Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Crisis On Infinite Earths: All 7 Paragons Explained


Ahead of the final Crisis on Infinite Earths installments, we break down each of the introduced Arrowverse Paragons and examine what they represent.

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Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Crisis on Infinite Earths introduced a new class of hero to the Arrowverse – but, with only two episodes remaining, who are the seven prophesized paragons and what exactly does that term mean? The ambitious five-part adaptation is based on the acclaimed comic book saga written by Marv Wolfman. With the villainous Anti-Monitor having escaped his extra-dimensional confinement, the various corners of the combined CW/DC universe were once against called upon to unite. Chosen and tested extensively by Mar Novu, the heroes of Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow were transported to Earth-38. There, they were joined by Arrowverse newcomer, Batwoman, as they made a dramatic stand against the Anti-Monitor’s forces in an attempt to stop his anti-matter wave.

Unable to completely halt the threat, the heroes were forced to evacuate the planet’s population. Ultimately, they succeeded in saving billions of lives. This was in large part due to the heroic sacrifice of Oliver Queen. Opting to hold back the danger singlehanded rather than retreat, the current Green Arrow facilitated the survival of over a billion more. He was subsequently teleported to Earth-1 moments before Earth-38 was wiped completely from existence. Unfortunately, Oliver succumbed to his countless injuries and died. As part of the attempt to regroup, The Monitor ventured back through the timestream and retrieved the previously-destroyed Book of Destiny.

Within its pages, it was revealed that there existed across space and time seven particular heroes prophesized to defeat the Anti-Monitor. Said to be in possession of the purest will, the Book of Destiny described them as Paragons – the ultimate level of heroism. With the help of Felicity Smoak – and another book called the Tome of the Guardians – The Monitor was able to determine two of the Paragon’s identities. He also ascertained descriptions of two others, sending disparate groups to track them down. The remaining three, however, were unveiled by Ray Palmer and the Paragon detector he built with the aid of Cisco Ramon…

Barry Allen (aka The Flash) – Paragon of Love

Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Played by Grant Gustin, Earth-1’s version of Barry Allen was revealed as the Paragon of Love by Ray Palmer’s aforementioned device. Just prior to Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Flash was successful in halting the deranged machinations of Ramsay Rosso (aka Bloodwork). The current crisis, however, has hung over the speedster’s life since The Flash season 1. With a headline from a future newspaper documenting his eventual disappearance, Barry has been running toward this event for years. As it approached, it was confirmed by The Monitor that he was destined to die. In a twist of fate, however, The Flash of Earth-90 opted to sacrifice himself in Barry’s place and destroy the Anti-Matter cannon in the process.

Both that event and Oliver Queen’s earlier than expected demise served to leave things firmly up in the air. Given the newly discovered prophecy detailing that Barry was always intended to live at least beyond that aforementioned point, it’s possible that Earth-1’s Flash may still meet his end before Crisis on Infinite Earths is said and done. Whatever fate has in store for Barry Allen, however, nobody was surprised by him being declared the Paragon of Love. After all, the romance between Barry and Iris West has been the beating heart of The Flash since the very first episode.

Kara Danvers (aka Supergirl) – Paragon of Hope

Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Played by Melissa Benoist, Kara Danvers was one of the two immediately named by the Tome of the Guardians. Equally, fans were unsurprised by Supergirl being named the embodiment of hope. Ever since she first chose to reveal herself to the world by saving a crashing plane in Supergirl season 1, Kara Danvers has committed herself to be a beacon to humanity. Fighting for truth, love, and justice for 5 seasons has repeatedly taken its toll on the Girl of Steel. Throughout it all, however, she has never allowed it to burn away her hopefulness. That particular element of Supergirl’s nature was addressed more than once in the Crisis on Infinite Earths installments alone. It was first mentioned by her cousin, Superman – who questioned how she could remain so hopeful after the destruction of Argo City and the loss of her mother.

