Crisis on Infinite Earth’s Biggest Missed Opportunity Was The Paragons

Crisis on Infinite Earth’s Biggest Missed Opportunity Was The Paragons

Crisis On Infinite Earths failed to make the Paragons into a team that would eventually be worthy of the name Justice League in the Arrowverse.

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Crisis on Infinite Earth’s Biggest Missed Opportunity Was The Paragons

The CW’s crossover television event, Crisis on Infinite Earths saw the heroes of Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and Black Lightning emerge triumphant. When it originally aired, audiences were enthralled with the scope of the event bringing the iconic comic book series to life. However, the cross-over event was not without flaws, and Crisis’s biggest missed opportunity was its use of the Paragons.

In the second episode of Crisis, the Monitor informed the multiverse heroes that their only hope was seven Paragons tasked with saving the universe: Kara Danvers aka Supergirl was the Paragon of Hope; Sara Lance aka White Canary was the Paragon of Destiny; J’onn J’onzz aka Martian Manhunter was the Paragon of Honor; Kate Kane aka Batwoman was the Paragon of Courage; Earth-96’s Superman was the Paragon of Truth; Barry Allen aka Flash was the Paragon of Love; and Newcomer Ryan Choi was the surprise Paragon of Humanity.

After the Anti-Monitor killed the Monitor, Pariah saved the Paragons by transporting them to the Vanishing Point, a place out of space and time, just as the Anti-Monitor destroyed the final universe. In a twist, Lex Luthor used a stolen page from the Book of Destiny to swap himself with Superman; however, the Paragons ultimately united with Lex to help defeat the Anti-Monitor, and defended Spectre’s newly created Earth-Prime. Crisis on Infinite Earths missed the opportunity to use the time at the Vanishing Point to show the paragons confronting their new roles and dealing with what they meant for their collective superhero journeys.

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An iconic story, Crisis was the biggest challenge the Arrowverse ever tackled, but in trying to fit all significant Arrowverse characters into the story, the writers did those characters a disservice. The Paragons were made the focus of the story, yet the series didn’t grasp how to effectively utilize them. Perhaps most disappointing of all was that after so many years building up Crisis as a big event for Barry Allen’s Flash, he was barely impacted. Crisis didn’t set up anything for The Flash’s evolution or meaningfully hint at him partnering with another hero in the future; the event series tossed away most chances to lay an emotional foundation for these heroes’ next chapters.

More time could have been spent with Kara and Lex to build the stakes for Supergirl’s narrative as well. Sara Lance and Ryan Choi could have befriended each other, setting up the young scientist to become the next Atom as he does in the comics, especially since Ray Palmer departed Legends later in the season. Why bring in Ryan to fill the Paragon of Humanity position if he wasn’t part of the Arrowverse’s future? And reducing Martian Manhunter, arguably the most powerful alien in the Arrowverse, to a plot device for restoring main characters’ multiverse memories was a gross injustice to the character.

Crisis on Infinite Earths assembled a nearly all-star lineup of Paragons but wasn’t genuinely interested in forging long-lasting bonds between them. Ironically, the only friendship tha the series furthered was the one between Kate and Kara, in time the two spent together before being sent to the Vanishing Point, a relationship for which there can never be a payoff. Crisis could have created more bonds between the Paragons and built up their future as a team. Had more time been spent with these characters on the Vanishing Point, the ending scene with the idea they might work together again would have been more exciting. As it was, the creation of the Justice League table is an empty Easter Egg for DC fans. Even more so now that four of the heroes seated at that table will not be a part of the Arrowverse after 2021.

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