Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

Community: The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character


Some of the best Halloween episodes happen to come from Community, a stellar television comedy for the ages. Here are the characters best outfits.

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Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

Whenever the “Ber” months roll around, television fans can rest assured knowing that with them comes plenty of holiday episodes that make for delightful first visits and enjoyable rewatches. From Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Halloween Heists to The Simpsons’ Treehouses of Horror, there are plenty of classic Halloween episodes of great TV comedies.

Some of the best Halloween episodes happen to come from Community, a stellar television comedy for the ages. While the world waits on a movie, they shouldn’t hold their breath for a Halloween-based story. After all, they already did four of them and trotted out some stellar costumes along the way.

9 Dean: Satan

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

Satan may not be a Halloween costume that Dean Pelton wore canonically in the Community universe. However, it is an outfit he sports in “Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps” when the Greendale Seven concoct scary stories with themselves at the center.

Of course, in keeping with the Dean’s particular sense of style, the Satan costume is skimpy and suggestive. Like every other costume he wore, he rocks it. This is just one of the more Halloween-esque ensembles.

8 Chang: Peggy Fleming

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

“You’ve just been proven racist by the racist prover,” Chang remarks in the season two Halloween episode, “Epidemiology.” This comes when others see his figure skater costume and assume he is Michelle Kwan.

In reality, Chang is actually Peggy Fleming, specifically in terms of how she looked at the 1968 Winter Olympics. Not only does it make for a great joke on Community, but it’s also a tremendously niche, deep cut for a costume.

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7 Pierce: Captain Kirk

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

Over the course of the show, Chevy Chase’s Pierce Hawthorne is compared to celebrities like Burt Reynolds and Marlon Brando. One of the more accurate resemblances might just be Captain Kirk, though.

The leader on Star Trek is a delightfully hammy character, similar to many of those portrayed by Chase over the years. While other costumes may have been more original, the Captain Kirk costume might be the most apt.

6 Shirley: Glinda

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

In “Epidemiology,” just as Chang is mistaken for Michelle Kwan, Shirley ends up being mistaken for Miss Piggy from The Muppets, instead of Glinda the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz.

In addition to being a costume that suits Shirley well, it also works as a plot point in the installment. The mistaken costumes result in a bonding moment between Shirley and Chang, right before they sleep together.

5 Annie: Ring Girl

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

Season four of Community may not have had a lot going for it, but it does possess the benefit of some fun Halloween costumes in the episode, “Paranormal Parentage.” (Troy and Abed as Calvin and Hobbes is a cute one, for example.)

However, Annie turning up as the girl from The Ring makes for a great joke, as Jeff was sporting the costume of a boxer. He expected Annie to dress up as a ring girl from the sport, but she took the idea in a spookier fashion.

4 Troy: Eddie Murphy

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

In “Epidemiology,” Troy’s costumes undergo too many unfortunate changes to crack the top of the list. Instead, season one’s “Introduction to Statistics,” Community’s first Halloween episode, contains Troy’s best costume.

The leather red suit worn by Eddie Murphy in his stand-up special, Delirious, is donned by Troy in this installment. Considering Glover’s own career as a stand-up comedian, outside of the Community context, it’s a perfect costume marriage of in-universe and out-of-universe realities.

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3 Abed: Batman

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

In this same episode, Abed becomes Batman, but not for the only time on Community. This was before Troy and Abed started planning their costumes as a pair, so Eddie Murphy and Batman don’t necessarily have a ton in common.

Yet, Batman is still a perfect costume for Abed. He has the Christian Bale gravel voice impression down perfectly and he embodies the dark knight better than most. As Community told the world, Abed is Batman now.

2 Britta: Dinosaur

Community The Best Halloween Costume of Each Character

Britta’s costumes throughout the history of Community are hardly that specific, but they are always a bit unconventional. In season four, she’s a drumstick of meat. In season one, she’s dressed as a squirrel.

In season two however, Britta takes on a dinosaur costume. Some have speculated that the costume is indicative of a troubled past experience, but there’s little external confirmation of this. Ultimately, however, it is the best of Britta’s costume simply because dinosaurs are awesome.

1 Jeff: David Beckham

Jeff’s costumes on Community typically go the way of Jim Halpert’s Halloween attire on The Office. He doesn’t want to be seen as the kind of person who would put effort into the costume, believing he’s too cool for it and believing that the traditions of Halloween are mostly for children and not for stylish adults.

Yet, Jeff does put occasional effort in. As aforementioned, he coordinates with Annie to come up with a costume that they can both wear as a pair. In the other installments, though, Jeff mostly throws his costume together from apparel he already owns. This results in being “one of The Fast and Furious guys” and David Beckham. As a stylish American who pretends to be into soccer, though, Jeff is best suited to the Beckham look.

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