Boris The Animals True Form Makes Him Men In Blacks Creepiest Alien

Boris The Animal’s True Form Makes Him Men In Black’s Creepiest Alien

Jemaine Clement’s Boris The Animal is Men In Black 3’s main villain and in his true form he’s easily the franchise’s creepiest alien.

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Boris The Animals True Form Makes Him Men In Blacks Creepiest Alien

Boris The Animal is Men In Black 3’s main villain and his true form makes him the franchise’s creepiest alien. Loosely based on a comic series of the same name, the first Men In Black felt like a spiritual successor to Ghostbusters, mixing comedy with blockbuster thrills. It paired Tommy Lee Jones as a veteran MIB agent named K teaching the ropes to Will Smith’s rookie J. The duo had surprisingly great chemistry and the film was was huge success in 1997.

Unfortunately, none of the subsequent sequels were able to recreate it’s unique tone. Men In Black II arrived five years later but felt tired, while the third movie came a full decade after that. Men In Black 3 isn’t great but it’s still the best sequel with Josh Brolin’s eerily accurate impression of Tommy Lee Jones’ stealing the show. While there were initially plans for the fourth film to be a crossover with the 21 Jump Street franchise, this idea was nixed in favor of a soft reboot. Men In Black: International reteamed Thor: Ragnarok stars Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, who could only do so much to elevate a weak script.

Men In Black: International was a commercial dud and the future of the series is uncertain. The sequel also suffered from weak villains, but the same can’t be said for Men In Black 3. The third movie sees J travel back in time to 1969 to save a young K’s (Josh Brolin) life and stop an invasion by a parasitic alien species known as the Boglodites. The main bad guy is Boris The Animal (Jemaine Clement), who escapes from a prison on the moon after being captured by K 40 years previously.

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Boris The Animal is a vicious sociopath who will kill anyone or anything to complete his goal, including allies like Nicole Scherzinger’s girlfriend, who breaks him out of prison in the first place. While Clement is a lot of fun in the role, Boris is quite creepy too. He’s a parasite disguising himself as a human, and throughout Men In Black 3 glimpses of his true form are shown. He also has a small alien living in his arm dubbed The Weasel that shoots out spikes. Basically, Boris’ entire body seems to be made of teeth, and its only in his final encounter with K does he show himself.

Boris The Animal’s human facade gives way to a nightmarish mass of claws, spikes and teeth with no eyes. While he wants young K to arrest him like in the original timeline, K opts to his just kill him instead. Even Men In Black 3’s very brief glimpse at the real Boris The Animal is enough to confirm him as the franchise’s creepiest foe. That’s high praise considering Vincent D’Onofrio’s Edgar in Men In Black is an alien cockroach wearing human skin.

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