Captain America Knows Part Of The United States Hates Him

Captain America Knows Part Of The United States Hates Him

Captain America understands that he is a very divisive figure in the United States, as he’s used as a pawn to drive people’s agendas.

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Captain America Knows Part Of The United States Hates Him

Warning! Spoilers for The United States of Captain America #1 below.

Captain America understands he’s a divisive figure in the United States of America and is struggling with the idea of what he’s supposed to stand for. In the United States of Captain America #1, Steve Rogers is considering lending his shield to the Smithsonian to be put on display as part of an “Americans Who Fight” exhibit. In a moment of deep self-reflection, Captain America wonders what it really means to be a hero in a country that’s so divided.

Patriotism has always been a key part of Captain America’s identity. After all, the hero originally debut in the 1940s during World War II and was first shown punching Hitler in Captain America Comics #1. In the comics, Steve Rogers was the model soldier, as he signed up to fight for his country in the ongoing war despite his small frame and became a hero whose entire look and ideals were centered around being an American. Part hero, part propaganda, Captain America inspired his fellow soldiers in the battle against the Nazis before being frozen in ice for decades.

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In The United States of Captain America #1 by Christopher Cantwell, Dale Eaglesham, Matt Milla, and VC’s Joe Caramagna, Steve Rogers admits he’s struggling with the concept of the American Dream. He believes the dream was never real and that “Americana” has given people a built-in excuse to treat others, such as immigrants, the poor, and those who are suffering as different, because they’re perceived as “un-American.” He adds white picket fences have become a “gate to keep others out.”

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As Steve Rogers considers giving the Smithsonian his shield, he struggles to come to terms with what he’s supposed to stand for. He admits people use him and his shield to drive their own agendas, as he’s also a target when things go wrong in the United States. He understands people hate him as much as they love him. Ultimately, Captain America questions if he divides people or if unites them and if he’s hiding behind his shield in the process.

Captain America reflecting on what he represents as a hero further proves he’s the perfect person to wear the shield. He’s not blinded by patriotism (like John Walker for example) and is willing to put real struggling people ahead of his so-called American ideals. The United States is deeply divided and Captain America just wants to make sure everyone has the same opportunities to succeed in the country he loves – even if that makes him an enemy to those who value Americana over America. The United States of Captain America #1 is in comic book stores now.

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