Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

Bob’s Burgers: Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes


Louise maybe the youngest of her family, but that doesn’t stop her from always plotting something.

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Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

When it comes to a group of siblings, there’s always one is who is more mischievous than others. In Bob’s Burgers, that title goes to Louise Belcher. Louise is the youngest of the three kids but she has more than enough smarts to concoct some complicated plots to get her way. Audiences have seen Louise up the antics on her conniving schemes throughout the past ten seasons.

Some plans are more innocent and mediocre while others have put her siblings in some peril. Louis’s diabolical plots have gotten her in some serious trouble. Let’s take a look back through the show and rank Louise’s worst of the worst schemes that would have anyone shaking their heads in disapproval.

10 Breaking & Entering For Some Slug Cards

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

Louise can be impatient when it comes to getting something she really wants. In “Mission Impos-slug-ble” Louise and her friends were already warned about trading Burobu cards in school. Lousie doesn’t seem to care and trades anyway while the teachers are away. She even goes as far as buying fake cards to swindle Rudy and her friends out of their valuable ones.

When they get caught, their cards are confiscated. Louise concocts a plan to break into her teacher’s house to get them back. She even plans to create a pulley to snatch them from the table. Breaking and entering is a felony but to Louise, it’s nothing.

9 Destroying The Sacred Couch

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

The Belcher family don’t exactly live in luxury. Everything in their house is second-hand or has been there for years. One specific item is the couch that holds valuable memories for the kids’ mom, Linda. But the couch is musty, stained and just plain gross. Louise is adamant about getting a new couch. She comes up with the idea for the couch to mysteriously break.

Using Linda’s heavy-duty nail file, Louise files down the couch’s bottom support. When it’s time for family television, the added weight breaks the couch, forcing them to look for a new one. Louise’s plan doesn’t take into account Linda’s attachment to her children growing up on the couch.

8 Sabotaging Linda’s Slumber Party

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

Louise isn’t like most girls her age that likes to braid hair, paint their nails or have sleepovers. Despite this, Linda forces Louise to take part in a slumber party she organized. She happens to invite the girls that Louise finds the most annoying. Louise wants no part of it and comes up with multiple plots to get the girls to go home.

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She plays on each guest’s worst fear. For one, she makes up a horror story of an imaginary fourth deranged brother being let loose for the night. Louise then makes up a story claiming that Linda has various infections to scare away a germaphobe.

7 Running An Underground Casino For Kids

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

Louise is the most money-hungry of the family. This is explicitly seen when she tried to double-cross her siblings to sell the ambergris. There is another episode where Louise does something technically illegal. When her parents rush to the hospital after Bob injures himself, Louise comes up with an idea to help out with the bill: She sets up a hidden game casino in the basement.

She invites the neighborhood and school kids to participate as long as they have money to lose. She gets a bit over her head when Mr.Fischoeder catches them. She is so dead-set on her plan that she ends up losing all her money and then some.

6 Committing Property Damage To Get Gifts For Grandma

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

The Belcher kids don’t like being told to do things they don’t want to. When Linda tells them they have to make gifts for their grandmother’s birthday, they’re less than enthused. In “The Secret Ceramics Room of Secrets” Louise comes up with an idea that’s, for lack of better words, a bit too risky.

At lunch, they discuss the legend of a secret ceramics room that was closed off due to a fire. Louise comes up with the idea to look for the room so they can have an endless supply of hand made items to gift their grandparents. This plan involved destroying school property because Louise and her siblings didn’t feel like doing something nice for their grandmother.

5 The Holy Tax Evasion Scheme

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

When Tina learns that her favorite aquarium is closing down in “Aquaticism,” Louise above all comes up with a scheme to save it. This plan is the most conniving seeing as it involves fooling the IRS. The kids suggest filing the aquarium as a church since Mort the mortician explained that churches aren’t required to file taxes.

Louise and the kids help the owner file an IRS report with false information as if the aquarium was the church of Aquaticism. What they didn’t expect was an IRS agent coming to investigate, forcing Lousie and the kids to play an even more elaborate ruse.

4 The Bouncy House Heist

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

One of Louise’s most conniving and most selfish plans occurs in “House of 1000 Bounces.” When Lousie gets dead set of something she wants, she’ll do anything to get it. When Lousie and the other kids learn that Rudy’s part won’t have a bouncy house, they’re distraught. Louise comes up with a plan after the neighboring party refuses to share their bouncy house.

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She goes to the extreme of distracting the party goers in order to steal the bouncy house. She plans to get the house on the lake away from everyone except them. She not only ruins the girl’s birthday but Rudy’s as well, when they’re caught by the park sheriff.

3 Forging A Check For A Movie Screening

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

In season ten, Lousie does something that no kid should ever do. She does this all to host a screening of her favorite film with the main actor. To get the screening in motion, Louise devised an awful plan. She steals Bob’s checkbook and makes a check for $1,000. She actually forges her parent’s signature to finish the deed!

She does this to secure the only copy of the director’s cut of Hawk & Chick Vs. The Cephalopod Monster. For the Belcehr family, $1,000 is a lot of money that they can never afford to spend in one go. Louise’s plan is by far one of her most conniving.

2 Defaming Thomas Jefferson At The Science Fair

Bob’s Burgers Ranking 10 Of Louise’s Most Conniving Schemes

Louise tends to hold a vendetta against people who wrong her. When her science teacher is absent, the substitute destroys her volcano and forces her to do a presentation on Thomas Jefferson instead for the science fair. Louise is livid with anger. She plans a revenge scheme that almost turns ugly.

She discovers that Jefferson once electrocuted and elephant to death and uses it to defame him. Her grand scheme is to have Teddy rig electricity to a platform in the gym. Tina would dress as an elephant to reenact the electrocution. Despite almost frying Tina in a trial run, Louise goes along with her plan anyway. Her evil scheme almost hurt Tina.

1 The Thanksgiving Massacre

Louise’s worst and most conniving scheme to date is her plan to start Thanksgiving break early. In “The Quirk-ducers,” Louise manipulates Tina into using her Thanksgiving play. While Tina is excited to get a chance to produce, Louise purposely sabotages it by hiring bad talent.

She plans to make the play so awful that it’s forced to shut down and have everyone go home early. Louise even gets everyone else on board. Her plan gets even worse when she buys leftover bloody guts to stuff into the Turkey costume heads. Louise rigs the heads with air to burst and splatter blood and guts all over the audience.

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