Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

Chuck: The 10 Best Episodes, Ranked (According To IMDb)


Chuck has remained a fan-favorite show over the years, partly due to these ten high ranking episodes.

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Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

First airing on NBC on September 24, 2007, spy-comedy TV show Chuck became something of an instant favorite amongst its viewers, with its passionate fanbase keeping the series afloat for much of its run. The series sees mild-mannered tech advisor Chuck Bartowski thrown headfirst into a world of government secrets and deadly missions when he accidentally uploads a top-secret supercomputer to his brain.

With every single one of its 91 episodes earning a 7.7 or above on IMDb, it goes without saying that the show was widely loved – and here are its ten very best episodes, ranked according to IMDb.

10 “Chuck Versus the Beard” – 9.2

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

The close relationship between Chuck and Morgan took something of a back seat as the show progressed into its second and third seasons. “Chuck Versus the Beard” finally saw Morgan discover his best friend’s secret, bringing him back into the fold in a hugely satisfying way.

With Sarah and Casey off chasing a lead of their own, Chuck is left at the mercy of some nefarious Ring agents, as Morgan gets himself tied up in the resulting interrogation. Though the show’s Buy More subplots are often relatively separate from Chuck’s life as a spy, “Chuck Versus the Beard” sees every disparate aspect of Chuck’s world come together in an immensely entertaining way.

9 “Chuck Versus the Dream Job” – 9.2

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

The nineteenth episode of Chuck’s stellar second season, “Chuck Versus the Dream Job” not only brings Chuck’s long-lost father, Stephen, back into the mix, but also sets up one of the show’s biggest bads in Chevy Chase’s evil Ted Roark.

The episode sees Chuck interview for a job with Roark – Chuck’s idol during his time at Stanford – who also happens to have a complicated past with Stephen. Between the episode’s well-written family drama and its compelling central narrative, “Chuck Versus the Dream Job” is one of the show’s most highly praised episodes.

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8 “Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger” – 9.3

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

More than living up to its title, “Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger” deals with the incredibly shocking fallout of the previous episode’s climax, in which Sarah is poisoned at her own rehearsal dinner.

Scrambling to reverse the effects of the deadly ‘Norseman,’ Sarah’s dire situation lingers over the entire episode, making it one of the show’s most tense and enthralling season finales ever. Fortunately, the season ends on a happy note, with Chuck saving – and subsequently marrying – Sarah. To top it all off, the show introduces an interesting new direction for Morgan, who accidentally uploads an intersect to his own brain after putting on a pair of encoded glasses.

7 “Chuck Versus the Goodbye” – 9.3

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

After spending five full seasons developing the romantic relationship between its two lovable lead characters, Chuck took a brave leap in its final episode by not giving Chuck and Sarah a perfect, fairy-tale ending, which reportedly left some fans ‘apoplectic’.

With Sarah’s memory completely wiped, it’s up to Chuck to tell her the entire story of their relationship. As the two sit on a beach together in the show’s final moments – in a nice visual call back to Chuck’s very first episode – the two kiss as the episode ends, with Chuck hoping it will restore her memories of him. It’s a beautifully bittersweet, ambiguous ending to the show – and earned an impressive 9.3 on IMDb.

6 “Chuck Versus the Push Mix” – 9.3

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

Initially intended to serve as the season four finale before it was extended by eleven episodes, it’s not surprising that “Chuck Versus the Push Mix” is one of the most stacked episodes of Chuck ever produced. The episode not only follows the team’s action-packed takedown of Alexei Volkoff, but the birth of Ellie and Awesome’s daughter Clara – complete with a live performance of Salt-N-Pepa’s “Push It” by Jeffster!

Ending with Chuck proposing to a delighted Sarah, it’s a joyous and exciting episode – perfectly encapsulating the balance of drama, action, humor, and heart that makes Chuck such a fan-favorite television show.

5 “Chuck Versus the Subway” – 9.4

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

Following the return of the duplicitous Daniel Shaw, “Chuck Versus the Subway” sees the villain worm his way back into the government’s good graces, claiming his previous actions were part of his cover as a double agent for the Ring.

Of course, Team Bartowski sense that he’s up to no good, and eventually catch Shaw in the act. This results in the tragic death of Chuck’s father – which is witnessed by a distraught Ellie – and the episode’s tense final moments sees the entire team captured by Shaw. While Chuck is generally a light-hearted, breezy show, “Chuck Versus the Subway” is a dramatic and heart-breaking reminder that when the show hits hard, it really hits hard.

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4 “Chuck Versus the Colonel” – 9.5

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

The penultimate episode of Chuck’s second season, “Chuck Versus the Colonel” has something for everybody. For fans of the show’s central romance, Chuck and Sarah’s relationship gets more intimate on a rogue mission to save Chuck’s father. Meanwhile, fans of action are treated to a tense showdown between Chuck and the nefarious Ted Roark.

What’s more, the episode is a perfect set-up for Chuck’s explosive season two finale, which is quite possibly the greatest chapter in the show’s history.

3 “Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II” – 9.5

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

Following on from the tremendous “Chuck Versus the Subway,” “Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II” is the season finale of Chuck’s incredible third season – and it certainly doesn’t disappoint.

Wrapping up the conflict between Team Bartowski and Daniel Shaw in exciting fashion, the episode is Chuck at its peak. Acting as the first season finale in which Chuck’s entire inner circle is aware of his life as a spy, the episode brings Devon, Ellie, and Morgan into the action in satisfying and emotional fashion.

2 “Chuck Versus the Other Guy” – 9.5

Chuck The 10 Best Episodes Ranked (According To IMDb)

Arguably the darkest episode of Chuck’s entire run, “Chuck Versus the Other Guy” was a true gamechanger for the show, finally having Chuck break his one rule after he’s forced to kill colleague -turned-villain Daniel Shaw in order to save Sarah’s life.

What makes the moment even more powerful is a pair of fantastic central performances from Zachary Levi and Brandon Routh, whose villain is tragic rather than cartoonish. Ultimately, “Chuck Versus the Other Guy” proves that the show can have you laughing in one moment, before tearing your heart out in the next – perfectly weaving the show’s light and dark elements.

1 “Chuck Versus the Ring” – 9.6

Widely considered the greatest episode of Chuck ever made, season 2’s finale sees its titular hero attempt to thwart the insidious plans of Ted Roark on the day of Ellie’s wedding – and it’s the personal ties Roark has to the Bartowskis that makes his presence so menacing.

Striking a perfect balance between tense action and light-hearted humor – with Jeff and Lester unknowingly saving the day yet again – the episode is quintessential Chuck. What’s more, the episode’s final moments up the ante even further when Chuck is subjected to a new intersect – which makes him an expert in physical combat.

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