Charlies Angels Crew Member Details Bill Murray & Lucy Liu Set Fight

Charlie’s Angels Crew Member Details Bill Murray & Lucy Liu Set Fight

Shaun O’Banion, production assistant on Charlie’s Angels, sets the record straight about the rumored altercation between Lucy Liu and Bill Murray.

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The details of the rumored falling out between Bill Murray and Lucy Liu during filming for Charlie’s Angels have finally come to light. The first film installment of the popular franchise—which famously began on TV in the ‘70s—debuted in 2000. The film was directed by McG, and stars Drew Barrymore (who co-produced), Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, and Bill Murray.

It’s long been rumored that there was an altercation between Murray and Liu while filming Charlie’s Angels. The film, and previous TV series, follows three kick-ass female private detectives affectionately dubbed “Angels” by their millionaire boss, Charlie Townsend. Liu played one of the Angels, Alex Munday, while Murray portrayed Bosley, Charlie’s assistant who serves as the go-between between him and the Angels, who have never seen Charlie in person. The rumors of the altercation between Murray and Liu recently gained some traction again after a Twitter user posted an excerpt from an article that alleged Liu had physically attacked Murray. Murray was replaced with the late comedian Bernie Mac in the 2003 sequel, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle.

Reported by ET Canada, Shaun O’Banion, who was a production assistant on Charlie’s Angels, took to Twitter to respond to the article excerpt and set the record straight. In a Twitter thread, O’Banion explains that while no physical altercation happened, a troubling verbal and emotional one certainly had taken place. O’Banion sees Murray as being entirely in the wrong, but maintains that he had worked with Murray before and both times Murray was gracious to him, personally. O’Banion also ensures that the other two Angels likely went to comfort Liu. Read the thread below:

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I was there. Not… quite how if went down. And there was something that preceded it. But yeah.

Basically, Murray rewrote a bunch of scenes without telling anyone (including Drew who was a producer). He put the new pages in everyone’s trailers & everyone came to set wondering where the hell the new pages had come from. Murray was the last to step on stage and by that (1/?)

(2/?) time there was already mass confusion. McG (director) was pissed that no one had consulted him. The AD’s were also pissed. Drew’s producing partner came in and Murray was like, “what’s going on?” McG was like, “did you get new pages in your trailer?” And Murray was like,

(3/?) “No. But I put new pages in everyone else’s trailer.” Drew and her partner were pretty upset by this. Murray was like, “I’m making it better, ok? You’ve got, like, 16 writers on this thing…” and Lucy spoke up, saying something like, “this is way out of line.” Murray turned

(4/?) and said, “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. I have you more lines. I mean… look who you’re in with here. You’re TV… and this is the big league.” At that point Lucy shouted, “Fuck you, you fucking cocksucker!” And the AD’s promptly cleared the stage as Lucy ran

(5/?) off the stage crying. Cameron was trying to be the peacekeeper and protect Drew as the AD’s cleared the stage. Of course all of us in production had to stay inside to keep people out. I love Bill Murray (and had worked with him before), but what he said to her was totally

(6/6) uncalled for. Really belittling and shitty. This was pretty early in the process too, and the crew already really liked Lucy (and Cameron and Drew). Anyway. No punches were thrown. At least not physically. He later apologized though not entirely sincerely imho.

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Word is he’s changed a lot over the ensuing years, but… happy to add some clarity. 😂 I should add, in case I wasn’t clear, that was my second film with Bill and he treated me well. Take that for what you will.

I don’t recall who went to comfort Lucy – we were all taken aback by the situation, but I’m pretty sure both Drew and her partner Chris went out to speak with her. Cameron probably did too. There was a lot of movie left to shoot, so it certainly wasn’t left hanging.

Though Bill Murray is a celebrated comedian and actor, this isn’t the first time he’s been known to be difficult on set. Despite being a staple actor for venerated directors such as Wes Anderson, Sofia Coppola, and Jim Jarmusch, he has also been said to be troublesome both on and off set by some of his peers. Richard Dreyfuss has called him a “drunken bully,” Harold Ramis (a frequent Murray collaborator and longtime friend) dubbed him “irrationally mean,” and that’s just two examples of even more stories from actors and non-actors. However, not all of the allegations associated with Murray have been proven or corroborated by solid sources and/or evidence.

As far as Liu is concerned, Murray’s distasteful comments about her acting skills didn’t slow her down. Of the three angels, Liu is currently the one that’s doing the most acting these days. Liu recently starred in TV series, Elementary and Why Women Kill, and can be seen in the upcoming Shazam! Sequel, Shazam! Fury of the Gods.

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