Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

Cobra Kai: 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)


Cobra Kai boasts complex characters who portray both the hero and villain at times. Samantha LaRusso embodies both sides.

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Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

One of the things that makes Cobra Kai such an engaging series is how complex each of the main characters is. Everybody, no matter how likable or unlikable, has moments where you’re rooting for them and times where you can’t stand them. That completely captivates the audience at home.

Samantha LaRusso is one of the characters who most embodies this. As the daughter of The Karate Kid protagonist Daniel LaRusso, she’s often depicted as one of the good people on the series. That being said, there are plenty of situations where she comes across more like a villain than anything else.

10 Villain: The Hit & Run

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

Okay, so this isn’t as bad as it sounds. While it’s true that Sam was part of a hit and run, it wasn’t a case where someone was hurt or anything like that. In the very first episode, she’s hanging out with her friends and they run into another car before driving off.

It turns out that the vehicle belonged to Johnny Lawrence. Though he wasn’t injured, the car was damaged and he had to get it repaired at Daniel’s dealership. Although Sam wasn’t the one driving, it wasn’t cool of her to remain quiet over the whole thing until she got outed for it.

9 Hero: Visiting Miguel In The Hospital

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

After Miguel and Sam break up near the end of season one, they spend most of season two at odds. It’s their relationship that ultimately sets the stage for the fight at the school that changes everything for the third season. When that happened, they were still not on good terms.

Sam made it clear that she didn’t care about her own health after the brawl, instead showing concern for Miguel’s well-being. She’s one of the first people to visit him in the hospital. Meanwhile, Tory, who he was dating at the time, never does. It’s a sweet moment for Sam that helps turn things around for them.

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8 Villain: Let Demetri Get His Arm Broken

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

Demetri has had one of the stronger arcs on the series so far. He has gone from the kid too scared to do anything about his problems to one who stands up to the likes of Hawk and other villains. In season three, he’s part of a brawl that goes down at the amusement park.

It’s Sam who gathers most of the Miyagi-Do kids to fight back against Cobra Kai. However, as soon as Tory shows up, Sam backs away. While it’s understandable that she was scared, her inability to step forward results in Demetri getting his arm broken. There’s a reason she feels so guilty afterward.

7 Hero: Fighting For The All-Valley

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

A major moment of the third season comes when it gets announced that the All-Valley Karate Tournament would be canceled as a result of the school fight. It causes Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, and John Kreese to all plead their case against that at a city council meeting.

Each dojo sensei fails to change the council’s minds until Miguel shows up. Sam makes the choice to join him at the podium and explain why the tournament should happen. It’s a major moment for her and Miguel’s relationship, as well as a big step in her facing her fears.

6 Villain: Not Standing Up For Aisha

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

When the series begins, Sam is friends with the popular girls. One of them is Yasmine, who is notoriously mean-spirited. Her favorite target is Aisha, who fans see Sam is friends with. However, Sam is more interested in remaining close to those with status.

At the school’s Halloween dance, Yasmine takes it too far and deeply embarrasses Aisha. Sam remains quiet and doesn’t help her friend at all. It’s a moment that goes a long way towards Sam’s growth over the course of the series.

5 Hero: The Mall Fight

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

Although it was noted earlier that Sam couldn’t save Demetri from his arm injury, there was another time where she was there for him. During season two, she and Robby welcomed Demetri to Miyagi-Do. Although he was annoying, they went to the mall to hang out with him.

As Hawk and other Cobra Kai fighters chased Demetri through the mall, Sam and Robby arrived in the nick of time. They fought back the Cobra Kai members and bagged up Demetri’s food for him. It was proof that Sam could be there for those she considers friends after all.

4 Villain: Getting Drunk At Moon’s Party

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

Most teens on the show have gotten drunk at parties even if it is illegal. However, Sam’s decision to get drunk at Moon’s party before school started again proved to be a terrible move that set a ton of bad things in motion. Sam did it to stand up to Tory but drinking was out of character and she wasn’t able to handle her booze.

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It led her to kiss Miguel, which Tory saw. That became the catalyst for the school fight that caused so much trouble. This also made Robby take her to Johnny’s house instead of Daniel’s, which made the old rivals fight again. Things could’ve been way different if she didn’t get drunk that night.

3 Hero: Reopening Miyagi-Do

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

One of the many pieces of fallout from the school fight was the closure of Miyagi-Do. Amanda made Daniel promise to stop with the karate. It went from a playful rivalry to something that endangered the lives of children and it left his students out in the cold.

That was especially true once the Cobra Kai students picked on them, robbed them, and attacked them. Thankfully, Sam stepped up in a big way. She took them under her wing and basically reopened Miyagi-Do, getting them back to the art of training.

2 Villain: Assuming Tory Was A Thief

Cobra Kai 5 Times Sam Was A Hero (& 5 Times She Was A Villain)

The rivalry between Tory and Sam is basically the most intense on the show now. It goes all the way back to their very first meeting and if you think about it, Sam is the one behind their issues. When Sam reconnects with Aisha, it comes on the same day that Aisha brings Tory along to a party.

Sam immediately assumes the worst about Tory and is pretty off-putting towards her simply because she’s in Cobra Kai. It becomes much worse when she immediately blames Tory for stealing her mom’s purse. Tory admitted to taking a bottle of vodka from a party full of it but there was no reason to accuse her of taking money. That set up the bad blood between them.

1 Hero: Overcoming Her Fear Of Tory

Tory and Sam finally come to blows officially during the school fight. It’s Tory who calls her out over the loudspeaker and strikes first. Although Sam could be considered the winner, Tory uses a weapon to injure her and Sam spends a lot of season three suffering from panic attacks due to it.

In fact, just seeing Tory is enough to send her scurrying and leave Demetri alone to get his arm broken. Finally, it’s in the finale that Sam overcomes her fears and stands up to Tory. She fights her off and though they basically reach a stalemate, she won just by showing her bravery.

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