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After helping to solidify Superman’s own sense of hope, it took a further knock when the entirety of Earth-38 was then wiped out. Regardless, Supergirl refused to believe it impossible that the fallen universes could be restored. So strongly was her belief that it was envied by Batwoman. Though Supergirl’s hope almost led her to misguidedly use the Book of Destiny to save the multiverse, she ultimately resolved equally that another way would be found. That resolve and hopefulness have also recently been explored in Supergirl season 5 – with Kara refusing to give up on the belief that Lena Luthor can be pulled back to the light. As such, it’s easy to see why she was chosen for this particular role and why Supergirl has been given the spotlight.

Sara Lance (aka White Canary) – Paragon of Destiny

Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Played by Caity Lotz, Sara Lance was the second paragon to have been offered up straight away by the Tome of the Guardians. As Ray Palmer himself pointed out, the White Canary serving as the Paragon of Destiny makes all the sense in the multiverse. After all, Sara has served as the leader of the band of misfits and outcasts known as the Legends of Tomorrow ever since Rip Hunter passed her the torch. As part of their mission statement, the Legends traverse and protect the timeline – ensuring that established destiny remains unaltered. However, it also runs deeper than that. Ever since Sara Lance’s debut on Arrow, there has always been an air of destiny about the character. On the flagship Arrowverse show alone, Sara has returned from death not once, not twice, but no less than three times. No matter the circumstances of her death, fate always conspires to find new purposes for her. As such, it’s easy to see why Sara Lance earned this title. And why she evolved from a minor supporting character into a fan-favorite leader on arguably the best Arrowverse show.

Kate Kane (aka Batwoman) – Paragon of Courage

Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Played by Ruby Rose, Batwoman is the relative newcomer on the titular hero front. Kate Kane made her Arrowverse debut in last year’s Elseworlds crossover. When Barry Allen and Oliver Queen’s journey to solve their life-swap woes took them to Gotham City, Batwoman came to their aid. Having been dosed by Scarecrow’s fear toxin, Batwoman singlehandedly incapacitated them both when they tried to kill each other. She later helped them track down the villainous John Deegan. The appearance later led to her own solo adventures, with Batwoman season 1 premiering in 2019. The early episodes explored Kate Kane’s pre-Elseworlds origin, revealing that she was but a fledgling hero when she first encountered The Flash and Green Arrow. As such, Batwoman successfully going up against two veteran heroes served as a testament to her courage.

Batwoman’s standing as the Paragon of Courage was further exemplified when she was forced to go up against a soulless version of Bruce Wayne. At first, it was believed that he was the “Bat of the Future” described as the fourth Paragon. As such, Batwoman and Supergirl ventured to Earth-99 to seek his assistance. After it emerged that he had ostensibly become a serial killer and attacked Kara, Batwoman was forced to overcome somewhat familial bonds – ultimately taking him down. Batwoman also later steeled herself to battle a much stronger and super-powered Supergirl when the latter sought to pursue a misguided endeavor. Therefore, as Kara herself stated, Batwoman proved that she had the mettle to be the prophesized Paragon.

J’onn J’onzz (aka Martian Manhunter) – Paragon of Honor

Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Played by David Harewood, J’onn J’onzz has been a staple of Supergirl since it debuted on CBS before moving to The CW. Shaped by war and loss, the Martian Manhunter served as a mentor and father figure to Kara and Alex Danvers before and after he revealed to them his true origins. Across Supergirl’s five seasons, J’onn has frequently had his resolve and commitment to less violent ways tested. Most notably he was pushed to his brink by the efforts of the more vengeful extremist known as Manchester Black. In Supergirl season 5, J’onn was tested even more personally when his long-lost brother, Malefic, emerged from the Phantom Zone.

Determined to get revenge of J’onn and his loved ones, Malefic pursued numerous schemes – including an ill-fated alliance with Lena Luthor. Ultimately, however, J’onn reconciled with his past and long-buried secrets. As a result, he was able to reconnect with his brother and actually guide him toward a successful redemption. Such a result was revealed to have been intended by The Monitor when he released Malefic from his imprisonment. Though he was seemingly not yet aware of J’onn’s destiny as a Paragon, the act served to steer him toward it nonetheless. As such, the Martian Manhunter was discovered to have an even deeper level of honor just in time for the title to be bestowed upon him.

