Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

Captain America: Civil War: The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)


Captain America: Civil War shows how well Marvel blends action and comedy – and these are the best scenes for fans of each.

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Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

The final movie in the Captain America trilogy, Civil War builds off Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron by forcing the Avengers to face the consequences of their actions in those films. While it is a Captain America movie, it manages to focus on all the Avengers in a way that doesn’t impose on the story about the relationship between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.

It is arguably the most important film in the saga outside of the Avengers films and like most other MCU films, it manages to tell a serious story while being extremely funny. In addition, it also has some of the best action and uses each character’s unique fighting styles to its advantage.

10 Action Sequence: Lagos Fight

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

The film opens with Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, and Captain America on a covert mission in Lagos, Nigeria to capture Brock Rumlow (aka Crossbones) and stop him from obtaining a biological weapon. We see them work as a unit to take down Runlow’s gang and keep them from getting away with the substance. Even though the fight does end with Wanda accidentally killing civilians while trying to contain the suicide bomb Crossbones had on him, it was great to see the new version of the team working together.

9 Gag: Ant-Man Meeting Captain America

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

It can be easy to forget that Captain America is a celebrity in the MCU, especially since Tony is usually the character surrounded by adoring fans and walking red carpets. The best reminder of just how important Cap really is to everyone else comes when Scott Lang is brought to meet the rest of the team at the airport. He immediately turns his attention to the war hero and starts fanboying over him. It’s a great moment that reflects how regular civilians would react to seeing such a prominent historical figure that they would have only read about.

8 Action Sequence: Bucky’s Escape

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

After being reactivated by Zemo while in the custody of the CIA, Barnes manages to take out various guards and starts to make his way out of the building. Seeing the commotion on the monitors, the Avengers spring into action to try and subdue him. After a failed attempt by Tony, Sharon Carter, T’Challa, and Natasha to stop him from leaving, he gets control of his way toward a helicopter but is ultimately intercepted by Steve who prevents the aircraft from taking off by holding on to it and the landing pad.

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7 Gag: Giant-Man

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

In the airport battle, when it seemed like the chances of Team Cap getting captured were high, Scott suggests trying something that he believed would change the course of the fight and give them the advantage.

After getting the green light from Steve, Scott presses a button on his suit which caused him to grow instead of shrink. The transformation into Giant-Man catches everyone by surprise, including his own teammates, and prompting Tony to ask his team to share any secret powers they may be hiding.

6 Action Sequence: Chase Scene

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

After Bucky is framed for the bombing at the UN, Steve travels to his apartment in Romania to warn him. It isn’t too long before the police arrive and they find themselves in a fight against the authorities. After bucky manages to escape his apartment building, he then runs into T’Challa who wants revenge on him believing that he was responsible for the death of his father. The fight then moves to a highway tunnel with falcon also joining them and ends with the entire group of heroes being arrested by War Machine on behalf of the CIA.

5 Gag: Spider-Man’s Age

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

One thing everyone was looking forward to seeing in the movie was the introduction of everyone’s favorite web-slinger, Spider-Man. He has a lot of funny moments during the almost 10 mins he has in the movie including him geeking out over Falcon’s wings and the Winter Solider’s metal arm, but the funniest is when refers to The Empire Strikes Back as a really old movie when coming up with a plan to bring down Giant-Man. Not only was it a hilarious way for Disney to name drop another property they own into the film but it showed just how much younger Peter was when compared to his teammates.

4 Action Sequence: Airport Fight

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

At first, many were concerned about having so many characters in a Captain America movie but the airport battle showed exactly why it worked.

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Based on comic-book splash pages, it manages to perfectly capture what fans loved most about the comics, seeing characters together, by serving as the film’s main event and featuring the clash of Team Iron Man and Team Captain America. It also has some of the most iconic moments in the film and the MCU overall like Ant-Man riding on Hawkeye’s arrow and Captain America faceoff with Black Panther.

3 Gag: T’Challa Meets Hawkeye

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

One thing that is common in most MCU fight scenes is the banter that occurs between the heroes. A perfect example is the airport scene where the characters often joked amongst each other about the situation they were in. However, while lots of the characters are way more quippy, Black Panther is much more stoic than the rest of them. So it’s especially hilarious when Hawkeye casually stops fighting T’Challa and tries to introduce himself and is met with a response of “I don’t care” from the king before he resumes the fight.

2 Action Sequence: Iron Man and Cap

Captain America Civil War The 5 Best Action Sequences (& 5 Funniest Gags)

After spending the majority of the film on opposing sides, Tony comes to understand what Cap was trying to prevent and travels to Siberia to help him and Bucky capture Zemo. After finding out the truth about the death of his parents when it’s revealed that the Winter Soldier was actually the one that killed them by order of Hydra and that Steve knew about it, Tony turns his attention to trying to kill Barnes. The team-up turns into a three-way with Tony desperately trying to kill Bucky and Steve fighting to protect him. After Stark manages to blast off Bucky’s metal arm, the fight becomes a one-on-one battle between Captain America and Iron Man., ending with Steve giving up his shield and marking the complete division of the team.

1 Gag: Tony Stank

Civil War has one of the more depressing endings of the MCU films so it’s a surprise that’s when one of its funniest moments comes in. Unsurprisingly, it’s in the form of one of Stan Lee’s cameos which are often the best part of MCU movies. While Tony is helping Rhody test out the tech he created to help him walk at the Avengers Compound, Lee shows up as a FedEx driver delivering a package. However, he mispronounces Tony’s last name as “Stank” instead of Stark, resulting in Rhodey relentless mocking Tony and adding a moment of levity to the already tense film.

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