Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Willow’s 10 Best Spells


Willow performed hundreds of spells during Buffy’s seven seasons, and one got more memorable and unbelievably powerful.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, had plenty of memorable and powerful characters but without a doubt, Willow Rosenberg’s transformation into the most powerful witch of the universe beats all. While Willow started out in the series as a shy and insecure girl who always doubted herself, she grew into a powerful and confident woman. Her relationship with magic played a big part in how her personality developed in both a positive and often in a negative way.

She performed hundreds of spells during Buffy’s seven seasons, and they got more memorable and unbelievably powerful. While her spells became stronger her personality also evolved and she quickly became one of the most complex, interesting, and fan-favorite characters in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

10 When She Accidentally Summons Vampire Willow

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

In season three, Anya is desperate to get back her demonic powers. As a last resort, she’s decided to ask Willow to help with her spell. While Anya told Willow that the spell is to help her find something she lost, she doesn’t tell Willow the whole truth about who she really is and why she needs the amulet back. The spell goes wrong, and they accidentally end up summoning vampire Willow from another dimension.

While Willow was only a beginner witch at that time, it showed her tremendous potential that her powers overthrown Anya’s, who was already practicing magic for thousands of years. It was also a memorable moment since it was Willow’s ‘coming out’ episode.

9 When She Altered Reality To Get Over Oz

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

After Oz left Willow, the heartbroken, now more powerful witch conjured a spell that helped her alter reality without her realizing it. While it caused many serious problems, it also led to some of the most hilarious moments in the series.

The spell misfired and everything Willow said became a reality. Her words caused Giles to become completely blind and made Xander turn into a demon magnet which was both dangerous and laugh out loud funny. However, the funniest and most memorable consequences of Willow’s spell were that Buffy and Spike fell deeply in love and even got engaged. Some viewers even believed that Buffy and Spike’s relationship started blooming because of Willow’s spell.

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8 When She Helped Buffy Defeat Adam

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

One of the most powerful and important spells Willow ever did was an enjoining spell. With the help of Xander and Giles Willow was able to summon the First Slayer’s spirit. Their enjoining spell was strong enough to combine the essences and abilities of Sineya, the First Slayer, and Buffy. The spell made Buffy strong enough to kill Adam.

While Willow didn’t do this spell on her own it showed just how crucial her abilities are. This was the first time in Buffy where the villain might not have been defeated if not for Willow’s unmatched magical abilities.

7 When She Restored Angel’s Soul, Twice

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

Willow successfully performed the ‘Ritual of Restoration’ spell to restore Angel’s soul twice during the seven seasons.

The second time she carried out the spell while she was injured and sitting in a hospital bed which proved she not only had remarkable magical powers but great mental strength as well. While she was able to restore Angel’s soul it didn’t save his life and Buffy had no other choice but to kill him. However, most Buffy fans blame Xander for Angel’s death and not Willow.

6 When She Erased Tara’s Memory

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

Tara and Willow’s relationship was built on mutual respect and love. However, it took a toll on their relationship when Willow got addicted to magic. Willow first used the ‘Tabula Rasa’ spell when they got into an argument over Willow’s overuse of magic.

When Tara figured out that Willow betrayed and lied to her they agreed that Willow will have to go at least a week without using any magic. However, Willow immediately changed her mind and while she tried to repeat the spell she accidentally caused memory loss for the whole Scooby Gang. The spell broke again when Xander stepped on Willow’s crystal. While this spell was the reason behind Tara and Willow’s breakup, it was also the moment when Willow realized that she has to stop misusing magic before it’s too late.

5 When She Immobilized Glory

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

The first time fans saw Willow’s true potentials when she was able to stop Glory by using the “Thick air spell” she found in Gile’s tome.

Up until that point, Glory seemed unstoppable. Glory was a goddess from a hell dimension who seemed invincible even though she was stripped of most of her powers because of her human form. This was a more complicated and dangerous spell that involved calling upon five powerful deities.

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4 When She Opened A Portal For Buffy

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

During season seven, Buffy had to jump through a portal that took her to an unknown time in America where she met the original creators of the Slayer. The only problem was that she had no way to get back. While the Scooby Gang attempted a complex spell they failed. Then Willow tried to order unknown forces to open the portal back up but despite being a powerful witch her second try also failed.

As a last resort, she decided to drain energy from Kennedy and Anya. She managed to successfully transfer their energy into the spell and finally was able to open the portal again and save Buffy.

3 When She Revenged Tara’s Death

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

Tara’s death was Buffy The Vampire Slayers’ most shocking and saddest death. Her death caused so much pain for Willow that she lost all control and turned into a dark witch or as fans called her ‘Evil Willow’. She went on a rampage and used various powerful spells. Two of the most memorable were when she cast a spell to Enhance her strength which worked out perfectly. She became so strong, that she was able to flay Wallen alive by only using her telekinetic power.

Then right after she cast a spell to end all suffering on earth by burning it all down. Thankfully, Xander got to her in time and was able to change her mind.

2 When She Resurrected Buffy

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willows 10 Best Spells

Willow’s powers seemed unstoppable after she successfully used a resurrection spell to bring Buffy back to life.

Willow performed the ‘Sacrifice to Osiris’ spell that not only required the body, candles and to be performed at the stroke of midnight but the caster also had to go through some difficult and painful trials. While the spell worked, the Scooby Gang didn’t take it into consideration that Buffy would wake up in her own grave buried underground and would have to find a way to crawl out on her own.

1 When She Turned The Potentials Into Slayers

In season seven, it became clear that without Willow the whole world would have ended. Willow channeled the essence of the Scythe and was able to activate potential Slayers around the world.

While not all potentials were instantly activated they did receive their full powers once they reached a certain age. This spell was so powerful that it temporarily turned Willow’s hair white and even gave her a strong high. She was also able to sense Slayers even after the spell’s end.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/buffy-willows-best-spells/

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