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Ryan Choi – Paragon of Humanity

Crisis On Infinite Earths All 7 Paragons Explained

Played by Osric Chau, the character of Ryan Choi was a surprising inclusion on the list of Paragons. As another unveiled by the Paragon detector, many could be forgiven for questioning who exactly he is. After all, Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 is the very first appearance of Ryan. Comic book fans, however, will surely recognize the name. Created by Gail Simone, Ryan Choi debuted in 2006 and became the third incarnation of the superhero known as Atom. Similar to how he is presented in the Arrowverse, Ryan is a professor at Ivy Town University and a firm admirer of the soon-to-be-departing Ray Palmer (aka the first Atom).

Such is what Ray, Ralph Dibney, and Iris West-Allen encounter when they go to recruit him. Unfortunately, Ryan is initially reluctant to join their ranks – declaring that he’s not a hero but merely a husband and father. As Iris points out with a rousing speech, however, that it’s that commitment to his family that cements him as the Paragon of Humanity. Iris also points out the worth that can come from being a normal person among metahumans and superheroes. Though Ryan Choi may not see it, he’s clearly destined to become more of a hero than he believes. After all, though Crisis on Infinite Earths marked his first on-screen appearance, he was actually mentioned before. As stated by Nora West-Allen in The Flash season 5, Ryan is responsible for the creation of Barry Allen’s sixteenth costume and enabling it to fit inside of a Flash ring. As such, whether Ryan will appear regularly in future adventures or not, serving as the Paragon of Humanity will no doubt make for quite the exciting origin story.

Lex Luthor – Paragon of Truth

Played by Jon Cryer, the iconic supervillain made his Arrowverse debut on Supergirl. His world-dominating scheme was thwarted by Supergirl, however, and he was seemingly killed by his sister, Lena. Despite that, The Monitor opted to resurrect him – claiming that he had a part to play in the Crisis. In true Lex Luthor fashion, it transpired that his role was to steal the Book of Destiny. Jumping between various Earths, Lex used the book to find and kill every version of Superman he could find. That search even led to him crossing paths with Tom Welling’s version of Clark Kent from Smallville. Equally, it revealed the surprising fact that Lex didn’t know his Superman’s identity.

Lex’s quest also had the benefit of leading Iris West-Allen, Lois Lane, and Earth-38’s Clark Kent to Brandon Routh’s Kingdom Come Superman. Revealed to have lost essentially everybody he cared about in fell swoop, this Superman perfectly fit the description for the Paragon of Truth. Willingly joining the team, he threw himself into saving the multiverse. After it turned out that Harbinger had been corrupted by the Anti-Monitor and turned on the heroes, Kingdom Come Superman was teleported to safety by Pariah. Alongside The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, White Canary, Martian Manhunter, and Ryan Choi, he could only lament the full destruction of the entire multiverse. There emerged one last sting in the tail, however, when Superman was erased from existence and replaced by Lex Luthor. The megalomaniacal genius then revealed that when in possession of the Book of Destiny, he had given fate a rewrite. As such, the nefarious deceiver had ironically named himself the Paragon of Truth.

Many fans were surprised and confused that Oliver Queen wasn’t one of the Paragons. After all, the character remained very much part of Crisis on Infinite Earths, even following his death. After reviving him with a Lazarus Pit, his daughter Mia Smoak accompanied John Diggle and John Constantine to Purgatory. Though intending to reunite his soul with his resurrected body, destiny had another role in store for Oliver. After encountering Jim Corrigan, Oliver agreed to become the new Spectre. As such, he will seemingly guide the seven Paragons from another plane of existence as they regroup at The Vanishing Point. How exactly their respective titles will come into play and how they will ultimately defeat the Anti-Monitor remains unclear. As does how exactly they will restore any of the now destroyed universes. All will become clear, however, when the Arrowverse finally returns and Crisis on Infinite Earths concludes on January 14th.

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