BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

BoJack Horseman: 10 Major Relationships, Ranked Least To Most Successful


The animated Netflix show BoJack Horseman had many different relationships. Some were flawed, while others were great.

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BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Even though BoJack Horseman is about an anthropomorphic horse celebrity living in the fictional city of Hollywoo, the show still manages to be incredibly relatable for many viewers. The main reason being the way it accurately depicts serious topics such as mental health and the concept of happiness which is often explored through the characters’ relationships.

Over the show’s 6 seasons, almost all of the main characters have been in relationships that have shaped who they are as people, allowing them to understand themselves better. While some relationships were healthy, others just ended up being learning experiences.

10 Bojack and Gina

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Gina Cazador was BoJack’s co-star on Philbert and after several attempts from BoJack to connect with her, they begin sleeping together. Despite not originally planning to, he makes their relationship public at the premiere of the series. Things were going well at first but when BoJack loses control of his painkiller addiction, he nearly kills Gina on set. This event leads to both their breakup, the cancellation of the show, and would go on to traumatize Gina.

9 BoJack and Princess Carolyn

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Princess Carolyn and BoJack have a complicated relationship in the series. The two are shown breaking up in the first episode while she still chooses to remain as his manager. They would later continue to have an on and off romance until she decides to end things after BoJack reveals that he doesn’t love her, with their relationship becoming a strictly platonic one. She’s still committed to him as his manager and friend, helping him get major roles like Secretariat and Philbert. They even share a dance at her wedding where it’s made clear that they’re on good terms, even if their relationship wasn’t what it was before.

8 Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

After his divorce from Diane, Mr. Peanutbutter meets a pug waitress named Pickles and the two almost immediately begin dating after she comes to his housewarming party. Mr. Peanutbutter then proposes to her in an effort to have to avoid admitting that he cheated on her with Diane but their relationship begins to go downhill when she discovers the truth.

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Pickles suggests that she sleep with someone to make them even and she eventually hooks up with pop star, Joey Pogo. She becomes his social media director and goes on tour with him before officially breaking up with Mr. Peanutbutter, leaving him single again.

7 Todd and Yolanda

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Yolanda Buenaventura was an axolotl that met Todd at diner to help with his clown dentist practice asked him out. Their relationship carried over into season 5 but Yolanda began to question Todd’s lack of direction causing him to find a job at After a visit to her sex-obsessed family’s house, she admits that Todd and she have completely different personalities and that the only thing they have in common is their sexual orientations leading to a mutual break-up.

6 BoJack and Wanda

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Wanda Pierce was a television executive that became Picky Penguin’s boss after waking up from a coma for 30 years. She later meets BoJack at a skating rink, revealing that she didn’t know about BoJack’s career or who he was which attracted him to her. The two spend the night together talking and then he takes her on a date to a 50’s themed restaurant. For a while, their relationship was successful with BoJack even admitting that he loved her and asking her to move in with him. But, after a major fight between them where BoJack mocked her job, Wanda moves in with her sister, and the two break up.

5 Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Mr. Peanutbuter and Diane had been dating since the start of the series, something BoJack learns when he meets Diane in the pilot. The two would then get engaged and later married despite issues in their relationship. Those issues grew as their lives became more connected due to various reasons. Their relationship suffered from a lack of communication and they wouldn’t confront each other without it turning into an argument. Diane eventually revealed that she wasn’t happy and, even though it was obvious they both deeply cared for each other, the toxicity of the relationship wasn’t good for either of them and they get divorced in season 5.

4 Princess Carolyn and Ralph

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Princess Carolyn met Ralph Stilton after he was one of three dates set up for her by Judah after he mistook a joking request for a serious one. Surprised and slightly disappointed to discover that Ralph was a mouse, the pair still managed to hit it off and Ralph moved into her apartment.

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After being together for a while, the two attempt to have a baby but Princess Carolyn finds out from her doctor that the chances of her becoming pregnant are low. Ralph suggests that they consider other options, although she insists that they should continue trying before proceeding to kick him out and severing the relationship completely.

3 Todd and Maude

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Maude was a bunny that Todd met on the asexual dating app “All About That Ace,” thanks to BoJack, who met Maude while at the Air Bud International Airport Cinnabunny while leaving Los Angelos and suggested the app to her. She and Todd have a lot in common, like their sense of optimism, and their relationship seems mostly positive with the two moving into an apartment together and Todd introducing her to his mother. The pair also co-run the daycare service at Princess Carolyn’s management company VIM, an idea they pitched together.

2 Princess Carolyn and Judah

BoJack Horseman 10 Major Relationships Ranked Least To Most Successful

Judah Mannowdog was initially hired by Princess Carolyn as her new assistant at VIM and was the main member of her team before firing him for rejecting a merger offer from Charley Witherspoon without her input. She later rehired him as her Chief-of-Operations only for him to reveal his true feelings, telling her that he loved her while playing the guitar. The two ended up getting married in the finale, something that Princess Carolyn was not sure would ever happen to her after several failed relationships.

1 Guy and Diane

After her relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter, Diane began a relationship with a bison named Guy, a freelance cameraman that she met while they were working on a story for Girl Croosh together. Their relationship progressed pretty quickly with her moving to live with him in Chicago. Guy was extremely supportive and understanding of Diane, especially with her depression which is something she usually didn’t discuss with Mr.Peanutbutter. Although they had a few rough patches where it seemed like it would end, like when he asked her to move to Houston with him, she revealed to BoJack in the finale that they ended up getting married.

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