Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown: 16 Story Reveals & Secrets


Marvel Studios has released the final trailer for Black Widow, and while most of the footage has been previously used, it revealed new story details.

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Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

The final trailer for Black Widow has new story details to reveal ahead of the film’s release – and here’s a full trailer breakdown. Although audiences saw Natasha Romanoff a.k.a. Black Widow’s demise in Avengers: Endgame, Scarlett Johansson will be back one last time to offer a deeper look at Natasha’s story in Black Widow. Set between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War, the film will follow Natasha as she’s on the run from the government following the battle between Team Captain America and Team Iron Man in Civil War.

Black Widow will take viewers to Russia, where Natasha will confront her past and reunite with her “family”: Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh), Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz), and Alexei Shostakov a.k.a. Red Guardian (David Harbour). The group will come across with Taskmaster, a villain with the ability to mimic the physical movements of anyone he observes, which makes him a big threat. The identity of Taskmaster remains unknown, and it might be the big reveal of the film (unless, of course, it has more surprises up its sleeve).

With a bit over a month to go before the release of Black Widow, Marvel Studios is hard at work with the film’s marketing campaign, and recently unveiled the final trailer. Although the overall vibe of the trailer is the same as the previous ones, it offers new information on Natasha’s family, how they dealt with her absence, Taskmaster’s skills, and more. Here’s a full breakdown of Black Widow’s final trailer.

16. Yelena’s Story

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

The trailer begins with Natasha and Yelena having some drinks, with the latter telling the former the story she made up after she left. Both were trained at the Red Room, but at some point Natasha decided to leave as she wanted to be something more than a trained assassin. Yelena explains she told people that Natasha moved out west and became a science teacher, that her husband “renovates houses” and they’re thinking about moving but are going to wait “until the interest rates go down”. Obviously that’s far from what Natasha had been doing for years, so she simply replies “that’s not my story” with a smile. A quality time moment between sisters.

15. Taskmaster Attacks Black Widow

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

The first encounter between Black Widow and Taskmaster is very reminiscent to the one between Nick Fury and the Winter Soldier in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, with Taskmaster attacking Natasha while in her car, causing an explosion and the car to flip. Natasha then takes her gun and fights back, but soon learns that Taskmaster is no regular villain. It’s in this scene where Taskmaster also shows his Captain America moves, shield included.

14. Taskmaster Studies Black Widow’s Fighting Style

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

As mentioned above, Taskmaster has the ability to mimic the movements and fighting style of anyone he observes, and in this new trailer, he’s shown studying Black Widow. So far, in what the previous trailers and teasers have shown, Taskmaster has either come in direct contact with or has studied from a distance heroes like Captain America and Hawkeye, as seen in his use of a shield and a bow and arrow, this last one a scene that has been featured in almost every trailer. This particular scene of Taskmaster studying Black Widow makes it clear that he has been waiting for his encounter with Natasha, as they might have some unfinished business.

13. Taskmaster Controls The Red Room

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

Perhaps the biggest reveal in the trailer is that Taskmaster is the one controlling the Red Room. Yelena explains that the Black Widows in training are being manipulated by Taskmaster, and they’re fully conscious but have no choices. The Red Room, also known as the Black Widow Program, is a secret Soviet brainwashing and training program, which takes young women to turn them into the deadliest and most elite assassins. The Red Room operates in cruel ways: the girls are put through arduous daily training, including weapons training, combat, and tactical skills. More often than not, they have to fight each other to the point where the loser is killed, as weakness is not tolerated.

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There’s also the “graduation ceremony”, which consists on sterilizing those who have successfully passed all physical and mental tests, this with the purpose of making them better killers, as their only worry would be their missions instead of a family. How and why Taskmaster is now controlling the Red Room will remain unanswered until Black Widow comes out, but might have to do with a personal mission against Natasha.

12. Yelena Undergoes Red Room Treatment

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

The following scene shows Yelena tied and about to be injected with some substance, implied to be one of the many experiments and treatments that go down in the Red Room. What’s interesting about this scene is that Yelena is wearing the white suit, the one she’s seen in during the battle alongside Natasha, Melina, and Red Guardian, meaning she could have been trapped and is about to go through a brainwashing process or worse, as there’s also a line traced on her forehead and along her hairline.

11. Natasha & Yelena Go Back To The Beginning

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

After realizing the damage the Red Room has caused for decades, the risks of what Taskmaster has done with the Black Widows in training, and everything he’s capable of, Natasha says they have to go back “to where it all started, so they never do that to anyone again”. Natasha’s mission won’t be just to stop Taskmaster, but the Red Room and its program as a whole, making sure that no more women have to go through what she and many others have.

10. Natasha’s Russian Family Prepares For Battle

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

The only family Natasha had had until then were the Avengers, but as a previous trailer revealed, they weren’t her first family, something that represents a minor issue in continuity as in Avengers: Endgame she said she couldn’t give up on the Avengers because they were her family, and she “used to have nothing” before she joined the team. Still, Black Widow will see Natasha joining forces with her Russian family once more, and the trailer shows some quick looks at them preparing for battle, with grenades, guns, and more.

