Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Cobra Kai: 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak


Many Cobra Kai dojos accepted weak students. However, over time their hard work paid off.

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Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Cobra Kai, and its predecessor, The Karate Kid series, are based on the same overarching theme: strength is not given, it is earned. As such, it’s not surprising that many characters in the show teem with insecurities. However, they learn that self-defense, especially when rooted in the 600+-year-old philosophy of karate, can help them get past their fears and grow as individuals.

While the Miyagi-Do, Eagle Fang, and Cobra Kai dojos offer fundamentally different training programs, it’s clear that the vast majority of their students aren’t very strong upon arrival. That said, there are a few characters who are particularly disadvantaged before taking up Karate.

7 Kenny Payne Builds His Confidence Under Kreese’s Tutelage, Even If He Uses It Channel His Rage

Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Kenny Payne is a recent addition to the Cobra Kai cast — he is a relatively diminutive character who shies away from fighting and prefers to focus on his gaming hobby. Kenny rarely shares his private thoughts and feelings with others, especially since he believes that people will judge him for his family history, particularly his older brother’s imprisonment.

Unfortunately, Kenny doesn’t get the opportunity to find himself at West Valley because he instantly becomes a target for Anthony LaRusso and his gang of cruel bullies. Robby manages to build Kenny’s confidence back up, introducing him to the wonders of karate under Kreese’s tutelage. The problem is that Kenny uses the martial arts to channel his hatred.

6 Demetri Metamorphoses From A Geeky Caterpillar Into A Self-Assured Butterfly

Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Demetri endures a lifetime of bullying for his “nerdy” interests, explaining why he sheathes himself in bitter cynicism. He can’t tolerate the idea of violence and is stunned after his best friend undergoes a violent metamorphosis. Hawk goes on to break Demetri’s arm at one point, forcing him to join Miyagi-Do in order to defend himself.

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It takes a considerable period for Demetri to pick up even the basics of karate, frustrating his Sensei to no end. Daniel ultimately decides that the only way to get through to Demetri is by speaking his language. By the end of Season 4, he proves his fighting mettle by taking on Robby Keane at the All Valley Tournament.

5 Aisha Learns To Separate The Positive And Negative Aspects Of Johnny’s Teachings

Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Aisha’s dad used to be a legendary athlete, a fact that makes her uncomfortable given her own disinterest in sports of any kind. In fact, she is one of the least hostile characters in the series before she meets Johnny Lawrence. Her sensei instills the Cobra Kai spirit in her, transforming Aisha into a force of nature almost overnight.

Aisha’s personality fluctuates between assertive and belligerent, resulting in unnecessary conflicts with Samantha and Yasmine. Her parents decide to put her in a private school, hoping that it would help take her mind off West Valley. The plan works perfectly — when Sam meets Aisha in Season 4, she discovers that the latter has once again returned to her nonviolent roots.

4 Johnny Finally Realizes That True Strength Comes From The Heart

Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Johnny Lawrence’s adult life is about as stable as his adolescence — he still believes that brute strength is the solution to all his problems. In several ways, Johnny’s blind reliance on aggression makes him powerless, a lesson that Miguel spends three seasons trying to drill into his Sensei’s head. Johnny maintains a wary distance from 21st-century technology, pop culture, and politics, not only because of his affection for the eighties but also because he’s terrified of change.

As a consequence, he wastes his time indulging in petty competition, mostly with his childhood nemesis, Daniel. Thankfully, Kreese’s takeover of Cobra Kai triggers an emotional growth spurt in Johnny, one that ultimately leads to him making amends with Daniel. Johnny has always been physically strong, but he finally realizes that true strength comes from the heart.

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3 Mitch & Chris Are On Their Way To Becoming Karate Champs In Their Own Right

Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Mitch and Chris are best friends until Kreese enters the picture. Chris is unable to tolerate the new Sensei’s overly brutal karate ideologies and leaves Cobra Kai, but Mitch is swayed by Kreese’s promise of greatness and chooses to stay.

Despite a rocky start, Mitch hones his martial abilities to a fine degree, reaching a point where he can theoretically defeat trained fighters like Kyler. Similarly, Chris efficiently utilizes his large stature in his karate style, showing great promise in both defense and weapons usage. These two boys aren’t anywhere near Miguel or Robby’s level, but they’re steadily getting there.

2 Miguel’s Greatest Strength Is His Ability To Recover From Life-Altering Trauma

Cobra Kai 7 Strong Characters Who Started Out Weak

Miguel changes Johnny’s life forever when he becomes his first karate student. He adapts surprisingly quickly to his new skillset, impressing Johnny immensely. As with every student who goes through the Cobra Kai baptism, Miguel begins his journey on a power high.

Miguel learns how to redirect his negative emotions without hurting his opponents, which makes his friends and Sensei even prouder than before. Miguel’s most admirable quality isn’t his combat prowess or nuanced techniques, but his ability to overcome his physical and mental trauma and regain his cheerful personality.

1 Kreese’s Gloomy Backstory Charts A Course For His Future Redemption

Kreese plays an abusive “mentor” in The Karate Kid series — he forces his students to play dirty and attacks them when they stand up to him. This sinister breed of villain is the worst kind because they rarely appear to have any redeeming qualities. However, Cobra Kai delves into Kreese’s backstory with intimate detail, focusing on the latter’s life before and during the Vietnam War.

The show explains that Kreese was not nearly as malevolent in his youth, and that his current self might well be a product of PTSD. Obviously, this revelation isn’t intended to forgive Kreese’s behavior, but rather depict him as someone who strayed off the moral path and couldn’t find his way back. That said, Terry’s betrayal in Season 4 opens a potential avenue for Kreese’s eventual redemption.

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