Best Adept Class Build in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Best Adept Class Build in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition


Adepts are biotic specialists in the Mass Effect trilogy. Their abilities are powerful, often working on even the largest and most protected targets.

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Best Adept Class Build in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Across the entire Mass Effect trilogy, players will have the opportunity to select a class for their Commander Shepard from the six available options. Each class allows Shepard to specialize in Biotics, Combat, Tech, or some combination of two of these. For players who may not be extremely comfortable with shooters or who love the idea of taking down enemies without firing a single shot, the Adept class can be a popular choice. Adepts across the Mass Effect trilogy are extremely powerful, and their signature ability, Singularity, is one of the strongest and most versatile in the game.

While there are a few slight differences in an Adept’s abilities between the three games in the Mass Effect series, many of the powers will stay the same, allowing players to master combinations. Adepts work well with other biotics, long-range fighters, and technology experts. They can detonate their abilities to trigger powerful explosions and cull a large throng of enemies quickly. In the original series, Adepts were only able to use Pistols and SMGs. In Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, they will have the opportunity to use any weapon class they wish, allowing even more freedom and possible combinations. When building an Adept Shepard, players will want to focus on lowering cooldown times on abilities and increasing power damage. Here’s how to build the Adept class in Mass Effect.

How to Spec Adept Abilities in Mass Effect

Best Adept Class Build in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Adepts across the Mass Effect trilogy will have access to most of the same abilities, with a few minor differences. In Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, after reaching Level 4 on an ability, players can select powerful upgrades for each one based on their preferred fighting style.

Adept Abilities in Mass Effect

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Suggested Bonus Abilities:

Best Adept Class Build in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Adept Abilities in Mass Effect 2

Suggested Bonus Powers:

Best Adept Class Build in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Adept Abilities in Mass Effect 3

Suggested Bonus Powers:

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Best Adept Class Build in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

In the original Mass Effect, players should prioritize investing points into Charm or Intimidate to buff their Paragon or Renegade score. These unlock special dialogue options. Higher Charm scores provide bonuses to first aid and power cooldown time, while higher Intimidate scores increase power and weapon damage.

In Mass Effect 2, players should prioritize maxing out the Biotic Mastery ability. It provides a bonus to overall Health and weapons damage, lowers power recharge time, and provides a significant bonus to Paragon or Renegade points when making decisions. This also allows Shepard to choose a specialization between Nemesis and Bastion. Nemesis comes with further bonuses to power damage. Bastion increases health, Paragon/Renegade scores, and power duration. In Mass Effect 3, Biotic Mastery is somewhat less important. While the reputation, health, and power damage boosts can be useful, points may be better invested in the core Adept abilities.

How To Select Adept Equipment And Squadmates In Mass Effect

Heavy Pistols and SMGs tend to be the weapons of choice for Adepts. In Mass Effect 3 in particular, lighter loadouts with these weapons reduce cooldown times for powers, which is especially useful in the Adept class. However, Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles can be good choices as well, depending on playstyle. Assault Rifles can be combined with a power like Singularity, Lift, or Pull. The weapon fires a burst of ammo that can eliminate targets caught by these biotic abilities right away. Sniper Rifles can deal heavy damage from a distance for Adepts who want to play it safe and stay at range.

Shepard should purchase or research armor upgrades that improve biotics, decrease power cooldown times, and increase power damage. Good options can include:

Additionally, an Adept Shepard will want to bring along squadmates who can fill in some of their weaker points. The ability to quickly take down enemy shields will be important, so Garrus and Tali are good choices. Squadmates with good long-range fighting capabilities like Thane, Garrus, Legion, and Zaeed are also effective in combination with Adepts. Squadmates who can tank, particularly Grunt and James, may help in melee situations, as Adepts tend to be built less for defense. It is generally not as advisable to bring additional biotics, as their powers can become somewhat redundant. In certain situations, however, they can make for powerful biotic combos and detonations.

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