9. Iron Maiden’s Mask

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

It’s in that same scene where a mask can be seen in the background. It’s a “blink and you miss it” moment, but many have pointed it out and its similarity to the Iron Maiden mask. In the comics, Melina Vostokoff is Iron Maiden, a Russian assassin living in the shadow of Black Widow and who grows to hate her. Whether Black Widow will have a major twist in which Melina turns out to be against Natasha or Iron Maiden was her past is unknown, but it’s interesting to see she’s keeping the mask safely.

8. Taskmaster Copies Black Panther Against Red Guardian

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

Taskmaster has been keeping track of every superhero that comes to light, among those Black Panther. King T’Chaka and his son, T’Challa, were introduced in Civil War, where T’Chaka died after the UN conference in Vienna was bombed. T’Challa then took his place as Black Panther, and didn’t waste time to go after those responsible for his father’s death. Word about Black Panther’s actions was surely spread all over the world, and Taskmaster knew it was one hero worth studying. In the trailer, when he’s about to fight Red Guardian, he shows off some claws, very much like Black Panther’s, and a similar fighting style to the one of the King of Wakanda.

7. Taskmaster Chases Down Natasha & Yelena

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

Black Widow will have at least one car chase scene, with one of Taskmaster’s Widows going after Natasha and Yelena in a motorcycle and Taskmaster himself catching up not long after in a tank and, once again, showing his Hawkeye-like skills by throwing an explosive arrow to Natasha and Yelena’s car. Yelena takes a moment to question Natasha’s plan, which turns out to be to “drive themselves away”, to which Yelena replies that her plan sucks – and judging by the footage in this trailer, she wasn’t entirely wrong.

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6. Natasha Fights Multiple Black Widows

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

With a large group of Black Widows under Taskmaster’s command, and at least one assisting the aforementioned car chase by following Natasha and Yelena in a motorcycle, it’s not surprising that the Widows will go after Natasha and fight her. This will be a very interesting battle as they were all trained under the same program, with the same purpose, and even though Natasha’s family has her back (and it’s unknown if they will be there to assist her), she’s obviously outnumbered. Whether they manage to defeat her and take her prisoner or not remains to be seen, but it will surely be an exciting fight.

5. General Ross

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

General Thaddeus Ross will make an appearance in Black Widow. Ross made his MCU debut in The Incredible Hulk, and later appeared in Civil War, presenting the Sokovia Accords. He had a minor appearance in Infinity War via hologram, arguing with Rhodey about Captain America, Natasha, and Scarlet Witch being criminals for going against the Accords and running away, and later in Avengers: Endgame, attending Tony Stark’s funeral. What’s interesting about his appearance in Black Widow is that he appears to have been de-aged in the scene shown in the trailer (where he arrives with a whole SWAT team), meaning the film could take viewers back as far as before the events in The Incredible Hulk, giving more context to why he’s going after Black Widow aside from the whole Sokovia Accords situation.

4. Yelena Shows Off Her Fighting Skills

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

Of course, most of the action in the Black Widow trailers have focused either on Natasha’s fights or those alongside (or against, in Yelena’s case) her Russian family, but this one gives Yelena her own moment, even if briefly. Yelena is shown fighting a masked agent in a room with green light and what appear to be safes on every wall.

3. Red Guardian Shows Off His Captain America Skills

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

Red Guardian is known as the Russian counterpart to Captain America, with some significant differences, of course. Red Guardian has spent a lot of time in prison, but his fighting skills are still on point. Very much like Captain America, Red Guardian has his own shield, and the trailer shows him using it in ways that mirror those of Captain America’s (and Taskmaster’s) – however, that’s not his shield. When slowing the video down, it can be briefly seen that the shield Red Guardian uses to attack Taskmaster in the jet is that of the villain’s, which is surely one move Taskmaster didn’t see coming.

2. Taskmaster Mimics Iron Man Against Black Widow (Sort Of)

Black Widow Trailer Breakdown 16 Story Reveals & Secrets

If Taskmaster has been keeping an eye on Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Panther, then he surely has observed Iron Man’s work too. Although Stark’s skills come mainly from his suit, there are moves Taskmaster can still copy. Case in point, near the end of the trailer, during the freefall fight (also a frequently used scene in the trailers), his moves look very much like those of Iron Man when flying, though he obviously has to use other resources to avoid falling and dying.

1. Natasha’s Mother

Natasha’s origins in the MCU remain unknown, and while Black Widow is expected to answer some questions about her past, it’s unclear if it will go as far as to tell who her biological family is. Until then, her first family is that of Yelena, Melina, and Alexei, and they surely have a family-like dynamic, as seen in the dinner scene. Although it has been shown in other trailers, with Melina telling Alexei he got fat, this time the scene goes a bit deeper into the relationship between all of them, with Melina telling Natasha not to slouch. When Natasha protests, Red Guardian tells her to “listen to her mother”. Whether Melina is Natasha’s real mother or not remains to be seen, but at least she has served as mother figure to her and that’s enough for Alexei to refer to her as Natasha’s mother.

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