Call of Duty Streamers Go to War Over Keyboard & Mouse vs Controller

Call of Duty Streamers Go to War Over Keyboard & Mouse vs. Controller

Call of Duty streamers are arguing over the use of gamepads versus keyboard and mouse, which began after Dr Disrespect said controllers are inferior.

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Editor’s Note: A lawsuit has been filed against Activision Blizzard by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which alleges the company has engaged in abuse, discrimination, and retaliation against its female employees. Activision Blizzard has denied the allegations. The full details of the Activision Blizzard lawsuit (content warning: rape, suicide, abuse, harassment) are being updated as new information becomes available.

Popular Call of Duty streamers are continuing the age-old controller versus keyboard and mouse debate, which was kicked off again after YouTube streamer Dr Disrespect insulted controller players for being relying on aim-assist. The streamer has been vocal about Call of Duty’s aim-assist feature for gamepads in the past, calling on series developers to prioritize balancing the two input methods.

With crossplay between consoles and PC becoming standard for many multiplayer games, the divisive topic of which input method is superior is reaching a mainstream audience. On the one hand, mouse aim is much easier and precise than joystick aim, and keyboard input mapping allows for many more control options than a gamepad. However, some PC players take issue with the use of controllers in shooters because of aim-assist, which slows down and facilitates a player’s aim when an enemy is near their crosshairs. Call of Duty: Warzone and Fortnite aim-assist remains a hot-button issue among streamers and competitive players, many of whom still disagree on which side has an unfair advantage.

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The time-honored debate over keyboard and mouse versus controller usage in gaming was reignited once again when Call of Duty streamer Dr Disrespect attacked controller players on Twitter (via Dexerto). In a tweet, Dr Disrespect stated, “Without your aim assist, you ain’t nothin.” Adding fuel to the fire, pro player and streamer Myth weighed in, saying no players that use controller will ever make his “top 10 greatest fps players of all time.” These remarks sparked a full-blown debate within the streamer community, with many Call of Duty pros like 100 Thieves’ Nadeshot and streamers like TimTheTatman jumping in to fire back. Nadeshot quickly dismissed the anti-controller remarks, claiming Myth’s opinion doesn’t matter as he hasn’t been in a tournament with pro Call of Duty players, many of whom use gamepads instead of keyboard and mouse.

Without your aim assist, you ain’t nothin.

I’ll never put a controller player in my top 10 for greateat fps players of all time. 🤷♂️

Your opinion went out the door when you slandered some of the best players in the world just because they play on controller. If you didn’t match up on mainstage against them, you don’t know what it takes. Plain and simple. On top of that, you haven’t been around long enough.

if controller is so broken then play controller

While the debate continued to rage on, Call of Duty: Warzone streamer TimTheTatman, who recently moved to YouTube Gaming and reunited with fellow streamer Dr Disrespect, voiced a very different opinion. TimTheTatman’s answer to the debate is a very simple solution, having tweeted, “If controller is so broken then play controller.” Although Dr Disrespect did not respond further to the Twitter firestorm he sparked after his initial statement, Myth has reversed his controversial opinion in a later tweet, apologizing and agreeing with Nadeshot’s counterpoints.

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Considering there are advantages and disadvantages for both controller and K+BM users in Warzone and other FPSes, it’s impossible to conclude that one opinion is better than the other – it ultimately boils down to a matter of personal preference. However, TimTheTatman’s response to the never-ending keyboard and mouse versus gamepad war is a very strong rebuttal to players who claim controller users have an unfair advantage in games like Call of Duty.

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