact, the 20 episodes of the series pack in quite a few things fans might miss.

Many fans picked up on just how often the television series gave nods to the Batman movies of the past, but it also gave nods to its comic book source material quite a bit. Alice’s obsession with Alice In Wonderland also meant there were a lot of references to the novel – and not just her quoting it in times of stress.

10 Alice’s Crow

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

Alice names herself after her literary hero – a little girl lost in a fantastical world. In a nod to that world, she names everyone around her after characters in Lewis Carroll’s classic. Every episode, other than the pilot and the crossover hour, are also named with lines from Alice In Wonderland. Those nods are a little easier for fans to spot. There’s one that’s not.

Alice has a member of the Crows in her Wonderland Gang in the pilot episode. His name happens to be Chuck Dodgson. “Chuck” is typically a nickname for Charles. Lewis Carroll is just a pen name. The writer’s real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

9 Burnside

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

Early in the series when the Crows attempt to track Alice down, they discover she’s hiding out in Burnside Orphanage. Burnside might not mean much to some viewers, but DC comic book fans will recognize the name.

Burnside isn’t a neighborhood in Gotham proper, but one on the other side of the river. It’s actually where Barbara Gordon settles down for a while when she wants a break from her life in Gotham. She has an entire story arc set there in her New 52 Batgirl series.

8 “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat…”

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

This line is actually spray-painted on the wall of that same Burnside Orphanage where Alice decides to question Kate Kane. While it’s another nod to Alice’s Wonderland origins as it’s a poem recited by the Mad Hatter, it’s also loved by Batman writers.

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The 1960s television series has Batman himself recite the poem when he’s being driven mad by a villain. It’s also quoted by Riddler in Batman Forever and the Mad Hatter in the ’90s animated series. Even the Arkham games have gotten in on the action with the Joker putting his own spin on the poem.

7 Zorro In The Park

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

If someone asks a fan what they know about the night Bruce Wayne’s parents were murdered, they’ll likely say that the Waynes were leaving a movie when it happened. What movie it is – or even if it’s a movie – depends on the continuity of the story.

More modern versions of Batman’s origins depict the movie in question as The Mark Of Zorro. In the pilot episode, as the Crows guard a movie in the park event for Gotham, the first of its kind in a long time because of the high crime rate. The movie being shown? The Mark Of Zorro.

6 Batman’s Robin

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

There’s a lot of talk of Batman being missing from Gotham in the series, but one character that doesn’t get as much love is his sidekick – Robin. Robin does, however, get one mention on the show.

Radio personality Vesper Fairchild makes the remark, “Was it Robin’s high school graduation” when questioning why Batman isn’t around to help. While it doesn’t tell us which version of Robin the character is, it does tell us that Robin is, at the very least, known to be much younger than Batman. Maybe fans should be wondering where Robin is instead of where Batman is.

5 “I Paid A Man To Riddle Me The Answer.”

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

Batwoman characters name drop a lot of villains since Batman has been operating for at least 15 years (since the crash that separated Kate and Beth). This statement isn’t an outright namedrop from Tommy Eliot in the third episode, but it does tell the audience a few things.

Bruce Wayne being Batman is probably one of the worst kept secrets in Gotham. If Tommy can pay a supervillain to give him the answer, chances are a lot of Batman’s supervillains already know who he really is. This also tells us that the Riddler has had a run in Gotham, and is allowed visitors in Arkham (a crossover reveals he’s a resident with his name appearing on a cell door). With Gotham having ended its run, perhaps Batwoman will have its own version of the character on screen.

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4 Rucka Avenue

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

In the sixth episode, the street Rucka Avenue is mentioned. It’s named for writer Greg Rucka. Rucka has a lot of work for DC Comics under his belt, and even novelizations like that of the Batman: No Man’s Land arc.

He also helped to create the Kate Kane version of Batwoman. The earlier version of Batwoman, Kathy Kane, was introduced as a love interest for Bruce Wayne decades earlier, but the character didn’t exactly stick. Kate was introduced in 2006 following the events of the Infinite Crisis arc.

3 Codename Tuxedo One

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

Julia Pennyworth becomes a supporting character fairly quickly in the first season of the series as Kate’s former love interest and ally. She also has a nice codename thanks to her background as a spy.

Luke calls her Tuxedo a few times over comms, but that’s not all. That’s also how she’s saved in his phone. That codename is straight out of the comics. Julia also goes by Penny-Two in the comics, a nod to her being the daughter of Alfred Pennyworth.

2 “Drink Me” Is The First Episode Without Bruce

Batwoman 10 Details You Missed In Season One

Though the series is about Batwoman’s journey, the shadow of Kate Kane’s cousin Bruce Wayne hangs heavy over her head – even without him physically appearing in the show. She uses one of his offices, his batcave, and even takes on his uniform and cause.

Episode 13, “Drink Me,” is the first episode of the series that doesn’t feel the weight of Bruce Wayne. That’s because it’s the first episode in which he’s not mentioned.

1 Azrael

While a lot of characters get name dropped in the series, Azrael gets a mention courtesy of a journal instead. Azrael’s name pops up in the journal of Lucius Fox when Alice is searching for the secret to killing “The Bat.”

Azrael appears in DC Comics as a member of the Order Of Purity. Gotham gave its own take on the character, but the character, and the Order, have yet to appear in the Arrowverse. Luke Fox’s journal entry details Azrael’s armor, but not much else.

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