Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

Christmas Chronicles 2: 5 Ways It’s The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 It’s The Santa Clause)


Holiday movie fans are loving Kurt Russell in Netflix’s The Christmas Chronicles 2. Is it the definitive yuletide flick? Or is it The Santa Clause?

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Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

The follow-up to the instant classic The Christmas Chronicles might as well be Santa’s early gift to Netflix, with the sequel proving just as popular as its 2018 predecessor. The Christmas Chronicles 2 follows Kate Pierce — and her new friend Jack — on yet another Yuletide adventure with Santa Claus, this time to save Christmas from Belsnickel, one of Santa’s disgruntled ex-employees.

The two movies have made a big impact in the holiday genre, so much so that many fans have begun to compare its Santa-centric premise to another beloved Christmas franchise movie, The Santa Clause, about a reluctant man forced into putting on Santa’s suit and assuming the duties of the next Kris Kringle. Which Santa franchise emerges victorious and which gets a lump of coal?

10 The Christmas Chronicles 2: The Action

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

All the action of the first Christmas Chronicles is back like a second helping of figgy pudding. The sequel boasts an exciting game of chicken involving two flying sleighs, a war sequence involving a boy facing off an army of elves with nothing but nerf, and of course, Santa racing against time to deliver all the gifts by Christmas morning.

Given Kurt Russell’s reputation as an action star in movies like Big Trouble In Little China and Escape From New York, it’s fitting that his Santa Claus be an action hero as well. He even faces off against a much more compelling antagonist, ex-elf Belsnickel.

9 The Santa Clause: The Acting

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

Disney live-action movies aren’t always known for the most convincing performances, but the earnest portrayals of Scott Calvin/Santa Claus and Charlie from Tim Allen and Eric Lloyd, respectively, buoy the movie to another level and give it heart.

Anchored by a strong supporting cast including Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crewson, and a very snarky David Krumholtz, there’s no sign of over-acting or an abundance of saccharine schmaltz (which proves refreshing for a Disney holiday movie).

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8 The Christmas Chronicles 2: The North Pole

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

The North Pole has never appeared as magical as it does in The Christmas Chronicles 2, with beautiful architecture and a sprawling square that evoke Old World European charm. There’s nothing cheap, chintzy, or superficial about the nucleus of Christmas capitalism; instead, it’s a place of innocence and wonder perfect for a family holiday movie.

As Santa and Mrs. Claus take Kate and Jack on a personal tour of Santa’s Village (soon to be “Mrs. Claus’s Village”), they see just how industrious the elves are, making everything from enormous LEGO structures to coding the latest video games.

7 The Santa Clause: The Humor

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

When Tim Allen made The Santa Clause he was at the height of a successful career, starring in Home Improvement and several comedy movies in the ’90s. His particular brand of caustic humor was used to great effect in portraying Scott Calvin, a cynical businessman who’s lost the spirit of the holiday.

Not only was his physicality on point during scenes that called for pratfalls and slapstick humor, but his asides aimed with withering sarcasm at people like his ex-wife’s new boyfriend Neal or the police hunting Santa were particularly hilarious. Fortunately, the movie doesn’t rely solely on the cutesy antics of its elves.

6 The Christmas Chronicles 2: Kurt Russell

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

Kurt Russell has been one of Hollywood’s most charismatic stars for decades. With his twinkling blue eyes and ready smile, it only took a full mane of grey hair and a majestic bushy beard to transform him into one of the most perfect Santas ever.

Russell’s Santa is capable, competent, and cool performing Elvis songs and wearing red leather coats. His Santa has a slightly broader appeal than other iterations. While The Christmas Chronicles 2 is a kid’s movie, fans of Russell will recognize that it’s the perfect vehicle for his sort of roguish charm. Even better, he gets to act alongside his real wife, actress Goldie Hawn.

5 The Santa Clause: Tim Allen

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

Tim Allen has a certain wily affability that he’s put to good use playing traditional blue-collar family men like Tim “The Tool-Man” Taylor on Home Improvement and conservative Mike Baxter on Last Man Standing. That he’s often much smarter than the characters he plays is part of the draw of his performances.

He portrays Scott Calvin with an equal tongue-in-cheek attitude, which makes it all the more rewarding when he transforms into Kris Kringle himself. It’s as though Tim Allen the actor is shedding his faux confidence at the same time his character is, leaving insecurity and doubt in the wake of true contentment and altruism.

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4 The Christmas Chronicles 2: Special Effects

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

There’s no denying that The Christmas Chronicles franchise boasts some of the best special effects available, resulting in a kaleidoscopic holiday extravaganza of stimulation and excitement. From daring sleigh rides and showing thousands of elves hard at work, to giant Yule cats and magic reindeer, it has something visually striking around every corner.

By comparison, The Santa Clause’s effects can appear dated and unimpressive on a rewatch, though in all fairness it was made over twenty years prior to The Christmas Chronicles and should be given some recognition for its efforts at the time.

3 The Santa Clause: The Holiday Spirit

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

The Santa Clause may seem like the sort of typical familial holiday fodder that Disney produces for a quick cash grab, but its appeal lies in its commitment to emphasizing that the true magic of the holiday season lies beyond the reach of capitalism.

Even in its subsequent sequels, which get grander but make less sense as the franchise goes on, the heart of the first film is readily apparent. The presence of Santa Claus always melts the hearts of even the most frigid and cynical adults, once they give themselves permission to believe in him with childlike abandon.

2 The Christmas Chronicles 2: The Lore

Christmas Chronicles 2 5 Ways Its The Best Santa Franchise Movie (& 5 Its The Santa Clause)

The worldbuilding in The Christmas Chronicles 2 is impressive and gives Santa an origin story that turns him into a mythical figure that has evolved over 1,700 years. Starting off as Saint Nicholas, a man known for giving gifts to the poor, his selflessness endear him to the elves, who entrust him with the Christmas Star.

Learning about Santa, the North Pole, and other fairytale creatures like elves and the Yule Cat don’t detract from their mystery and enchantment. It only makes them more intriguing and unique to viewers who feel like they already know all about them.

1 The Santa Clause: Bernard And The Elves

Rather than be portrayed by a bunch of CGI figures, the elves in The Santa Clause are portrayed by real actors and actresses, with the leader of their group proving to be the most entertaining of all. Bernard steals any scene he’s in as Santa’s neurotic and perpetually stressed-out head elf.

That Bernard can be disgruntled with the way Santa operates and not abandon him, unlike Belsnickel in The Christmas Chronicles 2, ensures that actor David Krumholtz is given a more complex character to play, unlike Julian Dennison who was confined to lumbering around, groaning, and glaring as Santa’s grumpiest ex-elf.

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