Berserks Final Chapter Promises a Hauntingly Beautiful Happy Ending

Berserk’s Final Chapter Promises a Hauntingly Beautiful Happy Ending

Berserk’s posthumous 364th chapter is likely the end of the late Kentaro Miura’s epic manga series, but it promises hope in a world full of suffering.

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Berserks Final Chapter Promises a Hauntingly Beautiful Happy Ending

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Berserk chapter 364!

The posthumous release of Berserk’s 364th chapter is finally here but with it comes the sobering realization that these pages almost assuredly signal the end of the late mangaka Kentaro Miura’s epic manga series.

Such a remarkable story always deserved nothing less than an awe-inspiring conclusion, so when Miura’s publisher Young Animal announced his unexpected passing in May, the manga community despaired not only the death of an incredibly gifted artist and storyteller but the abrupt end of his beautifully rendered and painstakingly detailed masterpiece. But despite Miura’s assistants at Studio Gaga reportedly taking on the ostensibly insurmountable task of completing Berserk’s final installment following his death, their efforts somehow transformed what undoubtedly started as just another chapter, into a masterfully poignant conclusion that promises hope in an existential world rife with death and turmoil.

The new chapter’s two most captivating moments occur in the second half and depict the series’ most prominent and beloved characters in a hopeful light after literally hundreds of chapters sharing nothing but perpetual suffering. Up until now, Berserk’s beleaguered and war-torn warrior Guts spent the entirety of the series seeking retribution for the transgressions perpetrated against him, his beloved Casca, and his murdered comrades by his once greatest friend Griffith. Yet, Guts can be seen in the closing chapter playing with the so-called Moonlight Boy, a reticent child believed to be his son who mysteriously appears during the full moon. It’s a touching scene where Guts displays warmth and affection to a young boy, which is remarkable, especially when considering his traumatic childhood.

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As alluded to above, it’s clear that Miura intended chapter 364 to end as a cliffhanger with Guts’ former-friend-turned-enemy Griffith appearing to him in tears. But now the scene is portrayed as Casca’s salvation with Griffith’s image used as a way to reiterate her redemption. In this latest chapter, Casca recalls a dream pleasantly even though it clearly represents the horrors she was subjected to during the Eclipse, creating the impression that she will be able to look back on her life, even the worst moments, and find the beauty in them.

Despite the obvious last-minute amendments, Berserk’s closing chapter is a fitting end to a true masterpiece considering. More crucially, mangaka Kentaro Miura was clearly intending to eventually adopt the overall tone that this chapter espouses as made apparent by how Guts had begun moving past his hatred for Griffith. For this latest chapter heralds the coming of hope to what had been a relatively bleak world by implying that Casca will also find the strength within herself to heal rather than resort to petty vengeance and that both she and Guts will one day become loving parents, bringing warmth and joy to a child after a lifetime of death and despair. It’s the best outcome that any reader could have ever imagined would befall such beloved characters as tortured and weary as them.

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