Black Panther Takes A Troubling Stance on Democracy in Marvel Comics

Black Panther Takes A Troubling Stance on Democracy in Marvel Comics

Black Panther’s role as King of Wakanda has been minimized as the country converts to democracy, and T’Challa’s stance on the matter is troubling.

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Black Panther Takes A Troubling Stance on Democracy in Marvel Comics

Warning! Spoilers for Black Panther #1 ahead!

As Wakanda converts to a democratic system of government in the pages of Marvel Comics, Black Panther’s views on democracy turn troubling. T’Challa loves his people. However, his sinister secret operations and critical commentary indicate that he doesn’t value their input. Although a king, Black Panther is a warrior at heart, and he struggles to cede his role as an all-powerful protector. His intentions may be just, but Black Panther’s anti-democratic sentiments have deadly consequences.

Black Panther (2021) #1 by John Ridley, Juann Cabal, and Federico Blee chronicles Wakanda’s assimilation into the world. For hundreds of years, the central African nation flourished in isolation. It remained hidden from the world with force fields, cloaking devices, and strict policy. Its leader and protector, the Black Panther, reigned as the sole governing entity. However, largely due to Black Panther’s involvement with the Avengers, Wakanda is changing direction. It has opened its relations with other countries and adopted a parliamentary government. With a prime minister and parliament in place, T’Challa’s role as king has become more traditional than practical. However, he doesn’t seem to see it that way.

Tensions rise in Wakanda as the Black Panther expresses his controversial views on democracy. T’Challa is openly derogatory towards the prime minister and criticizes the new system. On one such occasion, the prime minister asks for T’Challa’s opinion on several important matters. Rather than offer helpful advice as a king, the Black Panther says, “My perspective is that you should return the matter to committee, where they can convene a panel to further discuss potential proposals to be examined at a later date.” He leaves the room criticizing parliament for “so little being accomplished.” On their own, these comments constitute immature complaints. However, T’Challa takes these opinions much further, costing people their lives.

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Distrustful of democratic nations, King T’Challa takes national security into his own hands. Without permission from the government, Black Panther positions sleeper agents around the world. If any nation becomes hostile towards Wakanda, he can overthrow their government by force. When assailants murder one of these agents along with several bystanders, T’Challa must explain his plot to his sister, Shuri. To justify his actions, he explains that “stable nations require singular leaders.” Shuri contends that he is describing a dictator, and T’Challa doesn’t deny the accusation. In fact, he embraces it, saying that dictatorships are honest, while democracies only pretend to be free. Whether his point is valid or not, Black Panther’s need for control costs innocent people their lives, and yields nothing in return. It threatens to destroy Wakanda.

Comic history portrays Black Panther as a capable leader. However, his hatred towards democracy suggests otherwise. As a king, he thrived, but T’Challa’s inability to hand over power to his people proves harmful to everyone. The unfolding consequences of his insurrection will test the Black Panther’s moral fiber as never before. Only time can tell if T’Challa will side with his people or let power corrupt him.

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