Cancelled Star Wars 1313 Game Screenshot Shows What Could Have Been

Cancelled Star Wars 1313 Game Screenshot Shows What Could Have Been

An alleged leaked screenshot of LucasArts’ cancelled game gives fans a look at Boba Fett, as well as Coruscant’s seedy underground city.

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[Update March 24th, 2020, 7:55 PM: Screen Rant has since learned these images were first posted online by @LucasfilmGames last year. The original message containing the image is included below.]

A new screenshot of the long-canceled Star Wars 1313 has resurfaced online. The game, one of LucasArts’ final projects as a studio, debuted in impressive fashion during E3 2012 and was rumored to star a young Boba Fett.

Star Wars 1313 looked to be a third-person action/shooter with platforming similar to the Uncharted series (a style that later found its way into 2019’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order). It took place in Coruscant’s criminal – and literal – underground, dubbed “Level 1313”. Despite looking impressive, reports surfaced after its reveal that the game suffered through development hell and was allegedly restarted multiple times. Disney’s 2012 purchase of LucasFilm and all of its assets exacerbated these issues and led to the game getting shelved. Things came to a head when Disney closed LucasArts in April 2013, putting the final nail in 1313’s existence and immediately making it one of the most disappointing failed development cycles in modern gaming.

Now the game has resurfaced once more thanks to an alleged leaked screenshot from Reddit user LifeByTheSword. According to them, the photo, posted below, shows Boba Fett in-game standing in front of the backdrop of Level 1313. In the upper left players can also spot the big hole that served as the entryway to the underground city, as seen from the original trailer. Stat numbers for elements such as frame, GPU, and draw distance are displayed on the right side. Given the framing of the character, and the inclusion of a weapons HUD displaying a blaster, this screenshot would further confirm that players would have indeed played as the famous bounty hunter. [UPDATE: Screen Rant has since learned these images were first posted online by @LucasfilmGames on Twitter. The original message containing the image is included below.]

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Star Wars 1313 (LucasArts, cancelled in 2013): Boba Fett chararacter design & Coruscant level 1313 world development by @designergus + work-in-progress scene. In the last year of production (out of 4 or 5), George Lucas decided that Boba should be the protagonist of the game.

Unfortunately, Star Wars 1313 is far from the only high-profile Star Wars title to get the death knell in the last decade. Since then fans have lost games such as “Project Ragtag”, a story-focused Star Wars adventure from Visceral Games and Uncharted writer Amy Henning. The remnants from that game were reworked into an open-world Star Wars title codenamed Orca that was later canned as well. Most recently, EA apparently cancelled a spin-off of its Star Wars: Battlefront series.

1313 remains a sore spot for fans, but they’ve managed to finally catch a break in recent months. Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order launched to a largely positive reception last fall. The Mandalorian proved to be a well-received take on the bounty hunter premise 1313 looked to explore. The beloved Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series returned with a new, final season. Star Wars 1313 may never see the light of day, but there’s at least been some good options for enjoying George Lucas’ galaxy far, far away.

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