Crowsworn Blends Bloodborne and Hollow Knight Into a Gorgeous Metroidvania

Crowsworn Blends Bloodborne and Hollow Knight Into a Gorgeous Metroidvania

Combining Bloodborne’s tone, Hollow Knight’s aesthetic and Devil May Cry’s combat, Crowsworn is a Metroidvania that should be on your radar.

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Crowsworn Blends Bloodborne and Hollow Knight Into a Gorgeous Metroidvania

Few games have wowed fans with their gameplay and visuals like Hollow Knight and Bloodborne. Both are beloved by fans for their dark atmospheres and great gameplay. However, with the Hollow Knight sequel Silksong still without a release date and no mention of a Bloodborne follow-up on the horizon, fans must turn to other games for now to satisfy the need for moody action-packed adventures, particularly those from indie developers.

Luckily for fans, one upcoming Metroidvania that recently appeared on Kickstarter has fans of both games covered. Crowsworn blends the gorgeous visuals and gameplay of Hollow Knight with the gothic atmosphere of Bloodborne to create a unique-looking action-adventure that aims to deliver thrilling combat in a gorgeous world. Developed by small Canadian studio Mongoose Rodeo, Crowsworn reached its Kickstarter goal of $100,000 in three hours, proving that this mashup of styles is more than popular with fans looking for a new unique take on the popular genre.

Crowsworn is set in the fictional land of Fearanndal, a once vibrant kingdom that has befallen a dark curse, rendering the land a desolate and dangerous wasteland. Now, nightmarish creatures stalk the decrepit land, and only one hero can strike them down and cleanse what was once home to many innocent souls.

Crowsworn Blends Bloodborne and Hollow Knight Into a Gorgeous Metroidvania

Crowsworn’s protagonist is a plague doctor, sporting a stylish red suit, crow mask and a penchant for killing monsters. The game’s setting and tone will immediately feel familiar to Bloodborne fans, as it places players in a hostile world with only one man standing in between salvation and ruin. Crowsworn’s mixture of Victorian-era architecture and clothing with its emphasis on melee and ranged combat instantly evokes the moody gameplay of Bloodborne in a 2D setting — and it works beautifully.

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One of the most immediately striking features of Crowsworn is its hand-drawn visuals style reminiscent Hollow Knight. Everything, from the animations to the gorgeous color palettes of the gothic levels, appears to be inspired by Hollow Knight’s gorgeous art. Still, Crowsworn has its own hand-drawn style, with highly detailed backgrounds and foregrounds that immerse players in its hopeless world. Color and shading make each environment pop and distinguish a derelict city from a spooky forest. The combination of Bloodborne’s tone with the gorgeous hand-drawn animations makes Crowsworn a sight to behold, one that looks even better in motion.

Crowsworn’s combat is another area where the inspirations help the gameplay shine. Players can air-dash, roll, jump and slam the protagonist to get correct positioning for an optimal attack while also dodging traps and enemies. Here, the players is nimble and mobile, while will be necessary for surviving the game’s fast-paced encounters.

Aside from the obvious Bloodborne and Hollow Knight inspirations, Crowsworn also features combat similar to that of the Devil May Cry series. The game’s protagonist wields a razor-sharp scythe as a melee weapon, plus a pair of high-caliber pistols and powerful spells. Players can switch between ranged and melee attacks on the fly, allowing the combat to flow as smoothly and fluidly as the best Devil May Cry games, albeit in a 2D setting.

Furthermore, Crowsworn allows players to upgrade and add powerful attacks to the protagonist’s arsenal, such as giving the pistols a massive blast attack that does more damage or a ranged attack that throws the scythe spinning into enemies, creating a buzzsaw effect. Crowsworn may only feature a handful of weapons, but it gives players many options regarding how to use them in exciting ways. Attacks are designed with combos in mind, and players have freedom to experiment and find the best ways to attack each boss and enemy.

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Ultimately, Crowsworn is a still a work in progress that will evolve as development goes on — especially if fans continue to support it financially on Kickstarter. Mongoose Rodeo has already shown that it is committed to delivering a new exciting Metroidvania that combines genres to create a thrilling action experience. While Crowsworn doesn’t have a release window, it is planned to release on Steam, Nintendo Switch and both current and last generation Sony and Microsoft consoles, which will allow gamers everywhere to experience this promising blend of Hollow Knight, Bloodborne and Devil May Cry.

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