Classic PlayStation Franchises That Need PS5 Reboots

Classic PlayStation Franchises That Need PS5 Reboots


PlayStation has a history of innovating and creating excellent new IPs, but there are a few franchises that could benefit from a PS5 reboot.

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Classic PlayStation Franchises That Need PS5 Reboots

The imminent release of Sony’s PlayStation 5 gets closer and closer each day, and as those days go by the speculation on which franchises will eventually make their way to PlayStation’s lineup only increases. The revival of Crash Bandicoot looks to be a faithful successor to the best games in the series, but there’s a slew of incredible Sony IP’s that haven’t seen the light of day for years.

Some of the best games in PlayStation history were founded in the PS1 & PS2 eras. Games like Jak & Daxter, Spyro The Dragon, and Twisted Metal all hold sentimental nostalgic value to millions of gamers around the world. With solid remakes like Shadow of The Colossus and Medieval, there’s so much opportunity to revive stagnant franchises for a whole new audience.

The recent PS5 conference that showcased games like Horizon Forbidden West and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart show just how beefy the new system will be, along with the new endless possibilities the SSD drive provides. The new Ratchet & Clank, in particular, captures the essence of what made the PS2-era games so incredible, but have a fresh coat of paint showing how far the series has progressed. A few other PlayStation franchises deserve that same sort of treatment.

Jak & Daxter

Classic PlayStation Franchises That Need PS5 Reboots

One of the most celebrated PlayStation franchises, Jak & Daxter fans have been asking for a return to the series for over a decade now. Naughty Dog has shifted gears since their simple platforming roots and has been a staple in the industry pumping out Uncharted and The Last of Us, but that doesn’t mean a different team can’t take the task of providing a solid next-gen successor to the trilogy.

During Mark Cerny’s presentation on PS5 hardware, he used a Jak II map as an example of older level design that was limited due to the basic HDDs. A PS5 reboot of the series could see new innovative ways to craft levels, a plethora of new weapons and vehicles, but most of all seeing the world of Jak & Daxter in 4K with ray tracing and a solid framerate would be absolutely incredible.

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Ape Escape

Classic PlayStation Franchises That Need PS5 Reboots

In 1999, Ape Escape wowed PlayStation gamers with its unique control scheme and wacky but engaging world. 3D platformers have been making a resurgence lately, even on PS5 with titles like Astro’s Playroom and Ratchet & Clank, so a new Ape Escape taking full advantage of all of the DualSense’s new features would feel right at home on PS5. Collectathons are becoming rarer, but with new hardware, the possibilities for secret areas to explore, and intricate ways to explore the map, Ape Escape could be the title that brings that genre back to the spotlight. It’s been over a decade since the last game in the Ape Escape series, so at this point, there are so many innovative ideas, new pop culture references, and improvements that could be added to the level design and gameplay.

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

Classic PlayStation Franchises That Need PS5 Reboots

Sony’s Super Smash Bros. competitor was a promising idea that wasn’t executed perfectly. While plenty of fun, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale had a bit of an identity crisis. The game felt a little too much like Smash Bros. while also implementing subpar game elements like charging up supers to get a kill in order to differentiate itself. A release on PS5 could solve these issues by refining the gameplay and either fully copying Smash Bros (which would be fine), or creating a whole new gameplay experience.

The way the game was designed makes basic attacks essentially worthless, and players quickly adapted to pick the character whose super bar filled the quickest. A new system could improve add more weight to basic attacks, and even a health bar would be more exciting to play with than what the original title offered. Developers could even keep the original style as a separate game mode, as more options are always welcome. Adding characters like Aloy, Jin, Astro, and 3rd party favorites like Spyro or Crash to the already eclectic cast would give PlayStation gamers a party fighting game to be proud of.

Twisted Metal

Classic PlayStation Franchises That Need PS5 Reboots

Twisted Metal saw a brief revival on the PS3, but it didn’t seem to hit the same notes as older titles like Twisted Metal: Black. The controls and gameplay were fine on the PS3, but the lack of customization and extra game modes brought down the experience, along with poor online performance. Bringing Sweet Tooth and company to the PS5 in an online battle royale format makes perfect sense, as the vehicular combat genre hasn’t been too active lately.

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The new hardware would provide opportunities for quick loading between different types of stages and could implement map features where players can blast through walls or floors to unlock different levels of the stage. New hardware means the levels can handle more mayhem on screen at once, so vehicles can be beefed up with all sorts of deadly weapons and power-ups to make each car feel unique. 3D audio could also be implemented in a way that makes players more aware of their surroundings on the map. One of the biggest complaints of the PS3 Twisted Metal was the lack of iconic series characters, so a sequel would need to bring back a strong cast.

Tokyo Jungle

By far the most obscure and bizarre title on the list, Tokyo Jungle is one of the best indie survival games on the market, but it’s only available on the PS3. The world has been overtaken by nature, and players choose different animals like pomeranians and tigers to survive several generations in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo. The indie darling has so many possibilities for improvements on PS5, including more intricate level designs, more worlds to explore like Kyoto or other major cities, and of course even more animals to play as.

A sequel could even add new elements like partnering up with NPC animals, specific quest lines for the co-op mode, and receive a steady stream of content through updates. Tokyo Jungle was best played with a friend, and while couch co-op is always appreciated, in a post-pandemic society it only makes sense to include an online mode with a sequel. It’s impossible to play a game of Tokyo Jungle without a hilarious story to go along with, and nothing really compares to being chased by lions for 66 years as a pair of cute little beagles.

Sony knows how to manage great IPs — and innovating and creating new franchises will always be important. However, long-time PlayStation fans will always appreciate a nice dose of nostalgia here and there, and there’s no better way to do so than by bringing back treasured franchises from the past to the PlayStation 5.

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