Craig Brewer Says Tarzan Script is The Best Thing Ive Ever Written

Craig Brewer Says ‘Tarzan’ Script is ‘The Best Thing I’ve Ever Written’

We speak with ‘Footloose’ director Craig Brewer about the tone and scope of his (possible) adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic series ‘Tarzan.’

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Now that director Craig Brewer’s remake of the beloved ’80s dance drama Footloose has made a respectable showing at the box-office, it’s possible that we may start to hear more about the filmmaker’s next passion project — a new version of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan.

Warner Bros. commissioned both Brewer and Adam Cozad to submit dueling versions of the tale, as they chart a path forward developing the film. Earlier this summer, it was reported that Brewer was crafting his script as the first in a planned trilogy – an idea that the writer/director immediately dispelled when we sat down to speak with him about the project.

SR: What will we see in your iteration of Tarzan, and why would it be a trilogy?

“You know, I’ll go ahead and clarify one thing. No one ever talked to me about it being a trilogy – it just suddenly was reported that it was. I think that maybe somebody heard that I wanted it to be able to be serialized, meaning there could be more than just one “Tarzan,” but I’m going to keep it kind of secret right now. But just know this: I’m not doing anything where I’m modernizing it or hip-hopping it or anything like that. I’m a big fan of the books and and I found a way in that I think people are really going to enjoy. It’s something that they haven’t seen. I’m a big fan of “Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan” starring Andie MacDowell, who played Jane. But I just turned in the script recently. So far everyone really loves it, but we need to see what the big brass at Warner Brothers thinks. But I would love to make that movie now. I think that people would really, really get something that they haven’t gotten out of the Tarzan legend in a while.”

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SR: What kind of tone would it be?

“Do you mean is it an adventure or a drama?”

SR: Yes, and also, is it comedic, it it dark, is it satirical, is it gritty…?

“It’s definitely not going to be satirical, and I don’t know if I would say it’s not going to be light. There’s sometimes humor in my movies—but you know this one is going to be respectful to the original characters. But I do want to kind of keep it a little mysterious, because I don’t know if they’re going to want to make it immediately. I don’t know if it’s something I’m going to do next. That’s kind of up to Warner Bros. But I personally think it’s the best thing that I’ve ever written. I love it. I hope that they’ll agree that we get to make it, because it’s going to really kick ass. And it’s also about love; I mean, John Clayton, who’s Tarzan, and Jane, are the most complicated, interesting couple in cinematic history, you know? She’s a woman that has fallen in love with a savage, and there’s a part of her that wants to take that and…(refine him). There’s another part of her that wants to keep him wild. And, you know, I’ve been married to the same awesome woman for twenty years and we’re kind of the same way.”

We’ll keep you updated as details on the project emerge.

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